
Not So Ordinary Love

Nicole Socareva is the owner of one of the most famous and high prize makeup company, but her life is not all beauty and rainbows, she isn't what everyone thinks she is, every day it's a battle for her. When her best friend and love of her life, famous actor Demian Vlad knocks on her door looking all distress and bruise, her life becomes an up and down roller coaster ride. Her shell start to crack, and old demons from the past, come back to life in the form of her metal issues, but everything starts to be to much when she has to face a not so mentally sane famous actor Christof Everden coming after her to fight over Demian love. Would Nicole beat the odds and have a happy life after all? Or would she lost the battle and herself in the way?

BlackSilverCross · Urban
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6 Chs


"Behind every exquisite thing that exist, there was something tragic"

Oscar Wilde

New York city was cover by the dead of night, east Manhattan was the richest of places, were famous and high society class mix together, Nicole Socareva the heiress of a big makeup industry was bother by someone frankly banging on her door, it was three in the morning, and she had what was probably the worst of headaches, she was about to launch her first makeup line, and the stress was taking it's toll on her, it was pretty clear that she was mad at whoever poor soul that had disturbed her restless sleep.

She was coming down the stairs of the two-floor apartment, stomping her feets like a maniac, ready to kill whoever it was that had woke her.

However when she opened the door to find Demian Vlad, her best friend and only love of her life, looking at her through beautiful ocean eyes full of tears, with a bruise on his left cheek, and trembling split lips sobbing. She was frozen and her mind was working fast to process the scene in front of her.

"Demian" She whispered finally getting a grip of her brain functions again.

He just launched at her desperately, hugging her tight, she stumbled backward from the impact of their bodies colliding, she was still confuse but she waisted no time and hugged him back in a protective embrace.

She couldn't stop thinking that something was very wrong, she had never seeing him like this, and he had a few hard blows throw his way before, but he took them like a champion, never breaking on the fall.

Her mind was working so fast, trying to figure out what had happened, but she had the certainty that she'll do everything in her power to make him feel better even if she had to go to extreme ways.