
Not Human 1

A night in the woods, a morning of questions. Asher McKnight's life is changed after he wakes up to the most painful experience in his life. The stories always said a bite did it, but it's different now. The tables are turning and the bodies are piling. Teenagers and townsfolk going missing and Rider's Crest has more creatures than it should boast suddenly showing up everywhere. What's worst, someone is turning people into supernaturals but not the regular way. Asher's new world is catching up to him fast,and he seems to keep hearing that lone wolves never make it to winter. Yet with a stubborn alpha hell-bent on pulling him into the pack, a vampire that won't leave his side and Helsings in the mix. Asher can't believe he'd actually grown up in such a dangerous place. Maybe, just maybe he'd get to see winter.

SaimtNoctis · Fantasy
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33 Chs

She brought back up

I sat down unmoving as I stared where she'd been my mind at war. She was right, I knew she was didn't mean I liked it any better.  Dropping back I sprawled out on the ground wincing as my injured back touched the floor.

How'd she even get so good at kicking ass I wondered. My fingers traced her claw marks as I pondered her words.

Pushing your problems away doesn't mean it's gone.  I blinked hard at the words as I shut my eyes.

You said together in this right, well how they hell am I supposed to know you can help in this if you busy fighting a McKnight wolf civil war within you.

I sat up now and stood up quickly my eyes scanning the woods for her. No sign. I raked a hand through my hair looking up to the sky that was a clear blue today.

"Well. If anything give it a try". I muttered to myself. I shut my eyes and took in a deep breath. More to brace myself for the pain that would come than it was to focus. I felt it stir in my head, felt it move around a bit as it prodded and claw at my brain. Like an itch it scratched and I pulled at it .

I felt the familiar burn in my eyes and a heat wash over my body as my skin tingled.Then I felt it , a bark like a greeting in my head and I almost stumbled. I tried calling to it , apologizing for not shifting and explaining the pain while yet feeling wierd.

I felt like a lunatic, though I usually spoke to myself and I knew many people did. But now I was legit sure there was another person or wolf in my head

A scraping on my brain with the feeling of calm and understanding washed over me. A smile tugged at my lips at the feeling.

A snap behind me had me turning to face the woods entrance . Then I smelt them just as I looked at them. Wolves, five of them walked casually up to me as I stared at them..

My eyes raked over them landing one that boiled my blood right as she spoke.

"Nice to see you again, we never finished off where we started , Asher". The shewolf mumured licking her lips while her fingers combed through her brunette hair her brown eyes staring me down like today's fresh meat.

I just stared without replying, an obvious disappointment to her.

"Back down Kiara . Not now." A man spoke from the center of the the group. He was big , not Dwayne Johnson big but big enough. I eyed the others in the group.a lanky lean guy with scattered brunnete hair and dark eyes his features eerily similar to she wolf. The other guy was taller and broad but not as big as mini Dwayne Johnson, his blonde hair touching his shoulders like a masculine Goldilocks while his ashen gaze eyed me over like he was sizing me up. Yes he was definitely sizing me up and from the chuckle that passed his lips once he was done I'd bet he'd just reasoned he could take me, not that I doubted after all the looked like experienced wolves. The last and final dude just stood looking disinterested his black hair and green eyes staring blankly into space as he remained lost.

*He okay?" I asked pointing to green eyes. All of them took a look and Kiara groaned while Goldilocks slapped him over the head. He sprang to reality as he looked to Goldilocks annoyed and slapped his head back. Mini Dwayne Johnson just rubbed his forehead obviously tired at the chirade.

"Knock it out guys" another voice barked. My eyes found the final member of my wolf friends and I got very interested. Her eyes were blue just like mine, blonde hair with a spray of pink that I wondered if she'd ever change. Her baby heart shaped face look back at me as a smile widened on them a smile that I returned. The only other human being I spoke with aside from Benjamin. Well human being was obviously not correct anymore.

"Hey jerk"she spoke her smile still intact.

"Tiana" I nodded still smiling.

"You know him" the shewolf Kiara asked looking over at Tiana who nodded without taking her eyes off me.

"Same school. Same geometry class". She stated winking at me. "That he's not good at".

"Do you wanna excuse yourself or stay outta this" the Dwayne Johnson mini asked looking at her concerned.

"I'll stay out of this" she replied stepping to the side. I furrowed an eyebrow as I watched the exchange. What were the planning on doing exactly?.

The Dwayne Johnson mini turned to me and eyed me over like Goldilocks had done before speaking.

"You're on pack territory Omega!"

"Pack what now?" My expression twisted confused.

"Territory. You're trespassing. You need to answer to that". He stated plainly. I would have laughed if four individuals weren't looking at me like I was a piece of sheep to be hunted which I felt is what they wanted.

"Look man I've lived in this town for the longest part of my life so I don't know what you spilling about territory". I stated plainly. He just glared at me.

"You're a wolf now and to be in pack territory you need to either be a pack member or have a clearance from the alpha". He said not moving an inch.

This was it, now I would have to meet alphas. Aurora was right, this was our life now. No more just school and phones and Benjamin for me. Now I was a wolf and fighting it would do nothing but hurt me.

"Well I'm still trying to get around this wolf thing let alone a pack so I'll stick to myself for now. " I told him.

"Then you are an Omega kid. You know what that is?. It means a wolf of the lowest ranks, but that's just a nice way of saying a lone wolf." He chuckled at his statement while I just stared wondering what was funny.

*You make it sound like a bad thing" I deadpanned.

"It is blue eyes" Kiara spoke now. Her eyes gazed me over and I was certain it wasn't because she suddenly had a crush on me.

