
Not Home (Vanaheim's Princess)

Ivvy, Princess of Vanaheim , goes on a mission to retrieve the gem of the black heart to redeem her land from the wrath of its gods. After spending years with fruitless efforts with the humans, she finally gets a clue on where the gem is kept. Will she find it, or will she be overwhelmed with unforeseen issues? What extent of hell will be let loose on the humans by the Vanir's to get back their princess.

C_Yi · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The nice bum

Chapter 8

Seeing someone turn to sparkles is every one's dream, especially the little ones expecting the tooth fairy; which surprisingly is Achaea from Midgard.

We eventually became pals when she came snatching the teeth of Marla's offspring when they were all dead; well I mean asleep.

Then I realised that I wasn't the only one who wanted a normal life, with normal besties, and not Chirp the bunny dragon; that's what I call him.

Watching Ayer disappearing into ashes suddenly dawns on me that if my plan fails, I will really have to get married to a prince; the question is which prince is it this time?

I feel a smile slowly crawling to the ends of my cheeks and I begin to retreat back to my room.

Then suddenly I spot Jim, I'm about to go confront him when I see an middle-aged woman talking to him, I immediately hide behind a wall.

'So I suppose you haven't seen a lady who has a shade of sky blue and hazel eyes, brown curly long hair, wearing a onion color like suit, sharp,but lazy eye-lids, a perfect nose, and a lip set so pretty you can't look away from , have you? ' Jim asks.

Excuse me? This is unbelievable, Sia is barely conscious, and here he is making a pass on a middle aged bitch.

'No sir, such Goddess's don't exist in this place, you could go find your "Miss shade of all." ' The middle-aged replied almost giggling out.

'How did you figure out her nickname?' Jim says trying to control his laughter.

Stop laughing to her jokes freak, you belong to my bestie.

I immediately begin to heat up, I check my face and gosh; it's way blushier than ever, but not the make-up kind.

"Shade of all huh?"That does ring a bell , actually two bells; one that reminds me that, my college mates called me that name till I eventually graduated, and the second that makes me conscious that Jim has been a secret fan of my look.

I might possess the facials he mentioned, but it feels way too exaggerated; probably cause its coming from my bff's bf.

'I'll head right back to my work now sir, I'll let you know if I find her, the night is way too bright to ignore such beauty, anyways, good luck.' She says as she faces her back towards him and walks away.

It's very hard to ignore the way he stares at her behind, I mean, I'm not sure if he's ever done that for me , when I'm not looking, I mean what does she have that I practically don't; Shut up Ivvy!

For a second I pose out my bum towards the window.

'So you were eavesdropping, that's a bad habit Hun.' I hear a familiar voice say from behind.

You're in big trouble young lady; I wonder what he'll think of me now. I swiftly make a 360 spin towards him.

'The bad habit here is you being here, when you're supposed to be by Sia's side ,'I snap at him.

I know he's here for me but the question is why? I clearly stated that I wasn't interested in his solution as long as it involved Finn, so what now; does he have some other evidence to prove my innocence.

'I came for you silly, you left in a fit of rage without hearing me out , Sia would never want me to let her friend rot in jail for no reason, and that's why I'm here,' He says smiling.

He's lying hard I tell you; even if he wasn't then how did he know I would come here.

'Am I being tracked Jim?'

'I could really help you Vie, just one more day , and the police will come for you,' Jim replies.

So he did , why does everyone think they can save me, I'm pretty sure that was Finn's quest to the hospital too, but no; I need to go to jail, if not, how can I then get to Sia's company without being looked for.

I know it sounds weird, but soon enough you all will know why as well.

'You can start by leaving ,'I say ,looking away from Jim.

'Its weird you want to go jail, on the other hand Finn would have gladly given up all his work and become your lawyer, but according to my findings, you've been ignoring his calls,' He says, putting on a squashed face.

I can't believe I'm dodging help , but what can I really do, according to my vision last night , letting Finn help me would lead to something worse; although I see nothing more worse than an alarm clock stopping you from seeing the future.

So Finn also studied Law huh, cute , but no thanks.

'Going to jail is way better than letting Finn handle my case ,' I reply fiercely to him.

'I'm sure Finn isn't the real issue here, he obviously is good enough to help a lady he barely knows, but I know you Vie , so tell me why you're shunning every means to be free?' He asks.

I'm not planning to answer any of his questions, humans don't get simple logic sometimes; its now important I go to jail.

I instantly look away from him.

'Vie, talk to me ,'

' Did you come here for me , or you came to chit-chat with girls, if you did, then I'm sure you'd be on your way now,' I reply.

Please, please don't ask me why I was staring at the window ; I'd deny whatever he throws at me, flat.

I turn to him again.

'Leave !' I shout out .

Trust me when I say he doesn't look as happy as he was when he was talking to the other lady some minutes back; smile once Jim.

'But I want to be with you', He replies , staring at me in an intriguing manner.

Excuse me? I'm scared, too scared to turn off the annoyed look I have on my face , as I maintain the stare.

'I-I –I mean , I can't leave you here till you insist up to three more times that I should leave Ivvy ,'He says and shrugs a bit.

This is the first time I've heard him say this; Yup I'm sure the chicken soup has finally impaired my hearing, it's a shame I'm hearing future impossible.

My face now expresses how incredulous his words sound to me , I swear I could recognize a pure art of philander here .

'Okay Jim, Leave me alone, I would appreciate if you leave me alone, and lastly just go away Mr Jimmy,' I say breathing out heavily.

'For a female that really doesn't want me here , you talk way too much sweetie, I'm leaving,' He says almost giggling out and immediately turn away from me.

Note this guys, behaviours like this is what make me crave for blood; well I still want him in my arms though.

I feel like I'm under some spell or something; Ivvy repeat this ; "All for Sia" Thank goodness he's leaving already, we might hit the sheets if this goes on.

In my dreams though.

'And hey Ivvy, It's a pretty thick bum you've got there,' He says as he faces his head forward and walks away.
