
Not-So an Extra

Suddenly being thrown into the novel's world and possessing a pretty much fucked up character made him have no choice but to continue his life as a new identity. And just like any sane person who transmigrated into a book, of course, he would destroy every red flag that stood in his way. Yet, unbeknownst to him, every single thing he did was just wrecking the storyline more and even more; to the point that the plot had become utterly screwed, thanks to him. ===== A/N: This novel is heavily inspired by many famous video games.

Admirably_ · Fantasy
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192 Chs

Ch. 58: New Ending [1]

—Gallop —Gallop —Gallop 

The sound of galloping hooves echoed through the air as a legion of cavalry approached the meadow. Clad in pristine white armor, they carried polearms that glinted in the moonlight, held firmly at their sides. The moment Nathaniel's golden eyes caught the sight of the Lancaster family pennant fluttering amidst their ranks, he realized it was their reinforcement.

When Asher mentioned that he would report the matter to their father, Nathaniel assumed it was a jest. To his surprise, that was the truth, huh?

Currently, they were in the Egberg region. The distance between the refugee camp and Lancaster fiefdom was estimated to be a five-day on horseback, yet they had managed to arrive in just three days. It seemed they had been galloping nonstop at full speed—which was crazy. Well, as expected of the Lancaster Knights.

—Gallop —Gallop —Gallop