The ship's artificial day cycle was winding down when Bulma finished calibrating the gravity chamber's stabilizers for the third time that week.
Her hands moved automatically through the familiar motions, mind elsewhere.
"Dinner," she muttered to herself, closing the maintenance panel. "He actually requested dinner."
The invitation - if one could call a commanding "You will join me for dinner tomorrow" an invitation - had come after their latest Ki training session. Broly had simply stated it and left, leaving Bulma stunned in the training chamber.
Now, twenty-six hours later, she stood before her quarters' mirror, scrutinizing her reflection. A simple blue dress lay on her bed - her third choice after discarding options that seemed either too formal or too casual.
"This is ridiculous," she told her reflection. "It's just dinner with my captor-turned-mentor. Who happens to be an alien prince. Who could destroy planets with a thought. Who's been watching me differently lately..."
"Talking to yourself, human?" Grail's cold voice cut through her thoughts. "How... primitive."
Bulma managed not to jump, though her heart rate spiked. She turned to find Darkseid's daughter leaning against her doorframe, dark eyes calculating.
"Don't you ever knock?" Bulma asked, proud that her voice remained steady.
"Why should I? This ship belongs to my brother," Grail's smile showed teeth. "Though perhaps you're hoping to change that arrangement?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Bulma turned back to the mirror, using the motion to hide her expression.
"No?" Grail's tone dripped false innocence. "Then why such care with your appearance? Surely a simple meal with your... mentor... doesn't require such attention?"
Before Bulma could respond, AL's voice interrupted: "Miss Brief, a reminder that dinner is in forty-five minutes."
"How domestic," Grail mused. "Tell me, does my dear brother often invite his subjects to private meals? Or are you... special?"
The way she said 'special' carried layers of meaning, none of them particularly pleasant.
"I'm his student," Bulma stated firmly, finally selecting the blue dress. "He's probably just going to discuss training progress."
"Of course," Grail's smile was knowing and sharp. "Though I must admit, watching him try to maintain his precious control around you has been... entertaining."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Figure it out yourself, human. You're supposedly intelligent." With that, Grail pushed off the doorframe and stalked away.
Alone again, Bulma tried to steady her nerves. Her Ki flickered erratically, betraying her anxiety despite months of training in control.
Meanwhile, in his own quarters, Broly stood before a viewport, apparently studying star charts but actually lost in thought.
"The arrangements are complete, Your Highness," AL reported. "The dining area has been prepared according to your specifications."
Broly nodded absently, his mind replaying moments from recent months. The way Bulma's eyes lit up when grasping a new concept.
Her determined expression during Ki training. The subtle changes in her energy signature when their hands touched during instruction...
He growled softly, pushing the thoughts aside. He was a prince of Apokolips, the Legendary Super Saiyan. Such... considerations... were beneath him.
Yet he had still arranged this dinner.
A knock at his door interrupted his brooding. "Enter," he commanded, already knowing who it was by their Ki signature.
The Amazon warrior stepped in, her ancient eyes studying him with uncomfortable perception.
"The human girl," she began without beating around the bush. "You play a dangerous game."
"I play no games," Broly responded coldly. "She is my subject, nothing more."
"Is that why you questioned me about traditional Amazon cuisine?" the warrior's voice held no judgment, merely observation. "Why you've spent hours ensuring every detail of this evening is perfect?"
"Choose your next words carefully," Broly warned, though his energy remained carefully controlled.
"I simply observe, my prince," the Amazon's tone was diplomatic. "Though perhaps consider why you feel the need to threaten over mere observation."
She left before he could respond, leaving Broly to his thoughts once more.
Time passed slowly until finally, AL announced: "Miss Brief has arrived, Your Highness."
Broly straightened, adjusting attire he'd already checked multiple times. "Enter," he called out, his voice carrying its usual authority despite the unfamiliar tension in his chest.
The door slid open, and for a moment, everything stopped.
Bulma stood in the doorway, the blue dress complementing her hair and eyes perfectly. Her Ki signature, usually a steady flame after months of training, flickered like starlight.
For a heartbeat, Broly forgot to maintain his stern expression.
