
Not Until You

Not Until You is based on the power struggle in a country. It's about how the lead characters overcome their fear and join hand to bring justice to themselves and their country. This story also throws light on their internal struggle and their fight from the outer world.

Kirti · Teen
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Start of new life

A new day...

The new morning brings new hope. Hope to have a better tomorrow, hope to have a fresh start. A new day brings determination that fills the heart with new energy.

The sun rays peaks through the widow curtains and brightens the room. Ella could see the view outside as she had taken over the upper bed.

It's quite outside but she had a feeling that the quietness is just calm before the storm, as in calm before everyone get started with their day. Ella suddenly remembered the everyday chaos at her high school. She assumed that the morning in this institute must be pretty much similar to the morning in schools.

Getting up, Ella stretched a little and with a small smile, she started getting ready for the day.

Not long after, the alarm rang and Emily too woke up. Her bed hair looks like a birds nest and by the looks of her face; anyone can easily tell she is not a morning person who wakes up early in the morning and starts her day. Ella watched Emily's drowsy self and was ready to bet that Emily was the type that starts her day at noon. Ella approached Emily with a smile.

"Good morning sleepy head. Wake up or we are going to get late." Ella shook Emily lightly to wake her up.

"Ahh... close the window. Let me sleep." Emily said with a groan.

"no, not happening. You will be late for the first day. Get up."

She tried shaking her but Emily paid no heed to Ella. Leaving her, Ella went to dresser to tame her hair. They are no different from Emily but we're a little more tamed. She was in simplest attire with peal earrings and a watch, just her type, comfy and stylish.

After finishing up, she turned toward Emily to see her still sleeping. Not wanting to get late on the first day, Ella grabbed her blanket, threw it on my bed and grabbed the glass of water kept on the side drawer with a wicked grin. Ella poured few drops of water little by little on her but she just stirred a little; so Ella poured half water of the glass at once. It had Emily wake up with a jerk. Her expressions were same as a fish out of water that had Ella break into hysterically laughter. When she cleared up from her daze and understood what happened, she gave me a murderous glare that sobered up Ella. She took a cautious step back from Emily and raised my hands up in surrender.

"In my defense, I tried calling you up but you were not waking up. It's 7 in the morning and we are going to get late if you didn't get up." Ella stated still being cautious of Emily.

"WHAT?? What's the time?" saying that Emily frantically started searching for a watch.

"It's 7 AM" Ella answered.

"Why didn't woke me up sooner." Emily frantically questioned.

"I tried but you were in deep slumber." Ella said with a shrug.

"Oh my god, I am going to be late. Oh my god! Oh my god!" Emily get off the bed in a hurry, almost falling face first on the floor and strated hypervalenting.

"Calm down, we still have half an hour. We are meeting for breakfast at 7: 30. You still have time to get ready. Go get ready meanwhile I will arrange both of our bags." Ella suggested a solution to aid a frantic Emily.

"Okay, thank you."

Ella shook her head at Emily but couldn't help the smile forming on her face.

While she was getting ready, Ella started packing both of their bags with notebook, pen and kept some money in her own bag for breakfast and lunch. She filled a water bottle that she purchased not long ago and kept it in her bag to carry around.

As soon as Emily was out of bathroom, Ella picked up their bags and were out of the door. It was 7:25 and they had just 5 mins to reach the canteen. They moved hurriedly towards the stairs and were out of the dorm as fast their feet carried them.

They thought of calling Robin to know his whereabouts as they were near to the canteen. Emily picked up her phone and dialed his number. On fourth ring, the line went through.

" hello, where are you?" Emily inquired.


"uh huh. okay, we are going inside."



She disconnected the call and tilted her head toward the canteen. That was enough for Ella to understand that they should go in. Emily told Ella that Robin was going to be late and told her to get seated first. They both walked inside the cafe and sat on a table. Not waiting for Robin's arrival, Emily and Ella ordered their food. Emily ordered something for Robin too, saying he already told her what he wants. Ella thought it was a good thing as that will save them time. As they were waiting for Robin, for the first time Ella lifted her head up looked around the canteen.

The canteen was on the opposite side of dorm so it didn't took them long to get there from the dorm. The canteen looked very spacious and the interior was classy. There were siting arrangements on the inside as well as outside of canteen. The trees surrounding the canteen provided shade to the outer tables so that people won't have to suffer in sun. Overall the canteen looked cool.

Soon enough Robin entered the canteen and called Emily to ask our whereabouts. Emily guided him to their seat through the call as it was little difficult to located them because the canteen being quite busy at that time. Only a few numbers of seats were empty when Robin arrived. Emily and Ella, both felt relieved that they arrived early and were lucky to get a seat.

