
Not My Bride

She is the brother or sister of the younger sister of the lady to whom he is engaged. He is the one and only person who has ever managed to win her affection. When Olivia’s sister fails to show up on the day of her wedding, Olivia is put in the awkward position of having to stand in for her. However, Olivia rapidly learns that her marriage to Nolan Johnson is nothing short of a living hell for her and her children. She has never stopped adoring the mysterious media mogul who is worth millions, but he has never shown any interest in her despite the fact that she has never stopped loving him. Instead, all of his attention has been directed on her sister. Olivia is doing all in her power to win over her husband now that they are finally married. In both love and battle, nothing can be held against you. Therefore, nothing can be held against you. What do you think about this? This is a fight to the death.

mercy_mary · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


They had the purpose of handing down their treasured company down the generations, and since the Johnson are well known for organizing weddings for their progeny, the perfect chance to do so presented itself to them. If the Johnson and the Richards were to get married, this would not only keep the company in the family, but it would also guarantee that both families continue to have an equal amount of control over the business.

At the time when they were considering potential applicants for this arrangement, Bella was not one of those prospects. That would be me, right there. Because of my relationship with Lizzy, they believed that I would be the most qualified applicant for the position. Even though I had only become twenty years old when the arrangement was made, I had no problems with it, and it seemed that Nolan did not have any issues with it either.

When I went to celebrate Lizzy's twenty-first birthday with her, I brought Bella along with me, and that was the moment when everything took a turn for the better. My memory of that evening is as clear as it was when it happened. I was the one who first saw him, but she was the one who he never took his eyes off of during the entire conversation.

Every time I see it, the image of Nolan standing outside my office building waiting for me causes my heart to beat faster than it normally would. He is now leaning against his vehicle and relaxing.

I pause for a second and turn my attention to him before continuing with what I was doing. His jet-black hair, his razor-sharp jaw, and his green eyes that are a perfect match for Lizzy's eyes are just a few of the striking similarities between the two. It is not fair that as time goes on, he continues to evolve into a more beautiful person. He is becoming more attractive every day. It seems as if every time I see him, he travels a little bit further away from where I can reach him. When Nolan sees me standing at the entrance, he instantly straightens up, and a smile appears on his face as quickly as it happens.

"Hi!" I tell him while he's assisting me by holding open the door for me to go through it. Nolan grins broadly in my way, and I respond in like by beaming broadly in his direction. For the time being, I am going to do my best to enjoy every single second of it, despite the fact that there is a good chance that I may come to regret caving in to his demands in the not too distant future.

"Which way are we going to go?" "Where are we going?" I start asking him questions as soon as he gets in the vehicle and sits down next to me with his hands wrapped over the steering wheel.

Nolan relaxes his body so that it rests against the headrest, and when he does so, he turns his face to look at me. He mutters "Olivia" while acting petulantly and portraying an air of superiority. When he calls out my name in that fashion, I have no control over the pace at which my pulse quickens, and I also am unable to prevent myself from turning toward him in order to face him instinctively. "I'm curious as to why I haven't seen you around at all recently."

Nolan seems to be in true sorrow, as if he has missed me in some significant manner, and the flame that I have been striving so diligently to snuff out reawakens once again.

"There's just been a lot going on." My voice sounds low and depressed, as if I am unable to coax myself into believing that I can lie to him in a way that is believable. I've been working some ridiculously long hours. I have a lot of modeling jobs right now, and at the same time I'm focusing on establishing my own fashion business. Juggling all of these responsibilities may be challenging. If I'm being really honest with you, there are certain days in which I scarcely have time to eat or sleep at all.

As he turns the key in the ignition, he offers a little nod and then hastily averts his gaze, giving the impression that he is having second thoughts. "Rave, make sure you don't overtax yourself. It is okay for you to take care of yourself, so please don't forget about it. It is difficult to be working continuously without taking breaks. You really have to make time for your loved ones, including your friends and family. When did you see your parents the last time, and how long has it been since you last saw them?

I make a feeble effort to conjure a smile while simultaneously crossing both of my arms over my chest. As I get older, I find that I have less and less time to spend with my parents. It would seem like Bella is the focal point of their world, and going someplace that treats me like an outsider is one of my least favorite things to do. Despite the fact that it's my own home, I can't shake the feeling that I'm seeing things from the outside looking in. I let him know that Lizzy was indeed just in my office at the time, and I tell him about it. "It's important for you to understand that I do have friends."

He gives me one of those glances that he gives me periodically, as if he can see right through my lies and deception, yet he still nods his head. This is a look that he gives me occasionally.

In the next twelve months, what kind of goods do you anticipate buying for yourself? I approach him with a question, making sure to keep my voice kind and casual.