

AJ_2810 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 26

******Sunday Morning***

     (Knock! Knock! Knock!)

     I stepped back and waited patiently for someone to answer the door. Rocking back and forth on the heels of my feet as I looked around Christian's house, well mansion anyways.


     Mmm, sounds like my Saturday mornings with the kids.

     The thick wooden door opens all the way to revile a teenage girl. She looked to be around 15 or 16 year's of age. The first thing you notice when looking at her, is her really long and bright golden straight hair. She was a few inches shorter than me with big round doughy yellow eyes. Her narrow and petite features gave her a doll like appearance. It was cute, like a teenage human doll.

     She blows out hot breath and smiles up at me, placing one hand on the doorknob and the other on her tiny hip, "Hi! What can I do you for?"

     I smile in return, "Well I was wondering if Christian was home, but if this is a bad time. I can com-"

     "CHRIS!!! A PRETTY LADY IS HERE TO SEE YOU!" She shouts behind her before I could finish, opening the door more for me, "You can come in if you want. He's just in his office."

     I nodded and stepped inside while she closes the door behind me.

     Mmm, he has his own office? Why am I surprised? He said he was taking over his dads business after he graduated.

     "Are you my mate to?" A small voice spoke from below.

     I look down to see a miniature version of Chris looking right back up at me. Like for real, I'm pretty sure this is what he looked like when he was younger.

     Same soft brown hair, just slightly shorter than he has now. Same bone structure in the face, just a little bit more baby fat around the edges. Same hooded shape eyes, only, his was the same color as the yellow headed girl. Although, this little boy had something that Chris didn't. A very distinct freckle just above the corner of his mouth.

     I smiled down at him, "Well I don't know, what is a mate to you?"

     He smiles at me, showing me a couple of missing teeth, "Momma says a mate is a very special bond between two people. She said it's very strong."

     I laughed, "And do you feel that type of bond with me?"

     A light shade of pink made its way to his cheeks as he suddenly hugs my right thigh. Wrapping his little arms around it and burying his small shaggy head into my fat.

     Which also involved him wiping his nose on my leg. Great...

     "You're my girlfriend now," he told me as a matter of fact.

     I laughed some more. The kid is good.

     "THERE YOU ARE!" the same blonde headed girl yells, sliding to a stop on her socks around the hallway corner, glaring down at the small boy.

     The boys eyes widened, "Uh-oh," then he looks up at me, "I like you girlfriend but, I gotta go!" He says, kissing the back of my hand before bolting in the opposite direction.

     "HEY! GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE DEMON!" The girl yells some more, chacing after the now giggling boy.

     I couldn't help but laugh at the situation playing out before me. Man, no wonder Christian didn't mind coming to my house, it's just as chaotic over here as it is over there.

     "You have the most beautiful laugh," I hear Christian whisper in my ear behind me.

     I closed my eyes and internally shiver at the feeling of his hot breath against my skin. Turning my head to see Christian staring down at me, desire was swimming through his black eyes. He had that same blue and black hat on, pressing his hair further down over his eyes.

     I raised my brow at him, "Me and you need to talk," I tell him firmly, before I start to forget why I came here.

     He gives me a lazy grin and chuckles lightly, "Well my bedroom is just up those stairs Princess, we can go and... 'talk' up there," he told huskily, looking down at my lips as he bites his own.

     Ooh my sweet Jesus. One flaw man, just one fucking flaw on this guy! That's all I'm asking, and you can't even do that! I wouldn't even mind a fucked up tooth, just throwing some ideas out there.

     I cleared my throat as heat started to rise in my cheeks when my eyes wondered down his bare chest.

     Well shit a duck....

     "No, first I need you to go and put on a shirt. I can not think straight looking at your fine as- (clears throat) I mean. You should know better than to come out here like this! You are quite distracting to the female eyes," I say quickly, hoping he wouldn't catch on to what I was about to say.

     But the gleam in his eyes and the sexy smirk he was giving me, told me he knew exactly what I meant to say.

     Fuck my life...

     I rolled my eyes and gently slap his face away before I became hypnotized by them. Causing him to laugh.

     "You sure you don't want to come and help me get dressed? I can put on... a little show for you," he leans in close, purposely breathing hard against my neck, "Here's a little fun fact about me Princess," he says, leaning in even more, "I'm a very, very good dancer," he told, gently grazing his teeth on my earlobe.

     I think my ovaries just busted, because my god! That was...HOT!

     I was mentally fanning myself right now as I stare up at him with wide eyes.

     Well, maybe just one sho- NO! Come on Amy! Get your head out of your vagina this instance, we came here for a reason!

     Wait, what was the reason again?

     He chuckles and shakes his head, taking my silence as a no, "Never been turned down by a girl before."

     "You'll get use to it," I tell him honestly, still staring at him wide eyed.

     He smiles down at me and kisses the top of my round cheek, "I'll be back down in a minute," he says, hopping up the stairs two at a time.

