
Not-So an Extra

Suddenly being thrown into the novel's world and possessing a pretty much fucked up character made him have no choice but to continue his life as a new identity. And just like any sane person who transmigrated into a book, of course, he would destroy every red flag that stood in his way. Yet, unbeknownst to him, every single thing he did was just wrecking the storyline more and even more; to the point that the plot had become utterly screwed, thanks to him. ===== A/N: This novel is heavily inspired by many famous video games.

Admirably_ · Fantasy
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192 Chs

Ch. 60: Memories [4]

The long, thick, white eyelashes wriggled before slowly lifting open, revealing a pair of cerulean eyes. As Adrian came to his senses, he felt warmth enveloping his entire body. He realized he was lying on a bed, covered with a blanket. Looking upward, the darkness greeted him.

"Is this nighttime?" Glancing to the left and right, he found himself surrounded by pitch darkness. 

However, strangely enough, he could still see the bed he was lying in with vivid clarity. "Huh?"

Adrian sat on the bed and noticed he could see both of his hands while gazing at them. "What?"

Scanning through the surroundings once again, he found himself trapped in a void of pitch darkness with no way out. Only then a thought kicked in. "Wait, is this—"

Before he could finish his sentence, a bright light flashed and a rectangular screen appeared, hovering not too far away from his bed. "Talking of the devil, huh?"