
Not Chosen By Death

I was given a second life. Nice, right? Absolutely not! I jumped off the bridge, not wanting to open my eyes in an unfamiliar place in an unfamiliar body! Ridiculous. I was chosen by God to live again, but this is not what I wanted. I even need to protect everyone from who knows what. Sigh, please just let me die. Death, please choose me next time. Before my next attempt, I need to do something. I can't die a ridiculous death; I will choose an honourable death in this life! Ha! What could go wrong? Living again, starting in a child's body, is easy! Right? Right? ××××× A/N: slow-pacing story with the introduction of characters and relationship building for the beginning of the story, slow action scenes and many time skips. TW: mentioned suicide, blood, death, drowning and more will be added.

Asya_1750 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Chapter 2 : Beginning (2)

Light penetrated through his eyes.

He groaned. Since when did he open the window? Why does this feel like deja vu?

He opened his eyes slightly. He blinked his eyes after staring at the golden ceiling for a minute straight. Fortunately, it's not a white ceiling with the smell of medicine. But,

'I remember that I have a grey ceiling, not a golden one.'

He abruptly sat up when he remembered something.

"Am I in heaven?"

He blinked his eyes again when he saw his surroundings.

Ok, what is this?

A room?

He is in a room. It was a big room he had ever seen. Two doors on the right side. The opened balcony window on the left and a big wardrobe. There are also toys. What he could say about this big room is that it is elegant and childish. Like a room for a child, but all with high qualities.

'I don't know that heaven can look like this.'

Eh, wait a minute.

"How am I so sure that I will be in heaven after basically committing suicide?"

Well, that's something he doesn't think about. So, where is he if he is not in heaven? He supposed this was not hell. Is he in the afterlife, then? Does he need to undergo some judgment about his sins and good deeds before being thrown into hell or heaven? But surely, this place is beyond his imagination. He did not expect the afterlife to look like this.

He pushed aside the thick blanket from his body before he moved towards the side of the bed.

'Strange. I feel weird.'

He got down the big, circle bed, but he fell. Now he knows what's strange.

"Am I becoming small, or is this room bigger than normal?"

This is what he should expect in the afterlife, right? This room must not be a normal room. He walked around and soon realized that all the furniture in the room was bigger than him. But why does it feel hard to move his body now? Like he gain extra weight?

'Is this my punishment because I took my own life? Do I need to live in this room forever and experience some kind of isolation from reality?'

Nah, no way. That's too absurd.

He walked to the wardrobe, to the sofa lined in the middle, to the big cushion on the fluffy carpet, and he stopped in front of a big mirror in the corner.

"Goodness. Why am I seeing this water ghost again?"

Maybe this is really his punishment. He needs to live by looking at this water ghost boy in his dying moment. He could remember clearly how the little boy looked because of his unique white hair. A chubby body and a pair of hazel eyes. The boy could get a point for cuteness.

He moved away from the mirror, but his eyes caught the movement in the mirror. He stopped.

"Haha, no way."

He sweated when his mind began to make a possible assumption. No, his assumption must be wrong. This is ridiculous. To test his assumption, he walked backwards and saw the same movement in the mirror.

"Oh my god!"

He touched his face with his now-tiny hands. He should realize that he is in a different body now! Curse his lack of awareness.

"I'm him! Why?! I'm supposed to be dead!"

He can't believe his eyes. Is this a curse? It must be it! That water ghost kid must have cursed him! He can't live as him! He just wants to die! Not living a second life, damn it!


He flinched and looked at the opened door. A young-looking woman with flawless blond hair and a pair of hazel eyes. The clothes she wore could be seen to be made of high-quality material with a really beautiful design. The jewellery completed her look, giving her the vibe of someone of high standing. The point is, this kind of clothing is rare and is not something people would wear nowadays.

Two pairs of hazel eyes looked at each other. One belonged to the woman widened.


His eyes widened when he was suddenly engulfed in a tight hug.

"You're awake! Oh my goodness, finally!"

His body was being manhandled by the woman. Without him managing to think straight, he had been placed back on the bed. The people who are wearing some kind of maid outfit and—wait what?—a butler outfit—what the hell?—are walking in and out of this room. The woman is holding onto him while giving instructions to all the people.

"Call Sir Celix and Madam Hensel!"

"Inform His Majesty about this!"

"Bring water and some food!"

"Bring his favourite chocolate too!"


He was asked many questions regarding his condition by this woman, but he did not answer any of them. He is still processing the situation he is in right now.

After a while, a rather young man with light blue hair came into the room while holding a file. His face is serious. The blue-haired man walked towards him to examine him. He assumed that this man was a doctor.

"Your Highness, how did you feel?"

Damn what? Your Highness? It was truly a joke. This kid can't be some kind of royalty, right? He subconsciously shook his head from left to right many times. This must be a dream.

"You are not feeling good? Could you tell me where you did not feel good? Is it your head? Or did you feel hurt anywhere, Your Highness?"

No. He is perfectly fine. Why are they acting like this kid is having a serious health problem? No, right? Does he need to live in a sick body now? It's not like he is a picky person, but he would rather die than live 'again' with a sick body. Moreover, a 'young sick body'!


He subconsciously whined at all this pestering.

Why? Why did this happen to him, of all people? Why not choose someone who wants to live rather than him?

Now he remembered and managed to understand what that water ghost said to him in the water, because he apparently managed to understand his strange language now. That water ghost boy asked for help. Damn it! He should not jump into that sea. He should just take some pills, but people might find his body easily. Damn it! He should jump into another sea instead!

"I don't want this."

Dying is not the same as living in another body. Please, just let him rest in peace.

He is not someone stupid who doesn't understand his situation right now. A reincarnation, or more like a transmigration into another body. He had transmigrated into this kid's body, and he was given a 'mission' by this body's owner.

"Your Highness."

"I don't want to be here!"

This is not what he wanted. He won't accept this situation just like that. He began to throw a tantrum, which he usually does not do. Of course, because he is an official adult already. But somehow, now, he can't control his emotions.

Does not being able to die make him like this? Does the disappointment hit him this hard? It's not like this is the first time he's disappointed, though. Now, he just feels vulnerable. He somehow can't filter his emotions like before. Ah, it must be because he is in a younger body.

"Micha, talk to me, please. Please tell me what's wrong, baby."

'Shut up.'

"Don't want! I don't know you! I don't want to be here! Send me back!"

He doesn't manage to see the shocked faces of the people around him. The woman closed her mouth with her hands with a look of unbelief. The blue-haired man widened his eyes. The people who were wearing the maid and butler outfits looked confused and shocked.


'Send me to hell, I rather be there than here.'

Why him? This question keeps repeating in his head. Question about why he is the chosen one. Question about why he is not chosen by death. He, someone who is eager to die since, ah, he can't remember since when. But what he knows is that he chose to live until he reached adulthood because he wanted someone's attention and for redemption. But he failed many times.

Maybe because he had killed someone, that's why he was given this life now. To remember his whole life about his sin.


He began to cry. So unusual of him. Why did he cry, though? He is not sad. He just feels frustrated and angry a bit with this kid or whoever had sent him here. He just didn't know. He didn't know what he should do with this second chance.

He was suddenly engulfed in the same hug again, but this hug felt different than before, which was a hug of desperation before. Now, this hug feels warm. It's been so long for him. He cried in this woman's embrace.

'Oh God, if this is my chance to live a second life, you have chosen the wrong person.'

Sigh. He started his new life with such a sentimental mindset. Surely, this is just a nightmare.

Yeah, right.