
Not So Delicate Flower

This world has seen several crises and has sent for a hero each time. Now it is not always the same Kingdom that does it. Something about a treaty. An event that few know about, but it takes a soul from another world and stuffs it full of power before spitting it out into ours. Of course there's drawbacks, but I didn't figure those out for a long time. Most consider it an honor to be one of a hero's allies, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm not the summoned hero in this story. Most even see me as below humans, but I guess that's as good a place as any to start. I was born in a small hamlet at the fringes of the territory and that is where we shall start. With the girl who wanted to see more than a river and four walls of a small cottage. First Arc is largely going to be building up the world as our protagonist journeys away from home for the first and possibly last time.

Dapperestpenguin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Known by Many Names



Name: Amaris

Race: Uswena

Class: N/A

Titles: [Master of Weaponry][Heart(un)felt Traveller][Sage][Noble False Widow][Murderer]


Nature 1

Ice 1

Wind 1

Note: More detailed information such as active and total hit points, active and total mana, as well as active and total experience needed to level will be available at Acknowledgement 2.


Most of the information about herself was expected. The most out of place thing was in the titles: [Murderer].

Can I..?

Thinking about getting more information on her title the system obliged her.

[Murderer] - Kill a human.

The system is awfully mean. Thrusting a title like that on a frail and pure maiden such as myself. It wasn't my fault they came at us. Anyways what does it do?

Reward: It is far easier to damage the psyche of humans. Also humans with a strong sense of law, order, and justice may be more wary of you without knowing why themselves depending on first impression.

That downside could be rather brutal depending on my first impressions. Well how I look certainly helps to put a good foot forward. So what about the other titles then? [Master of Weaponry] is pretty self explanatory so we'll skip over that one.

[Heart(un)felt Traveller] - Semi-Exclusive version of title [Heartfelt Traveller] given to Uswena that leave home by choice and have no members of the community they haven't objectively improved the life of.

Reward: Less time needed to feel fully rested. example 8 hours > 6 hours to recover from travel fatigue.

Useful. Especially since I plan to be on the road a lot. Hmmm. Even off the road this is really good. Wonder if it gets more powerful as I travel.

[Sage] - Given to those that learn 3 languages and read at least one book in each.

Reward: Immediate understanding of dead languages. Easier time learning and reading additional languages.

That makes sense why it got easier to read different stuff after awhile. Kinda doubt I'll be learning another language, but you never know.

[Noble False Widow] - You have been taught the actions of the higher class, though you do not belong there, as such you can make others believe you do belong there.

Reward: As long as you do not go into specifics you can pass for someone of the upperclass if you wish to.

Oooh. This must be a result of my training with Ritz. Having a Title to assist with acting like a noble will certainly help if I ever get into a situation where I'm interacting with those sorts of people.

Amaris was still stroking the sleeping Ritz's hair after she was done reviewing her titles and available stats. Between her rhythmic breathing, the stars twinkling in the night's sky, and the sound of insects and birds that had returned to the area after all the commotion, Aramis felt herself drifting off to sleep.

The two were greeted with warm sunlight and cheerily chirping birds. Amaris had woken up first, but she was in no rush to get moving so she stayed there with the sleeping girl's head on her lap taking care not to wake her. Eventually Ritz stirred and opened her eyes,

"Good morning Ritz."

Ritz sleepily rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Good morn- why am I on your lap still?"

"Oh you looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake you again so I just stayed here."

Ritz shot up as quickly as her sleepy body would let her.

"Oh! Uh. Thanks I'm sure your legs hurt now though." She put a hand to her burning cheeks and tried to look quite cute. Amaris pet her head.

"I'm alright. My mana keeps my muscles from getting tired for awhile and your head isn't exactly heavy."

Standing up and stretching out her body Amaris took a look around the small area to quickly assess what needed put away was just their sleeping mats.

"Alright I'll pack up our things you pretty up."

This had become a normal routine for the two of them by now. Amaris also told Ritz to stay there while she went to the old campsite to gather a few of the other things that got left there. Ritz looked sad and like she wanted to protest, but ultimately just nodded.

Their old campsite was in ruins. . On the way to it there was blood where traps had gone off on the attackers.There was a ring around the site that was charred black over the dirt. The putrid stink of burnt flesh and offal hung in the air. The pyre had mostly done it's job and the flame had not yet totally burnt out everything. Amaris figured in a couple more hours the bandits would be naught but bones. Collecting the few utensils and scattered supplies up Amaris quicky retreated hoping that the stench would not follow her.

"Alright Ritzy I got everything.you ready to head out?"

"R-Ritzy? What is that all about?!" Exclaimed Ritz in surprise.

"Don't friends nickname each other? Or is that not really a thing?"

"No no. It is something friends do. I just didn't expect it." Ritz smiled sweetly, "But I do not have a name for you... Ris? No that's too close to mine."

"My name is fine. But if you want to nickname me that's fine too. I'm sure you'll come up with something."

Ritz pouted at her inability to give her new friend and frequent protector a nickname. The two of them set out on the road again when Ritz thought of something while trying to come up with a nickname.

"Oh uhm. What was that spark thing you did last night? You've been struggling to make a fire every night, but then you did it super easily when..."

Picking up that her friend was done speaking Amaris decided to answer the question and not press her hesitancy,

"They were Spark Rocks. They're consumable and I only have one more set. They're charged oppositely of each other and when you strike them together the energy combines and creates sparks, but then they're just kinda shiny rocks once the energy is gone. I'll show them to you later when we take a break, but yeah it is a struggle to start a fire without them which is why I was saving them for a moment like that."