
Not Only Roommates

High school life was about to begin for Aliyah. After having numerous fights with her parents, she finally moved far away from them to attend a well known school to start her high school life. Before she knew it, she even got several rivals. But soon, she started to face issues staying in a friend's house. Having no choice, she chose to stay in an apartment with an underpaid job, under the same roof with a boy. But as time passed, things started to become complicated for both of them. Their high school lives proceeded with several comedic happenings, rivalry, their untold feelings and stories as their bond strengthens along their way.

Benami_Sarder · Teen
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 2: Roommates

"Hey!!! Aliyah, what are you doing over here? The class is gonna start." said Dahlia as she ran towards Aliyah and held her from her back.

Aliyah walked away with her without saying anything else.

"Love at first sight?" said Dahlia with a sly grin.

"No, I just thought that he looks good. It doesn't mean that I love him. God made him beautiful, that's all." said Aliyah.

"Come on! Just say that you've got a crush. Hehe, looked at the way he looked at you? Things are gonna get-"

"Shut up." Aliyah rolled her eyes. On the way, a tall young boy in black t-shirt walked towards her as if he was trying to bash into her. He looked at her with his azure eyes as he cornered her. His smooth black hair was sweaty. The whole scenario would perhaps be a dream for a teenager but for Aliyah, it was a disgusting moment.

"Oh, sorry." said the boy. As Aliyah was trying to get past him, he kept getting in her way.

"I'm getting late." said Aliyah and tried to get past him again. This time, he cornered her even more, getting close enough to feel her breath. Aliyah was disgusted by it. She was getting more and more angered which she showed with her stern face.

"Jesus Christ Luke, let us go." said Dahlia.

"You know this sore loser who corners new girls at school?" said Aliyah and looked at Dahlia.

"Woah woah woah, that was rude." Luke backed away. "What's her name?"

"She isn't gonna die, you'll know her eventually." Dahlia held Aliyah's hands and walked away giving him a death stare.

In their class, the teacher entered and the students all stood up except Logan and a group of girls. The teacher was a young woman with glasses. It was certain by the tired eyes she had that she overworks.

"Welcome to the class. I am Miss Spencer-" She took out a book. "-your English-"

A boy in brown curly hair interrupted. He was comparably short in size and had a smile on his face.

"Do our parents give us a goddamn book to teach us English?"

"(He's the class clown.)" Aliyah looked at him sternly.

"What do you mean by it?" Miss Spencer frowned.

"Exactly what I said."

"I won't say anything to that. Sit down." Miss Spencer lifted her eyeglasses. She looked at the 'class clown' and sighed.

"Aliyah Amer, stand up." Miss Spencer looked at Aliyah.

Aliyah stood up with her head down. "Yes ma'am."

"This is the first time you came to school despite of it starting nine days ago, I believe. You are new in this area I have heard so I won't push you. Take your time and make sure to get along with everyone. Luke told me that you were very hostile towards him."

Luke was pleased to see Aliyah standing up in front of the entire class even though she was scared, acting as if she does not know how to speak. Aliyah looked at Luke from the corner of her eye, giving a death stare.

The classes ended without anything for Aliyah to remember. She got out of the class with a glimpse of worry on her face. Dahlia said as she giggled,

"Mr. Taylor thought that we are sisters. Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing much." said Aliyah and forced a smile.

"You're worrying about your job huh? The job really ain't paying you much. It's fine, I'll handle mom and dad. They aren't heartless, they'll let you stay."

"Jade is grounded and you are about to be grounded because of me..." Aliyah opened mouth and took some breaths as if she was about to cry. She looked away and Dahlia held her close to let her know that she is with her.

"Hey, it's fine. Please don't cry...I am here. If things go wrong, I will go and stay with you wherever you like. You called me your best friend yourself."

"Huh? What are you talking about? I was about to sneeze but I couldn't, that's all."

Dahlia looked at her with a still smile, not blinking even once. Aliyah looked at her being perplexed. Luke walked beside them with a gorgeous golden haired girl with pouty lips. He laughed and said,

"They're flirting."

"Shut up Luke!" Dahlia yelled.

"I didn't tell you before but I am moving out to an apartment." said Aliyah as she held her schoolbag tight.

"You what?- But you don't know this place well. Anything could happen. Mom and dad aren't heartless, they'll let you stay-"

"No Dahlia. I will be fine." said Aliyah and went to another direction without answering her friend. Dahlia was looking at her without any clue. "Is that why you borrowed the money from me?! Just to stay away from me!? I'm useless now, huh?" She pouted and ran away thinking that her friend now sees no value in her.

"(I'm sorry...I can't tell you that your neighbor called your mom and dad. They don't want me to stay there. When I get my salary, I will give you the money back.)" As the sky was getting grim and cloudy, Aliyah ran fast towards the school gate.

She took the luggage and bags she kept hidden near the tree. She was huffing under the cold weather, carrying the heavy bags.