Looking around Ella knew that she right about one thing, the morning are just as busy as they were in schools. After 10 mins, they were called to collect their food. Before Ella could get up, Robin beat her to it. He stopped her and got up to get their food.

As soon as Robin was out of earshot, Emily turned toward Ella, gracing her with her full attention. Till now all of Emily's attention was on her mobile phone and Ella felt unsure whether it's good or bad, but she was kind of dreading Emily's focus on herself. She still remembered yesterday's event clearly and dreaded Emily's blabber. She was already nervous about her first day in institute. Ella don't want Emily to increase her nervousness. She could see Emily was excited but her excitement was not good for Ella. She was praying to god that Emily won't talk about her excitement again. She had enough of it yesterday.

"You look nervous. Are you alright?" Emily inquired Ella who looked a bit nervous and out of it.

"Yeah, I am fine." Ella answered off handedly.

Emily gave her a look, clearly telling Ella that she didn't buy what was told to her.

"Okay okay, I am tad bit nervous." Ella signed in resignation.

"Don't be nervous. I am with you okay. And if our classes are different than we will meet during lunch too. Okay?" Emily consoled her. She understood that Ella was feeling nervous, truthfully she was nervous herself but she tried not to mind it.

"Yeah. " Ella signed thinking about the classes again.

"Now smile. Brighten up, we are going to class, the teachers won't eat you up. Cheer up girl. Eat this; this will definitely cheer you up."

She passed Ella a candy. Ella looked at Emily and took the candy from her. Slowly unwrapping it, she popped it into her mouth. The sweetness of the candy exploded and gave a sweet taste in her mouth. Ella thought Emily was right, the candy indeed cheered her up. The sweet flavor has lifted her mood up considerably.

Just then Robin came back with their food. They started eating in silence. That was Ella's wishful thinking even though she knew there can never be a moment of silence with both of the siblings. Both siblings acted like 5 year old kids who can't stay in each other's company without having quarrels. Both of them we're still on about something. The fight started when Robin told them about his room and roommates but the topic went completely off road.

Robin laughed out loud when Emily told him about her eventful morning aka when Ella poured half a glass of water on her to wake up her from her slumber. He nearly had fallen out of his seat but to his luck and Emily's bad luck, his reflex kicked in and he caught himself quite well.

Ella too noticed him and thought that the boy definitely has some reflex. It was hard for Ella to not laugh with them. Her mind had completely forgotten about any kind of nervousness or fear she had. Ella pondered whether the siblings have 'Attention Here' board on them. Ella felt that it's quite hard to ignore them when they naturally attract attention.

The classes were going to start at 8 and the bill was paid when they placed their order therefore they left the canteen after finishing their breakfast.

Ella had Mathematics, chemistry and French lessons for her first half of the day and Physics, Computer science and Physical education for the second half.

They were given options to select what they would prefer to study in the beginning of the training i.e. the first month in institution. But the general subjects of high schools like physics, chemistry and mathematics were kept compulsory. Other than that they were allowed to select whatever language they want to study, it was kind of compulsory for them to know other languages other than English. Ella decided upon learning French. She felt it was kind of cool and she always wanted to learn it.

They reached the institute in just 10 minutes. It wasn't very far from their dorm. They signed up on front desk and went to search for their classes. Moving on from the reception, they walked into a hallway. It was completely busy and swarmed by students. They moved across from them and went ahead to search for their first class. Emily had cross checked both of her and Ella's classes yesterday and later she matched Robin's classes with both of them too.

Emily and Ella had same classes except for the French lessons. Emily had Spanish as her extras. That means they have to go for lunch separately. Robin was in totally different class. His classes were just across the hallway. He had selected a language different from the girls. He had classes neither with Ella nor with Emily therefore the girls could only meet Robin at lunch.

It wasn't long before it struck 07:50 and the girls bid farewell to Robin. It was time to move inside the classrooms. Ella entered the class with Emily in lead. Ella grabbed Emily's arm to get her attention and told her about the two seats near the window. Soon the teacher arrived just as they settled down in their seats. Ella decided to sit in the window seat and Emily followed her lead and sat beside her.

Till now everything has been going great for Ella and she hoped that her day will get over soon. She realized that her nervousness is long gone and in its place, excitement of starting her new life was present. All the students were totally focused on the teacher in the front but Ella's attention was toward the sky outside.

She had a feeling that her day was going to get better...

....... ...... ...... .......

It's a very long chapter therefore it took me sometime to write it. The next part will be up later. Hope you find this chapter entertaining. I tried to make it as fun as possible.

My classes are on going so I may not be able to publish regularly. but I will try my best to write some chapters beforehand so I can publish it later without being invisible for long time.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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