
Not just a game(BL)

let's play a game. it's called solar system this story isn't about planets, planets are stupid. this isn't a stupid space adventure. who would want to read about a space adventure? why would anyone want to read about a guy on a space adventure? I'm talking too much about space adventures, aren't I?. you're also wondering, what the fuck is this even about if it's not about planets?. Then shut up and let me explain. why would you think this was about planets in the first place? okay, the solar system is a game. I know it has a weird name but trust me it'll make sense pretty soon. okay, in this game, they are ten players, one's the sun and the rest are the planets. so, the sun has to date all nine of the planets, each person is given three days to be their boyfriend or girlfriend. This time around the sun is Caleb Keller, the point guard of the basketball team. And for some unknown reason, I've been picked as one of the nine. now you're probably wondering, saying things like: "what's the problem?", "you're one of the nine" and "you should be happy, you're gonna date a hot guy" well, here's the thing, my Name is Xavier Castor, I'm a guy and I'm not gay. yes, definitely. not gay. never ever gay. now, explain to me, how in the hell am I going to get through the whole month knowing that I'm dating - oh good, lord, that word - Caleb Keller. How?!!!!

T_Of_Hearts · Teen
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64 Chs

I Think I Need Help

Xavier's point of view

"what?!!!!" I scream.

"oh, quit with the Pearl clutching!" Amber admonishes. she sits up and rakes her fingers through her short hair. we sit up too. "I don't know... it just happened, she kissed me and said it was just to get things over with and then I fucking kiss her because I thought it would make her feel better... it was stupid" she let's out a deep groan. I see Shawn open his mouth to speak. I tap him on the lap and smile at him, letting him know that Amber would shut down if we interrupted and I'm grateful he understood. did he feel it?.

we listen as Amber continues. "Calley came to get us like the sweet person that she is and she sees Quinn kiss me and there was this moment when she looked hurt but like she bounced back real quick when I said Quinn wasn't my girlfriend... then Calley makes this really weird comment about... about" her whole face goes red. she was blushing, Amber does not blush.

"about?" Shawn and I say at the same time, curiosity getting the better of us..

"She says... oh, my god, she says she doesn't mind having two girlfriends, who Says things like that!!!" she screams and covers her face with her hands.

"oh, my god... you like the idea of it" I accuse, jumping up to my knees and pointing at her.

"no... no, I don't" Amber stutters a little and that is the first sign that she is not telling the truth.

"yes you fucking do!!!" I scream bouncing on the bed like a child. "Shawn, read her mind and tell her she's lying"

"that's not how it works honey" he says patting me on the should. "and I don't need to feel your energy to know you're lying Amber"

"see!" I say gesturing excitedly at Shawn.

"okay, I'm lying, I want to date your goddamn sister!!!" She whisper screams because somewhere in the house is Quinn and I'm pretty sure she didn't want Quinn finding about her feelings.

"firstly, ewwww. secondly, why aren't you going for it then?"

"because I like Calley and your sister likes Calley and Calley likes her too" She explains and I fail to understand what she's trying to say.

"what are you trying to say, that you wanna be in a throuple with his sister?" Shawn supplies and I retch.

"sorry" I mutter when they both glare at me. "but still ewww and also go for it"'

"see, even her brother agrees" Shawn says, a smile lingering on his face. "go for it babe, falling in love isn't all that scary"

"falling in lo— what makes you think I'm in love with them?" she says and frowns at us.

"he said falling in love, not being in love... are you in love?"

"I'm not falling in love with anyone!!" she all but screams. her eyes fill with tears. "uhm mmm mmm hmm" she mutter and I can't understand a thing she says.

"what'd you say?!"

"I said maybe you're a tad bit right, you nosy fucker!" she snaps and folds are arms rather childishly.

"I knew it" I fall back on to the bed and wrap my arms around Shawn. "I love being right" I tell him and i feel his whole body vibrate as he laughs.

the weight of the past few days come down again and I hold on Shawn tightens.

"we've been talking too much about ourselves that we haven't had time to ask you are how you're doing?" Shawn mutter.

"it's fine, I like it... you distract me and I'm less sad when you talk about yourselves and I'm definitely happier when I'm right" I turn and look at Amber with a smile. I don't have the energy to make it look happy and I'm pretty sure that Shawn will feel if it isn't happy.

"that's not going to make the pain go away" Amber tells me.

"no shit" I whimper as tears form in my eyes. "I just want to be happy for a while okay?... I don't like feeling like this, God, if knew loving him would hurt this much I wouldn't have let myself fall in love with him!"