"Lone wolves are targets. Good ones too, you know why?. Cause they are deemed harmful and dangerous. Wolves in a pack are bound by the laws of the pack and of the council. But a lone wolf, one without a pack has no rules to follow, so it's more dangerous. And I tell you it's not just pack wolves that hunt down lone wolves." She licked her lips at that particular statement.

"What else is out there?. " I asked trying not to show my concern.

"Things that even pack wolves are wise to avoid." Goldilocks spoke now.

"Join the pack and we can also teach you things that you need to know." Dwayne Johnson mini spoke resting his eyes on me. My thought went to Aurora and I knew I couldn't take it. She was a vampire and vampires were not part of wolf packs. No way I was leaving her to fend for herself especially after promising to watch her. I guessed now that in a way she and I were part of a pack. Our own pack, watching over ourselves.

"And if I say no?" I asked hopefully.

"Then we run you outta town" Kiara licked her lips again making me question the sanity of the action.

"I live here, it's my town too my friends and family are here and no way I'm running off cause of some wolves. " I shrugged.

Dwayne Johnson mini nodded to Kiara, her smirking widening as she began walking to me. Goldilocks in tow.

"This really is not a good time". I stared glaring. Their eyes raked my clawed up form and Kiara seemed to smile wider.

"Not our problem hun"she mocked.

"There's three things" I started taking a step back to give myself more distance.

"One. Like I said I live here it's my town." As I spoke my head snapped to the side as I heard the snap in my neck bone.

"Two. I don't think you own any part of this town and if you did I've lived here long enough to say it's my town too" i felt my gums tickle as the fangs descended from them my fingers itching as claws pushed out.

"Finally. Take a good look at me. I'm so messed up cause I had my ass beaten around. And it pisses me off, not cause of the beating but cause she's right and that maddens me. So when I said it's not a good time...". I crouched low feeling the muscles and fur stretch out on my back and face.

"...I meant not a good time for you." My eyes burned gold as I glared at them my jaws parting as it poured out rising like a wave from within me, climbing as it neared it's exit then flooded out like the storm. I watched them halt in their tracks watched their knees shake as the stumbled a bit.

I lunged forward as Kiara got a grip on her footwork and lashed out. Her claws went over me as I ducked down then pushed her away to block Goldilocks upward kick with my arms before backing away to snarl at both wolves.

Goldilocks swung a punch this time as Kiara moved around the sidelines. I ducked to the side then realized it was a feint as his left fist smacked onto my cheek. Kiara was quick to follow up sweeping me off my feet my back slamming down hard. A whine left my lips as I glared up at them Kiara grinning maniacally.

I rolled away as her feet stomped down where my chest was and leaped to my feet. Goldilocks roared out at me and I felt a little rush of force roll around me. What was that?.

No time to ponder with Kiara quickly rushing in I ducked then went low my right claws slicing her thigh. She roared out in pain staggering back while Goldilocks swooped in to cover her retreat. I felt the tug in my brain as my instincts sharpened moving me to the side in time to duck a severe Spartan kick.

My left claws shot up taking the leg bloodily. He yelped and fell back in step. Kiara glared back and charged again, the tug came sharper and I went low instinctively my claws slicing out her right calf deep. 

Goldilocks lunged in to reciprocate right as I noted the Kiara look alike run into the party. Goldilocks and I sparred my instincts doing most of the work as I ducked and dodged, fended off blows and kicked back.

Kiara look alike made a slash at my back pain flaring immediately. My eyes burned harder as the pain introduced anger, I spun elbowing him in the nose blood spurting out like water as he fell back clutching his nose.

"Had enough" I spat at Goldilocks who replied with a snarl and punched at me. Using both arms I stopped the blow then quickly grabbing the arm I pulled him in stabbing my left left claws into his abdomen before tossing him aside. My eyes locked with Dwayne johnson mini, boy was he pissed.

He dashed in thoughtless and as clueless as I was I knew that wasn't appropriate. He made a jump which in my book was cool looking. Sidestepping I leaped and kicked at his side bringing him down before landing myself and stomping on his back.

"Mistake there". I growled out my fangs still peeking out my mouth.

I didn't hear until she was on my shoulders her claws doing serious damage to my arms as she savagely raked at me. Dwayne Johnson mini was on his feet in a second and came at me his claws hitting the spots I couldn't block blood rushing outta me in trickles.

"Stop! The roar left my mouth as I grabbed up at Kiara a lock of hair entering my palm and I tugged down ripping her off my shoulder to the floor.

My eyes found Dwayne Johnson mini who sent a punch at my mouth busting my lip open. I was quick to retaliate making a feint to the left only to rush low and finish in an uppercut that sent him flying back. My eyes found Kiara as she stood behind a few feet off Goldilocks stood too his eyes watching as she charged at me.

I went low, Kiara predictably charging in while I spun my feet tripping her left leg and at the same time slashed back with my right claws in an upward motion from the left bottom to the top. Blood splashed on my cheek right before she dropped to the floor choking and gurgling.

"No!" Goldilocks roar thundered over the cliff his eyes on the spot she fell as Dwayne Johnson mini quickly knelt by her his hands frantic as the held the slashed up throat. His eyes glared back at me in fury as mine found Kiara's in worry and regret.

"It's not... It's not deep Jackson. He ... " She spat up more blood "... can't even hit right." She looked to me out gazes locking as I stilled filling a boy bad.

"You runt!" I turned back to Goldilocks who was running at me fury and death in his eyes and I glared back ready for round two. I caught the Kiara look alike shift a step back from my peripheral and I paused staring widely at Goldilocks right as he leaped into the air his form tearing and expanding into a full gold furred wolf. It or he snarled and growled as he bared fangs at me prowling while walking proudly as I stared.

Shit. Things just got levelled up.