
Not So Delicate Flower

This world has seen several crises and has sent for a hero each time. Now it is not always the same Kingdom that does it. Something about a treaty. An event that few know about, but it takes a soul from another world and stuffs it full of power before spitting it out into ours. Of course there's drawbacks, but I didn't figure those out for a long time. Most consider it an honor to be one of a hero's allies, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm not the summoned hero in this story. Most even see me as below humans, but I guess that's as good a place as any to start. I was born in a small hamlet at the fringes of the territory and that is where we shall start. With the girl who wanted to see more than a river and four walls of a small cottage. First Arc is largely going to be building up the world as our protagonist journeys away from home for the first and possibly last time.

Dapperestpenguin · Fantasy
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36 Chs

A Heart of Stone and of Gold

"Fifty Seven... Fifty Eight... Fifty Nine..." That definitely is not healthy.

That was more sudden than I thought it would be. It would be a shame if she died here though, so I ought to try something. 

Slowly reaching my mana into her body I could see the clear path she made from her pool to her heart ablaze with mana and that same blaze surrounding her heart. I can probably save her and still allow her to cast magic. Normally if one's mana goes rampant you can save the person by removing the mana and their body will fix itself even if the heart stopped. Now I say normally, but I only ever saw it happen once and only read about it happening once more. I however am curious if I can do better than just saving her with a little luck and the proper approach. 

I coaxed my slight ice affinity to fill the mana I was sending forth into her body so I could resist the flames and get closer to her bridge and heart with my own mana. As I approached the flaming mana was attempting to sap away at my own mana to add to itself, yet my ice infusion held steadfast and allowed me to slowly quell the flames on the bridge. Sweat was breaking out on my face from the intense focus I was having to put forth along with the absurd energy drain from using my mana like this. Focus. I can do this. I wrapped my iced mana around her heart I observed as, slowly, the flames began to die down. Now I need to make sure the flame isn't extinguished or else what seems like her flame affinity will be gone forever. Pushing forth some of my mana into her heart to simulate how her blood would flow through I carefully bled some of my nature affinity into it and allowed her own mana to consume it. I lost connection with that part as soon as my mana caught fire, but as long as the flames didn't flare up again it should be fine and I was keeping that in check with my icy mana. I can feel myself starting to lose focus from this mana drain. This better be worth it.

"Two Hundred Sixty Eight... Two Hundred Sixty Nine... Two Hundred Seventy..."

Now I needed to shock the heart into working again, but I don't have a lightning affinity. Ritz only seems like she has a strong fire affinity. What about forcing my mana like Ritz was explaining before? I ponder the thought for just a couple seconds. Looking at Ritz using an incompatible method could just as easily kill me. Maybe temperature shock will work. No that's stupid. What about a drug from a plant? That might work actually. Normally I have to focus on the plant I want, but what if I focus on the result I want instead? Focusing on any plant that produces an adrenaline like secretion. Just my luck I could feel the earth respond to my wish. A small grassy plan sprouted forth that I'd never seen before, but I got a good idea of what to do with it from what I felt when I grew it. Grabbing it and ripping the grassy bits away from the more solid wood with my tail I took the tailful and shoved it into Ritz's mouth then moved her jaw with my hand to force her to chew it. Seconds passed. Then a few more.

"Three Hundred Twenty Five... Three Hundred Twenty Six... Three Hundred Twenty Seven..." 

Faintly I could feel something through my mana. My focus is really slipping. I'm using too much mana, but just a little more. Refocusing on the mana I was putting through her body I could feel her heart faintly start beating. At that I slowly began easing my mana out of her. She should be stable if I can fully retreat from her heart. After confirming she would not flare up again and that her mana was flowing through her heart and diffusing into the rest of her body I let my mana all leave her body and I kept a hand on her back. I could hear shallow breaths and her heart starting to beat faster as she recovered from her ordeal. Ok I'm spent. I hope I don't ever have to do something like that again. My eyelids started to grow heavy, a side effect of mana exhaustion, and figuring that Ritz would be safe and that if we were going to be attacked by something it probably would have happened, I leaned forwards into her back and let my eyelids drop.

---From here the story is from Ritz's perspective---

I woke up coughing and near heaving. My chest hurt. There was a disgusting taste in my mouth. I was burning up all over, but I was freezing cold at the same time. My back felt heavy and I felt light headed.

"Ugh is that what magic is supposed to be like, Amaris?" I groaned out to my new friend, "Amaris?"

Slowly looking around was the best I could do with my pounding head, but I did not have to look far as she was the weight on my back. Looking back at her I could see her peacefully snoozing on my back. 

"Come on, Amaris, it is rude to fall asleep on your new friend just because she is boring," I shook myself a little, or at least I tried to. What actually happened instead was a lot of force came out and I sent Amaris about a foot to my back left.

"Oh I am so sorry Amaris! I did not mean to- huh? How are you still asleep after that?" I looked at my hands and gently squeezed them together. "They are... warmer than before." I slowly stood myself up. Despite the headache and strange feeling in my limbs I wanted to test if I was really stronger. Finding a suitably large branch that I imagined I would not have be able to lift it felt as though I was just picking up a stick from the yard that boys would play soldier with.


Ritz began to practically dance around in excitement and anticipation with the stick she just picked up.

Amaris stirred slightly, but didn't wake up at her newly revived friend's animated celebration.