
Not so Lazy Nara: There are no evil acts that go unrewarded.

What is more tragic? A blonde facing hatred for an incident he was not responsible for, or a member of the Nara clan who has to work hard for his selfishness at any cost?

DaoistcaqwL5 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Can’t go without preparation

(Akio Pov)


As the eating competition concluded, Tsunade emerged victorious, with Nawaki securing second place, and Duy finishing in last position.

Poor Duy; he never stood a chance against their formidable appetites.

It was like expecting Neji to use his rotation technique to fend off a simple wooden stick...

I took a moment to silently acknowledge Duy's valiant effort to win the competition and Neji's sacrifice to allow his cousin's love life to bloom.


Nevertheless, Duy's spirits remained unbroken. He became resolute in his determination to improve next time, shouting "YOUTH!" as he exited the restaurant with renewed vigor.

Ignoring the puzzled looks from the other diners, I waved to Nawaki and Tsunade after settling the bill for both myself and Duy, then made my way out.

After an hour-long walk, during which I indulged in my usual reflection, 'They should really have public transport,' I finally returned to my apartment.

'Time to make preparations,' I thought with a sense of foreboding, gearing up for the inevitable mission ahead.

'I hope it won't be too difficult,' I sighed, only to realize I might have just jinxed myself quite badly.

-The Next Day -

After leaving the Hokage's office, I made my way downstairs to the ground floor.

Since it was noon, the usual route was crowded, and navigating through a crowd of people while preventing them from seeing the entrance would have been too cumbersome.

Upon reaching the ground floor, I approached the receptionist's desk and knocked in the distinctive Anbu code.

She acknowledged it without changing her expression, accustomed to the routine, and handed me a tag.

I then proceeded to the left wing of the building, where a section was cordoned off with 'construction barricade' ribbons. I slipped past them without hesitation.

As I walked further, I came to a corner where guards adorned with Anbu mask were stationed, blocking the entrance.

I handed them the tag and waited while they verified my identity. Recognizing me, they allowed me through the door, granting access to the underground passage leading to the Anbu caravan.

The process is lengthy and repetitive, but it's a protocol that everyone must follow, even though the guards have seen my face countless times and know exactly who I am by now.

Walking through the underground passage, which was identical to the route I usually take, I began to relax, feeling confident that no one was near me.

'He is trusting me way too much,' I fumed, thinking about the mission he had assigned to me.

It is an S-rank mission, the highest rank anyone can give. I not only have to infiltrate Sunagakure but also release the seal on the jinchuriki to unleash the tailed beast!

Naturally, I am angry because I can see so many potential problems with this mission.

Sunagakure is not one of the five great villages by sheer luck; there will undoubtedly be traps that I can't anticipate.

Nevertheless, as I calmed down, I began to compare my mission to what Orochimaru was given.

The mission does seem plausible to complete, remembering that the One-Tail jinchuriki was the least capable of using his tailed beast and was often kept away from the village due to his unsatisfactory control over the One-Tail.

This solves one problem: locating the One-Tail Jinchuriki, thanks to my past memories, which allows me to relax, if only momentarily.

Given the recent progress in the war, they might deploy him on the battlefield at any moment, regardless of how well he controls his tailed beast. To maximize the chance of success, I needed to leave for the mission immediately after accompanying with Anbu members suitable for this mission.

It's unfortunate that I can't use the jutsu Sandaime-sama gave me as compensation, as it would be very helpful for the mission.

Alas, it is what it is.

Anyway, after collecting my thoughts, I continued walking until I reached the Anbu caravan.

Entering Anbu HQ, I promptly handed a list to the receptionist. The list bore the official seal of our Hokage, ensuring its importance was immediately recognized.

Upon seeing the Hokage's seal, the receptionist understood the urgency and quickly passed the list to the nearby guards to pick them up, who had been discreetly observing our interaction.

Though I could have picked them myself, regulations here are strict. I am prohibited from using the body flicker technique unless directly ordered by the Hokage or in the event of an emergency, such as an attack on the village.

As I waited for the Anbu members I had selected for this mission, I sighed, thinking, 'Such a fickle rule.', feeling impatient.

Unlike Orochimaru, who undertook similar missions all by himself, I am not reckless enough to do the same. 

The more team members I have, the higher our chances of success and my survival.

Time seemed to crawl, each moment stretching out, until finally, the group of Anbu operatives from my list arrived.

Sakumo, renowned as the strongest individual in the Anbu department( I excluded Blamekage as he was temporarily removed from the Anbu), led the group.

With him were a Byakugan Slave and an Aburame clan member, an ideal pair of sensors crucial for our mission to infiltrate the Land of Wind.

Also present were skilled Anbu members from the Black Ops and White Ops Division, all proficient in lightning techniques.

"So what's the mission?" Sakumo asked, his curiosity evident.

"I'll explain the details on the way. Pack your bags; we'll be leaving the village for an extended period," I replied vaguely, preferring to keep the specifics under wraps until we were outside the village.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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