
Not so little witch

This is a story of a little witch named Elaine as she grows takes up both good and evil magic and goes to a witch school. As she turns 18 her life beings to change when she meets a handsome warlock. Elaine's not so little anymore. MATURE PARTS INCLUDED!!!!!! 17+

Chicaluka · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 17

Elaine POV

It has been almost three months that I have been trying to avoid Nick but at times I can't, it has been the strangest two months I ever had in my life; besides the topic of avoiding Nick, Liebchen was being distant towards me and she skips going to school with me. When I wake up in the morning she would have already disappeared and doesn't come back till sundown. I never ask her anything because she would be fast asleep when she got back; I honestly feel alone. Mal is with her boyfriend a lot, I have the feeling she is assuming I'm with Nick during lunch; I have been feeling worse during school. Every time lunch comes I run for the bathroom to hide from Nick, I stay there basically all throughout lunch, its not like I eat lunch anymore. I am literally in the school bathroom right now and the bell would ring for the end of lunch any second now. Once the bell rang I got out of the stall and heading towards the exit. I walked out of the washroom, the halls were basically empty already and I felt a tap on my shoulder, "aaaah!" I looked behind me and it was Nick, I swear he scared the shit out of me. "Oh my gosh Nick, what's the big idea of scaring me like that." "Sorry Elaine, I was waiting for you to come out of the bathroom." I looked at him as one of my eyebrows went up, very concerned of this. I wanted to walk you to class Elaine." "Oh okay..." Its nice of him to offer but I didn't want him to at the same time, my hands were starting to sweat a little and my stomach started to feel weird again. I had no choice to let him walk with me plus I didn't want to be late for class I didn't want to argue. On the way to my next class it was quiet we didn't say anything to each other this time; when I got in class I took a set next to Mal just in time for the bell to ring for class to start. "Hey Elaine where were you? Your always her in class before me." I didn't know what to say, should I tell her what I have been feeling? "Hey Mal are you doing anything after school today?" "No, why?" "Well... I have to tell you something, its kind of important. Can we go to your house after school?" "Sure Elaine." After I told Mal I had something important, I started to get more nervous and the end of the school came too fast. On our way to Mal's house nothing was said not until we entered her house. "Is there anything you want to drink before we go up to my room Elaine?" "Just water please." We went up to her room and sat down on the bed. "So what was it that you needed to tell me?" I took a sip of water to clear my throat before I said anything. "Well I don't really know how to explain much, this type of situation never happened to me before." I was getting all nervous again and took another sip at my water. "Well Elaine, just explain as best you can okay." What she said gave me a little confidence to go on. "Well okay its like this... I'm starting to feel weird around Nick." "What do you mean by weird Elaine?" "Weird in like I get all nervous, my hands start to sweat, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't focus on my school work, I do think a lot about him and I'm doing my best to avoid him because of this feeling." When I finished talking she smirked at me. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She started to laugh. "Mal this is serious, I don't think its funny." I was honestly shocked she was acting this way. "Oh Elaine don't take this the wrong way. Okay listen closely to what I say cause I'm only saying this once." I scooted a little closer so I can listen well. "You Elaine, are in love with Nick." My jaw dropped at what she said, "are you sure Mal?" "Really Elaine. Of course I'm sure I felt the same when I started getting feelings for my boyfriend." I didn't know what to say, my heart was beating fast just thinking of it, what do I do now? "Look Elaine, as your friend the only advice I can give you is not to avoid anything, the feelings or him. Do what your heart tells you, don't fight it; if you do fate will come to bite you in the ass." But what do I do when I see Nick tomorrow, I get too nervous to say anything." "Elaine just remember to relax and think of what to say before you do. Nature will take its course." I mentally thought. Okay I got this, I can do this, I have to take control of my emotions around him; I'm for sure not 100% if he likes me as well. We talked about the topic a while longer before it started to get late, I started heading home and thanked Mal for the advice for tomorrow.

Maleficent POV

When Elaine left my house, I went in my room to be alone with my thoughts. This is going a little faster than I expected to be, I honestly won't tell Nick about this, I know he has been waiting for years but waiting a few more months or maybe even weeks won't hurt him. This has to go slow, if I know Nick, well he would just end up rushing into a relationship that Elaine is not totally ready for. I looked at Snow on her stand, "Well Snow, everything is going according to plan; now we wait to see what happens in their future." Snow didn't say anything, she closed her eyes as she yawned, I was feeling tired myself after all this, I took a small nap.

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