She reached near a small apartment after the rain fell. It was as if luck was against her. Being soaked, she went inside of the apartment with her half drenched bags. As she was passing by, she stepped on the tail of a dog and had to rush upstairs, screaming and panting. As she went upstairs, her hair got stuck with a branch that has reached the veranda of the apartment.

"*sigh*(God is never on my side...)" Aliyah kept the bags at a corner and took out the key.

"(306, isn't it?)" She went towards the unit number 306 and opened the lock. "I hope that it isn't a boy." As she opened the lock, she saw the same person who's beauty she has admired.

"(Oh well. Wrong one.)" She slammed the door shut and tried to open the doors next to the unit. "(Open...open...open!!!!)" Before she knew it, she started to sweat as she was screaming inside thinking of her misfortune.

But she was not even surprised thinking that it is her luck after all. Elias was sleeping on the bed, looking like a sleeping prince charming. Without paying any heed, Aliyah entered her unit with her bags and luggage. As soon as she closed the door, being a light sleeper, Elias opened his eyes and saw Aliyah.

Not being in his full consciousness, he asked, "Are you my wife?"

Without any change of expression, she answered, "No, I'm your roommate."

"Oh." Elias turned around and closed his eyes again.

He stayed asleep for a brief moment until he realized that the roommate was the same person he met on that day and could not get his eyes off from. He screamed out loud as the thunder growled. After his scream, he stared at Aliyah with his eyes widened whilst Aliyah was terrified and confused.

"(Jeez, why are people here so anime? Or is this just the school?)" Aliyah frowned.

They both kept living like this without even knowing that two days have passed. Aliyah would sleep on the ground, on the mat she has brought. They both would eat ordered meals from restaurants. But even in the dining table, they would not speak. Not being able to break the discomforting barrier, Elias could not speak to her. Since Aliyah felt no need to talk, she did not talk to him unless it was necessary either. Until one day at class, when Mr. Taylor asked the class a question. He looked younger than Miss Spencer, almost as if he was a student himself.

"We all know that there are three states of matter. Does anyone know the correct number of the states of matter?" said Mr. Taylor.

Both Elias and Aliyah stood up at the same time with different answers.

"Six." said Aliyah.

"Four." said Elias.

As they both gave different answers, they looked at each other and frowned.

"What are you talking about? Where did you pull the other states from?" Elias shouted.

"What do you mean I pulled them- There are probably even more." Aliyah took a step forward.

"Those aren't natural."

"Those are."

"Tell me what those are then!"

"Solid, liquid, gas, plasma, Bose-Einstein condensate..." As Aliyah was speaking, Luke and Rowan, a boy with glasses were watching them as if it was a TV show.

"Our boy got himself a girlfriend." said Rowan and giggled softly.

"Ah..." Luke seemed rather disinterested. He kept his face on his palm and sighed as he looked at the clock in the classroom.

Elias looked away in rush with clenched fist. He let go of the grip and yelled,

"That's it! I'm done with you."

"What?-" Aliyah flapped her eyes.

"Why are you two having a divorce over states of matter!? Both of you! Sit down!" said Mr. Taylor. Both Aliyah and Elias sat down as they gave each other a calm stare even though inside, they were trying to form the best argument to prove their answer right. But in the end, they forgot about it.

The bell rang and the class was therefore, dismissed. The students all started to leave one by one. Dahlia walked beside Aliyah as if she was in rush and was passing by a piece of smelly garbage. Aliyah looked away from her, getting a lump in her throat that she did not show. Without any words, she left the classroom.

Luke and Rowan went near Elias. Luke asked, "Who is that chick to you?"

"Classmate of course." said Elias.

"We're her classmate too, man. But she is a bit too close to you. What's up?" said Rowan.

"Just because we fought a little bit doesn't mean that something's up." Elias rolled his eyes. He took his books and rushed out of the classroom.

"*sigh* He's still mad at us." Rowan tilted his eyeglass.

"Like I give a fuck. What is he? A twelve year old? Tch." Luke got up from the chair fast and recklessly enough to make it fall on the ground. He took his books and left for the next class. Rowan put the chair in it's place and left the classroom as well.

The happening of the Science class spread out all across the school. Everyone were talking about it whether it be the cafeteria, the sportsground or the classes.

"Have you heard? The pretty boy and the new girl fought over some shits like states of matter. Mr. Taylor said that they had a near divorce, pfft." said some girls. Dahlia was beside of them, hearing their words with disinterest.

Some boys in the sportsground were talking about the same topic but it rather took a different turn.

"You heard that? Elias might be dating that doll faced chick. She's kinda pretty though." said a boy as he was playing with a basketball.

"She still doesn't look that good I bet. You mean there's a hotter chick than Isabella? You said she's doll faced and that's just boring." said another boy who was sitting down, stretching his hands.

"Come on man, you never even saw her. Even that ragtag bastard Luke tried to hit on her."

"Huh?...You mean-The Luke who's a part of a goddamn gang?"

As they both were chattering, from a corner, a blonde haired girl was hearing their conversation. She was getting filled with rage as she clenched her teeth and fists. As she stroked her glimmering hair as shiny as the sun, she silently walked away with a face as grim as a dark night.