
The meeting

"Yes, How do you know my name"? Miaka asked.

He reply "Remember last night you saved a 13 year old boy from the goons, he is my younger brother. By the way my name is 'Takamatsu' i am the president of 'Ochanomizu high school ',"

Miaka-" oh! I see, so how he is now.

He is all right now, All thanks to you said by Takamatsu.

After that he invited her to a party at his house for thanking her...

Miaka said "i will think about it"

And then she start walking in the school building.

Her best friend 'Mauka' is sitting on the last brench looking out of the window.

Miaka reach to her and told her about the incident of last night and meeting with Takamatsu....

Mauka asked in a shocking voice."what ! Who?