Then his discipline reasserted itself. "You're punctual," he stated, gesturing to a chair. "Sit."
The table between them was set with elegance, dishes from multiple worlds arranged with careful consideration. Neither mentioned the obvious effort this represented.
"The food looks amazing," Bulma offered, breaking the initial silence.
"AL handled the arrangements," Broly responded automatically, though this wasn't entirely true. He'd spent considerable time researching and preparing certain dishes himself, not that he would admit it.
They ate in silence initially, both hyperaware of each other's presence. Bulma noticed how Broly's movements, usually decisive and commanding, seemed more measured tonight. Broly found himself tracking every subtle shift in her Ki signature.
Finally, Bulma gathered her courage: "Why did you invite me to dinner?"
Broly paused, his fork halfway to his mouth. Setting it down carefully, he met her eyes.
"Your Ki control has improved significantly," he stated, deflecting.
"That's not an answer."
"No," he agreed, something flickering in his dark eyes. "It's not."
The admission hung between them, heavy with unspoken implications. Neither seemed ready to bridge that final gap.
"Myrina," Bulma tried again, "she helped with some of these dishes, didn't she?"
"Her knowledge was... useful," Broly allowed, though his jaw tightened slightly at the mention of the warrior's earlier visit.
Another silence fell, though this one felt different - charged with potential rather than tension.
Through the viewport behind them, stars streaked by in endless rivers of light. Somewhere in the ship, they could sense Goku's excited energy as he trained, Grail's darker power moving through distant corridors, the steady presence of the Amazon warrior observing it all.
But here, in this room, there was only them - prince and scientist, captor and captive, teacher and student... and perhaps, something more.
"AL," Broly barked, the moment shattered. "Report."
"Multiple vessels detected, Your Highness. Frieza Force signatures confirmed. Three capital ships approaching."
Broly's energy flared dangerously, a low growl escaping him. "So, the lizard grows bold."
"They're hailing us."
"Ignore it," Broly commanded. "Battle stations. The brat will observe from the bridge - he needs to learn about his people's oppressor."
"And me?" Bulma asked, already moving toward the door.
"Engineering," he stated. "We'll need your expertise if this turns ugly."
She nodded, turning to leave, but his voice stopped her:
She looked back. Broly stood rigid, power already beginning to crackle around him, but his eyes...
"This evening was..." he seemed to struggle with the words.
"I know," she said simply. "We'll continue it another time."
Something like a smile flickered across his face before his battle mask descended completely.
As Bulma rushed to engineering, she passed Grail in the corridor. Darkseid's daughter smirked despite the battle alert.
"Such a shame," she called after Bulma. "Just when things were getting interesting."
"Don't you have enemies to fight?" Bulma shot back.
"Oh yes," Grail's smile was all teeth. "But watching my brother's careful plans dissolve is almost as entertaining."
Before Bulma could respond, Myrina appeared. "Enough. Grail, to your station. Bulma, the engines need you."
As they separated, the warrior caught Bulma's arm. "Remember what I said about dangerous waters, little scientist."
"Now isn't really the time-"
"On the contrary," the Amazon's eyes were knowing. "The way he looks at you... it's the same way he looked at those ships just now. Like something he wants but doesn't know how to handle."
With that cryptic statement, she vanished toward the combat stations, leaving Bulma to hurry to engineering, mind spinning with implications.
Above them, Broly floated in space, green aura blazing as he faced the Frieza Force fleet. His power crackled with barely contained fury at the interruption.
"Can I fight too?" Goku's eager voice came through the comms.
"Watch and learn, brat," Broly commanded. "See what became at the cost of our people's pride and life under that lizard's rule."
As he prepared to engage the enemy, part of him remained aware of a certain Ki signature deep in the ship - bright and steady, like a beacon calling him back to something... unfinished.
But that would have to wait. For now, there were more immediate matters to attend to.
His roar of battle-joy echoed through space, green light illuminating the darkness like a new sun.
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!
Do tell me how you find, Broly and Bulma's slowly developing relationship.
Also, how do you find the writing style?
I feel like I'm getting better at describing.
Well, please comment and review if you haven't and I hope to see you all later,