     Feeling slightly awkward just standing in someone else's house all alone, I go back outside.

     There was a wooden bench near by that looked like a good spot to sit. Making my way over there I notice the same kids from school coming out of the woods near by. Most of them were males with nothing but shorts on, and two female's that had a tank top and very reviling shorts on themselves.

     My brows creased together, mmm, that's not weird at all. In fact, everything about Christians place seems odd.

     Why are there so many half naked kids wondering around? Where are their parents!? I bet this is like a nudity community!!

     My eyes widened just at the thought and I swallowed hard.

     I gasped and jumped in fright when a pair of lips kissed the back of my head.

     "You little motherfucker!" I yelled out, placing a hand over my heart, "My god Christian! Can you for once, not scare me to death!" I say, laughing at my own self.

     Why am I always so jumpy around him?

     Christian smirks and takes the seat close next to me, "You're too easy to scare Princess."

     I rolled my eyes at him before lightly nudging his shoulder with mine, "Are you people always so... 'open' around here?"

     He gives me a confused look, making me nod my head towards the group of half naked teenagers.

     A thick brow rose up on his face for a moment while looking at them. Then the corner of his mouth lifted up into a smirk, "Well we're a very close community here. We don't degrade anyone Princess," he said with a wink.

     Holy mother of balls, I was right! It's a fucking NUDITY community!

     He laughs at the look on my face and brushes the hair back from my neck, then leaning forward to kiss it, "Tell me, how did I get the pleasure of your company on this fine Sunday morning?"

     "Do I look like a Luna?" I asked him randomly, but also curious to know.

     He freezes and stiffens up, his eyes snap up to mine, "Where did you hear that word from?" He asked, tone going hard all of a sudden.

     My eyebrows creased together, "Friday, after you left the auditorium I ran after you. When I couldn't find you outside I decided to go back in, but I ran into Justin instead. And we exchanged some words that lead to an argument, which lead into him almost hitting me," I tell him casually, well I mean, no use in lying.

     I'm sure Bryce has told him already anyways.

     Christians eyes started to burn with rage, "HE WHAT!?"

     Or not...

     I smiled and rolled my eyes, nudging his shoulder again, "Relax there, you act like I can't handle myself. Plus before he could do anything Bryce stopped him. Then he kicked his ass, and told him to stay away from his Luna. So I ask again, could I pass for a Luna?"

     He just stares at me, fear and proudness in his eyes. Just when he was about to say something his eyes glossed over and his face went blank.

     Uumm, that's not odd. 

     I jumped when a deep threatening growl comes from Christians chest, followed by him standing abruptly and glaring into the forest. Where a wolf's howl was heard coming from a short distances away. Many people stopping what they were doing and ran into the forest, some were even running out of their home's.

     "Princess you need to leave, now," he said seriously, quickly helping me up to my feet.

     "Wait what's going on? Why is everyone running into the forest?" I asked.

     He shakes his head and starts walking me towards the road, "I don't have time to tell you, or for you to argue. I just need you to leave!"

     Before I could even say anything I see a gorgeous girl with bright blue eyes that matched her hair run up to us.

     "Yes Alpha?" She asked.


     "Take her home, and make sure she gets home safely," he ordered in a hurry, while taking his shirt off.

     "No! I'm not leaving, I came here for some answers. I didn't even get to ask any of them!" I tell him stubbornly.

     He groans in frustration, "Princess I don't have time for this! Just go with Alex please!" He pleaded.

     I roll my eyes at him, "Why Christian? So you can disappeare or ignore me for another two to three weeks!? No! I'm not leaving."

     My breath hitched in my throat when he suddenly grabs my upper elbow and started dragging me to the car himself.

     "Princess this is not a game, you're going to get in this car and you are going home!" He hissed harshly, yanking the car door open.

     I grunted as I pulled my arm away from his tight hold, "You are not going to tell me what I'm going to do! I said I wasn't leaving!"

     He groans and slams my back up against the car, pressing his body firmly on mine. His hands were tender but firm.

     I knew he wouldn't hurt me, maybe that's why I'm so mouthy right now. Cause I know no matter what I say, he would never raise his hand to me.

     "Don't make me force you in this god damn car Princess, get in!" He growls lowly.

     I glare up at him, "Give me a reason why I should."

     His jaw flexes and I see the beautiful color of violet twirling through his eyes. I knew he was mad, but I'm tired of him running away everytime I try to get answers.

     "Just get in the fucking car Amy!" He roars out, slamming his hand down ontop of the car behind me.

     I don't know if I'm just a really sensitive person. Or the fact that he has never yelled at me like this before, but I'm pretty sure it's both. But it hurt my feelings more than I was letting on.

     You could tell he didn't mean to use such a harsh tone with me by the look of regret that quickly replaced it in his eyes. When he tries to reach a hand up to touch my face I slapped it away.

     Without another word, I get into the car and slammed the door shut, locking it. The blue headed girl wasted no time and speed off, leaving Christian standing there in the dust.