
Not The Runt

As the title says. I'm sooo not the runt of the pack. so hi, my name's Kristie Jefferson head cheerleader of Katy high's cheer-leading squad girlfriend of all-time-hottie Devon Faulkner american football captain... well... not really~ more like a best friend, though people don't know that except him and me. But to be honest... i really do wish we were real. The only problem is... were we really meant to be? Do i have to find my 'the one' somewhere else? My whole life is practically breaking apart now as one problem pops out right after another. And not problems your usual ordinary werewolf girl faces everyday. Try adding second chance matings (in the wrong time!!!), secrets, traitors, revenge, and a whole bunch of misunderstandings to the picture. bad enough? Now add murderers, faction wars, prophesies, 'creatures from hell?', and a 99% chance of 'us' failing that will lead to the fabric of our world ripping apart. bad enough yet? The saddest part is... I neither have the time nor the tears to cry anymore. So I ran away, to escape everything, join a new pack, and changed my name, my appearance, and even my gender!!! But why do you insist on holding my hand? Who are you? Why do I feel a bond with you that should'nt be there? And why do you seem so familiar?! I dont know you! Why do you keep looking at me with that loving gaze?! . . . Bro. . . are you gay?!?!?! . . Want to buy me coffee to continue this book? Support me on patreon.com/thegirlwithcurls . Also please say you want more warewolf chapters so Id know which novel to pour my effort on! ♡

MoistJuicyLemon · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 29


"But Skye, you never really told me how you would get your revenge. What exactly are you planning? Maybe I can help you."

"Well I will just play the same game she always played before, but this time, it will be a little different. As the saying goes, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. It's my turn to play~"

Devon P.O.V.

It's killing me! How he holds her hands. How she smiles so comfortably around him. How he is constantly beside her. Like a ghost persistently roaming around her with no hope of him disappearing. But what I hate the most is how that could have been me.

But I can't show any weakness. Not in front of her. I will... let her do what she wants to do.

I wonder if I were to be the one with her right now if I had never rejected her...

But the reason why I did so is so that she would not have a relation to anyone closely tied to the war. That she may be able to hide from it all. That... as a rogue she would not have any life-threatening responsibilities to the... war.

But now fate has slapped me right across my face. Everything I had sacrificed had been all for naught.

I-It's even w-worse now! Being w-with that m-man would just... endanger her even more!!! And now... I can't even protect her.

R-Rose... p-please... why must you do this? I-I j-just... I just w-wanted you to be safe

I looked down to see my documents stained with fresh drops of water. Quickly wiping it off, I looked up to see where in the ceiling was the crack, but there was none.

Then where did these?- a new water droplet appeared after another.


I touched my face feeling the warm, wet liquid on my fingertips. Dragging it away, it glistened a little when light had hit it.

'Damit!... When had I become so weak?!'

I pinched the bridge of my nose to stop my crying but it did not seem to do anything.

The tears continuously cascaded down my face with no sign of stopping.

It just...

Hurts so much...

I strengthened my resolve, I would allow her to pursue the happiness she wished and let her be with him but if that man is not good enough for her then I will take her away. I swear to the moon goddess that I will do everything in my power to give her happiness.

And I will never let her get hurt ever again!

00000 a few days later 00000

Third P.O.V.

These past few days. Kristie felt that everyone was slowly distancing themselves for her, snickers and looks of distain would sometimes reveal themselves on the faces of her supposed 'pack' but whenever she asks them about it she would always get the same reply. "It's nothing"

In all her life... this was the second time she's ever felt so... alone.

Kristie was just going to go back into the house when nearing the walls, She had suddenly been drenched by something that fell from above.

Wiping off the liquid, it turned out to be paint used for the renovations.

"Hey!" She looked up seeing two of her male friends snickering.

"Sorry~ sorry~ we didn't see you there."

"Oh my, what happened here?" came the sarcastic voices of a female pack member.

"Why don't we help you darling? This will wash you right up!" Another female said followed by a bucked of brown tinted water being poured over her head.

"Hey What's The Deal With?!-" Kristie looked up to see the perpetrators who did it. Standing by the windows was... her friends

"O-Olivia - w-why did?"

"Oh shut up b*tch. You know what you did. Now don't you wish you had just kept your mouth shut?"

"W-wha? B-but I don't know what your-" A cold chill ran down Kristie's spine as they gave her venomous glares.

"Lets just leave guys." Olivia commented before disappearing from the window.



A rush of dread came through Kristie. She didn't know what was happening, what she did wrong. Tears welled up in her eyes as she ran to the nearest C.R.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she stopped herself from crying and stared to washout the foul smelling water from her head.

"Lookie what we have here." a deep female voice rang through the walls following the sounds of shoes tapping against the cold floor tiles.

Turning around, Kristies eye's widened as she saw a familiar face. One who before could not possibly produce such a confident aura, one that held complete malice for her.


Rose rolled her eyes giving of a grunt.

"Ugh. I don't go by that anymore. The old Rose died by the hands of you. It's Skye now."

"Were you the one who-?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Y-you, just wait and see till I tell everyone!!!"

"Go ahead and tell. But let me tell you this. Right now, there is nothing you can say that will make anyone come rushing to your side. After all, You're just the big bully who took everything away from poor little'ol Rose. Not only that, it turns out, you a backstabbing liar too! How does it feel to be on the receiving end?"


A red mark appeared on Skye's cheek. But that little slap did not yet calm the raging heart of Kristie.

"YOU B*TCH!!!" Kristie's yell alerted all the pack members.

A smirk had appeared on Skye's lips. She then ripped apart her own clothes, slamming her face on the wall, and scratching her arms and legs.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She screamed.

These rush of events had caused Kristie to remain dumbstruck before this crazy woman.

"W-what are you?"

After a split second. The door had been smacked open with pack members rushing in.

Kristie's eyes widened as the last pair of leg's had rushed into the room with the others scurrying to the sides due to his presence alone.

"What happened here?!"

His voice was low and clear, his tone immediately shut up the whispers of the onlookers.

"D-Devon. I- I can explain!" Color draining from her face, Kristie had rushed to speak, hoping that he would believe in her but he had immediately shut her up using the natural power an alpha had.

"Rose, what happened?" breaking their momentary gaze he had rushed to Skye's side.

"I- I don't know. I just wanted to h-help her b-but she immediately started slapping me a-and."

"W-what?!? I- I didn't, w-well I did but-!"

"Enough! It is clear what happened here." Devon turned his gaze back to Kristie before continuing.

"Come to my office later, you punishment shall be discussed there."

Skye grabbed onto Devon's arm.

"No! It's not her fault. I just came at a bad time and-"

"Still. It is no reason for her to do this to you."

"I- ... understand"

"Now let's get you to the infirmary."

Skye nodded her head before letting herself be carried away by Devon bridal style.

"W-Wait!!! I-Its not. T-that's-" due to the fast pace that the events had conspired, Kristie's reasoning could not keep up.

"Silence! Haven't you done enough?"

"B-but you don't understand. I-"

A heaviness had fallen upon her as Devon coldly glared at her.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched the two walk away. Not long after she whispered to herself. trears streaming like small waterfalls down her pale cheeks.

"p-please believe me. I don't want you to hate me. it wasn't me. it wasn't me. it wasn't me."