
Not Quite the End of the World

How would you deal with the end of the world? Would you monopolize the remaining resources? Or find your friends and create a community? Masion was born in the middle of the apocalypse, and decides that none of the traveled paths are for her. Instead, she decides to take two of her classmates with her to find a cure

_SaimonSalmon_ · LGBT+
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4 Chs

1 Starting things off with a Bang

Masion Andys was completely zoned out of class. Usually, she'd be mentally berating herself for that. Mostly because she tended to miss a majority of what Professor Maxwell said and tended to do so while starring at the girl who sat in front of her. But the girl wasn't here, and the professor had yet to say anything important. Plus, there was a chemistry assignment she should have already finished she needed to work on anyway.

Masion was pretty sure that the professor was just assigning groups for a project over spring break. This type of assignment was something she thought must be a punishment for her failure to pay attention. Having to do work over break? Gross. Having to do group work over the break? The worlds greatest punishment.

A knock on her desk made her jolt up from her daze and jostle the concoction in its beaker. An albino boy wearing some of the most expensive and fashionable clothing one could get in the apocalypse was standing before her. His hair was perfectly slicked back and his red eyes seemed to see right through her. She… really didn't like that feeling.

This was someone she knew more about than anyone else in the class. His name was Lucifer Weser. He had more rumors surrounding him then he had arguments with the girl who so distracted Masion, and that meant something. They fought a lot.

"Hey, anybody in there?" And wow, Masion could say for sure that he sounded as pretentious as he looked.

"Uh hi? Do you want something?" She couldn't think of a single reason someone like him would actually address her, but really wished he'd stop. Masion had enough going on, even without people thinking she was friends with the son of a cult leader.

Lucifer raised one of his perfectly manicured eyebrows. "Wow you really don't pay attention. You, me, and Sabere are all in a group. It would be great if you weren't completely distracted for the whole project."

Masion officialy wanted to punch him. She couldn't imagine how she would survive a week of actual conversation with him. This train of thought was interrupted by a loud bang. "Oh shit..."

Lucifer, who had stepped back before the explosion could ruin his outfit, couldn't help but comment. "I think you might have stirred to fast."

Masion, with her cork skrew hair looking practically the same despite the explosion, glared at him. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock. This is an extremely delicate compound, so maybe it won't blow up if you wouldn't distract me."

"Ah, what an incredible observation Watson! I'm sure it has everything to do with that, and definitely nothing to do with the fact that you diluted it with sixty-eight percent alcohol instead of the maximum of thirty-four for it to remain stable?"

"It was the only one they had in stock! Plus, I diluted it myself."

"Ah yes, as you can always be sure in the exact dilution of something you do DIY style! Hell, I'm sure even Sabere would do better than this, and she knows next to nothing about anything other than machines."

"Where's this Sabere anyway?"

"Well, I assume that crash on the news distracted her."

Ah. Fantastic, now she had to deal with two weirdos. A cultist and a psyco. She couldn't wait.

"You know what? I don't think I want to know."

"Yeah fair." The two of them stood in silence for a solid minute. Masion didn't exactly know where to go from there.

"I'm assuming that you won't want to come over to my place, so I'll talk to Sabere about going over to her garage for the project. Sound good?" Lucifer was right. She doubted anyone who wasn't part of said cult would want to go to their compound.

"I'll see you there, just send me the info." Masion couldn't wait to get this over with.

Lucifer: exists

Masion: I can understand perfectly why people would want to fight you

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