
Not So Perfect Life

Life should be easy but why is it hard for me? We’re broken family. There are a lot of family issues. I’m not with my siblings. My grandma is blaming me of what happen to my parents. My mother was missing. My father is a drug user. I’ve been abused, I got nothing but myself. I want to end this…Now

love_elysiann · Teen
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4 Chs


Isa's mental health wasn't great. She was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. It is a type of depression where people are starting to lose interest in anything. They also felt an emptiness. Being tired and no energy. Feeling worthless or guilty, like what Isa's feeling because of what happened to her life. Trouble in making decisions and worst, suicide thoughts.

A major depressive disorder is treatable and the treatment depends on how severe the condition is. In Isa's case, her doctor recommends an antidepressant medication and psychotherapy. Antidepressant medication helps Isa to increase her appetite, improve her moods, and help her get better sleep. It also increases her focus and decreases depressive symptoms that can trigger suicidal thoughts. On the other hand, psychotherapy will help to eliminate or control troubling symptoms so she can function better and increase her well-being and healing. It can also help her cope up with her daily life, lessen the impact of the trauma, and handle her anxiety and panic attacks.

It's been months now and Isa has been doing great. She's now starting to have an interest in some things, like music and arts. She loves putting her earphone in and jam to the music. If not, she's doing her make-up or decor her room. She also now talked to Tierra about different kinds of things but most of the time, it was about Taylor Swift. But there are still times that she just wants to be alone. Times that she still cries and zones out. Also, she still has anxiety and panic attacks. But her doctor said that it's fine as long as it is not happening more often. She's adjusting and she needs time. But any time soon she will be fine and bring herself back to normal.

Speaking of living her life back to normal, Tierra wanted to ask Isa about her College. Isa is stepping into College life now and they haven't talked about it lately since they are focused on her health. Tierra thinks that this is the right time to ask her about it.

It is the weekend and they were just chilling in the living room. Tierra was thinking if it is fine for Isa or maybe because she's healing, she'll have a hard time. But the doctor said that talked to Isa more often and it'll help her. So Tierra asks Isa, "Honey, can I ask you something? Well, this wasn't a very serious question, but if you don't want to it's fine. I just wanna know."

"What it is?" Isa said while unwrapping the Chocolate bar.

"It's about your college. I-"

"Am I not allowed?" Isa thought that because she's still healing maybe it's best if she just stays home. Or maybe because she has been causing too much to her Aunt.

"No, of course you're allowed to go to College. I just want you to ask if you wanna go."

"Really? Yeah! I want to." She said excitedly. "I can take whatever course or degree you want me to take. I just want to finish college, please. I can take Information Technology since it is in demand and I could get a high-paying job if I did."

Tierra already expected her answer and she wants her to take whatever course she wants. "Honey, college isn't about what your parents or guardian says. It isn't also about the demand of society. College is about developing yourself as a human. It is not the same as High school. You will encounter a real-life problem during your college. Also, it's about you, yourself. It's about your career and what path you love to take. In that way, you will be successful, happy, and contented."

"But I need to get a job as soon as possible to repay everyone who helped me."

"Isa, God is already doing something to them. He's doing that already and right now, He wants you to live and control your own life. There are a lot of things that we need to work on and He wants you to focus on that while He's doing something to those people who did good to you."

"Maybe you're right," Isa said and took a deep breath.

"So when you're ready, tell me what you want to pursue and I'll help you. Okay? You can tell everything to me, honey. I'm your second mom now and you have no choice to that." Tierra said and hugged Isa.

Isa hugged her back and smile, a real smile now "I want to take Interior Designing." She said amid their hugging.

"Interior Designing? That's great." Tierra was so happy that Isa knows what she wants. Isa was just doubting at things earlier.

After a week of planning and searching. Isa finally found a school that she wants. It's kinda expensive, but it's reasonable though because Interior Designing is not that in demand here in the Philippines.

Right now she's waiting for her Aunt to come home and tell her about the school. She's currently preparing dinner and she's making Fettuccine Aglio e Olio that she watched earlier. Hopefully, it tastes good, besides it's not that hard to make so maybe it'll turn out great.

"That smells good," Tierra said. She just got home right on time because Isa is now putting the dish on the table.

"Let's eat," Isa said and took off the apron.

Tierra immediately takes a bite of the dish. Isa was waiting for her reaction. "Is it not good?"

"This is so good! I love it." Tierra said and took another and another and another one. Isa was so happy that she likes it.

While enjoying their dinner Isa has now the courage to tell Tierra about the school. "I found a University."

"Oh yeah! Speaking of University, I already inquire about one that is near here and it was a great school. It was just right there in Mckinley Hill."

"Really? But I already took an application form in MAPUA. It's 33 minutes away from here. But the fees were kinda expensive, it's 45-50 thousand per semester. I can't find any lower than that price so I fill out the application already." Isa explained.

"That's a great school too, but I want you to enter Enderun. I already have the Application forms you just need to fill out those."

"Wait? What? You said Enderun?!"

"Yeah, Enderun like the International school that partnered with different countries that you can take an internship."

"But that school is Prestigious. I am not a prestigious and high-class person."

"But you're decent enough to be there. Besides Enderun is a really great school. They're connected to US, UK, France, Italy, and Canada. Which I know you know that those countries are well known in terms of Interior Designing."

"The school fees there are expensive. It can pay our 3 or 4 months groceries and bills"

"And? What's the purpose of my money if I am not going to use it?"

"Live your life like you said to me?"

"I am living my life for years now. All I want is a kid and I had you. So yeah!"

"But that scho-"

"Hush! No buts. Apply MAPUA and Enderun." Tierra said and hand over the Application form to Isa.

"I know for sure that I can't get in here in Enderun." Isa said while filling out.

"Okay, let's make a deal. If you got an email to Enderun first and says you're accepted. No conversations, no buts. You're going in."

"And if MAPUA sent an email first?"

"Uhmmm-same. I won't talked about entering Enderun."

"Okay, deal." Isa said and continue filling out.

Tierra wants the best for Isa. Especially now that she's with her. Isa's pain are soon to be over now. She'll make sure that those things that happen to her before will never happen again. She's gone for so long and can't do anything to help Isa but now she's has the means and connections. She'll use that to protect Isa.

To protect Margaux.