"yeah, you would have" Amber says with a scoff.

"why do you think I would do something like that, I'm not a fucking masochist" I say to her and pat my self on the shoulder for using a big word.

"please... you're fucking cheesy. you're one of those people who would do it all over again if they get to feel what it's like to fall in love all over" she tells me. "and go job with the big word" she says and I Chuckle. not at the big word comment but at the fact that she was right, I would do it all over again if I got to fall in love with my... no, he's not mine.

"you're right, I'm an idiot" I mutter and start crying all over again.

they say nothing, they just hold me.

Louis's or Meo's(Caleb's papi) point of view

I had never seen Caleb like this before. he came back looking all gloomy on saturday night and he hasn't left his room since then

I swallow the Cheetos in my mouth. "Honey?" I call to Andrew who was sitting down on the floor with is back against the wall. I didn't want to ask why he was sitting on the floor because I didn't have the energy to process his answer.

"yeah?" he had his phone in his hand and he was playing cooking fever. he pauses his game and gives me his attention.

"what do you think about Caleb's, he's been looking sad?"

"that's what heartbreak does to you" he said and I look up at him.

"heartbreak?" what does he mean heartbreak?

"Haven't you had your heart broken before? that's the look" he looked at me like I was crazy

"what do you mean the look?" I frown.

"the look of a broken heart, my guess is, Xavier broke up with h... Meo, has no one ever broken up with you before?" his entire face lights up and I frown because I know he's about to mock me for something.

"not really... I've always just said I don't want to be with you anymore and that was it... isn't that how it works?" I asked and put down my bowl of Cheetos.

"no... breakups hurt, Meo" he tells me and starts getting up off the floor. "darling, you serious have never had your heart broken?"


"oh, I get it now" he says and comes to start beside me.

"I don't like the way you said that... what do you get?" I say and smack his hand away when he reaches for my snack.

"ouch" he nurses his hand. "I'm just saying, you were a rich kid, who looked like that, who on Earth would want to dump you?"

I am not proud to say I preen at the praise. "oh, I don't know what you're trying to do but it— " the doorbell rings

I look at the clock and it's nearly seven on a Friday night, who on Earth would be at the door at this time.

"I'm getting the door!!" Luka screams as he starts going for the door. he reaches for the door and looks out the peep hole before unlocking it. "oh hi" he say to the person outside.

"hi, is Caleb home?" it's a girl's voice.

"uhm... yeah he's upstairs... are you like his girlfriend because I thought he was dating Xavier?"

"he was and now he isn't... that's actually what we want to talk to him about?"

we? "Luka, go in, I'll talk to them" andrew says and heads for the door. "hi"

"I'm Amber, and this is Shawn and we'd like to have a word with Caleb" the girl says.

"she would, I'm okay staying right here" The boy with her says.

"okay... come in" I watch from the kitchen island as they both come in. the boy is dressed in long pants and an oversized t-shirt while the girl, the girl is dressed almost the same and has her hair cut short and shaggy. my gayder says gay!. "Caleb's room is up there, you can go... have your word with him, leave the door open"

"don't bother" I say putting a Cheeto in my mouth. "you can sit" I say to Shawn.

"thanks" he sits down on the couch and pulls out his phone an starts tapping on it.

I look at Andrew and his giving me a look that asks "what's going on?"

I shrug and stare at the other kid that's sitting on the couch. "sweetie, do you have any idea what's going on?"

"I do" he says simply.

"and?" Andrew asked expectantly

"and?" Shawn replies. "look, it's not really my place to say anything, you kind of have to hear it from your song yourself"

"I don't like your energy or your tone" I tell him

"well, I like yours" He replies with a slight smile. is... is this kid flirting with me.

just then the lesbian comes banging down the stares and glares at Shawn. "let's go" she says to him and then she says "thank you for welcoming me into your beautiful home" to us.

"uhm.. thank you" Andrew says unsurely as they leave.

"bye, Mr Keller, I love your nails by the way" Shawn says as she drags him out.

"uhm, do you have any idea what that was about?" he asked and I shrug. I avert my eyes to the stares when I hear footsteps coming from the stares.

"hi, honey" it's Caleb and he does not look okay. "what's wrong, baby?"

"uhm..." he takes in a shaky breath. "uhm... I" a tear slip and fear strikes my heart

I start towards him and wrap him in a hug at the same time his dad reaches him. "what's wrong, Caleb?. talk to us" Andrew says.

"I.. I... I think I need help... I think I need to talk to someone"