
Not by Blood

Sophie Miller and her twin sister Rose have been tossed around through shitty foster care homes for 8 years. When she's finally placed in a home that may actually work out for her, life decides to throw another curve ball at her. A family with secrets, and a super hot new brother; Seth Carmen.

Gabbi_E_Robinson · Teen
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7 Chs

New Home

The final bell rang and when I tell you I sprinted out of that class, I mean SPRINTED. Like full on track sprint. I don't think I ever ran that fast in my life!

"Sophie slow downnnn" Rose called while trying to zip up her backpack and catch up to me at the same time. She's always been super slow.

"You speed up!" I yelled running out the school doors.

Today we are meeting our new foster parents. We've been tossed around through like.. 27 in the past 8 years. The system is way more messed up than people think. In two of our homes we were beaten, three of them raped, and another three tortured. Yeah.. life hasn't been the greatest.

But even though our reality kinda sucks ass, I can't help but be exited for this new home! It's in California so we will get to see all the cool stuff there! Maybe we'll meet actress's! Okay maybe not but still. California is sooo much better than Idaho. I mean who the fuck lives in Idaho?!?!!

Once I reached our car, I jumped through the passenger seat window. Classic.

"Sophie! It's your day to drive!" Rose whined stomping to the drivers seat.

"Oh shut the fuck up you love driving." Rose looked at me and smirked then drives to the foster care airport. I mean yeah, it's definitely extra to have a whole plane for us, but I'm not complaining. I can get those cookies thingies.

"Try not to eat too many of those cookies Soph."

I scoffed," Whaaaaaat I would never."

"Liar! Last time you had like twenty packs and threw them all up as soon as we landed. On me!"


"I wonder what our new family will be like! Karen said we will have siblings. Hopefully sisters!"

Watch them be brothers.


We finally landed and I managed to get 7 packs of the cookies. I did listen to Rose and not eat them all. Wait! When the hell did I start listening to Rose?! Okay I'm definitely eating these now.

As I was stuffing the cookies in my mouth, we walked out of the terminal and saw a woman holding up a sign with our names on it.

"Sophie! Over there!" Rose screamed and ran to the people.

"Jesus Christ slow the fuck down!" Anddd that may have been the wrong time to say that because a group of Jehovah witnesses walked by and looked at me like I was Jesus. Get it? Cause Jesus- never mind.

Rose did slow down so I eventually caught up to her and we made our way to the family. Plus she's already slow anyways so she couldn't get far.

"You guys must be Rose and Sophie!" The woman smiled wide.

"Unless we can't read.." I said sarcastically and Rose elbowed me in the arm. The woman just laughed, which I found surprising. I do tend to say things without thinking them a lot. I should probably work on that huh?

"This is our family! I'm Elsa, this is David, Seth, and Bailey." She points to each one of the family members. And goddamn they're all fucking gorgeous! Especially Seth. Ew wait, he's my brother. Whatever still hot. I just realized; we do have brothers! So sister. Pay up Rose.

"Elsa like the Disney Princess?" Rose called out. Yup, this is us.

"Please, they probably named it after her old ass." A deep voice called out. Seth. Me and Rose both tried to hold in our laughter but both ended up practically peeing our pants.

"Sigh. Hey, I'm Bailey!" The other boy called out to us. He looked about one or two years younger and Seth looked about three to four years older.

"Hey Bailey!" Me and Rose said together.

"That's creepy as fuck. I mean frick, shit. I mean shoot! Goddamnit." Bailey said slapping himself.

"You boys can't not curse for more than two minutes!" Elsa said slapping them both on the back of the head.

"Jesus you might give Bailey a concussion the amount of times he's been hit on the head." I called out.

"Nah he's pretty hard headed." Said the dad, David. My dad. My new dad? I don't know the whole thing sounds weird. I'll just stick to David.

"So. Should we head to the car?" Bailey said clearly aggravated. I chuckled and we all walked out to the car.

Once we got in the car, I immediately felt joy. Something I haven't had in a fucking long ass time. Did I mention foster care sucks?

The car was one of those seven seat things with the two in the front, two in the middle, and three in the back. Elsa and David sat in the front, of course. Rose and Bailey in the middle, and that left me and Seth in the back. Elsa was playing random pop music but they happened to be my favorite songs! So since I was in a good mood, I danced and sang along.

"Oooooo I'm blinded by the lights!" I was using a pen I found in the cup holder as my microphone. Everyone was dancing or singing to the song with me, but I was by far the loudest. And the best may I add. I've always been a good singer and dancer. Traits that I hit from my mom.

I knew her when I was nine, turning ten. She passed away on our birthday from cancer, and our dad killed himself the day after. Here I am eight fucking years later, with my twin, being put in home after home because of our unlucky lives. So, I party like there's no fucking tomorrow because for us, it always seems to be like there never is.

Once the song turned off I leaned back in my seat a signed. "That was.. AWESOME!"

Everyone laughed at me and I just giggled. Once they were distracted by a new song, Seth started to talk to me.

"You're actually a good singer." He said with a blank face.

"Your face says otherwise." I smirked and took out my phone. I was opening Instagram when he snatched my phone from me and started adding himself on all social media, as well as his phone number. And might I say, it was fucking hot!

When he was handing it back to me, our fingers brushed together and I swear to god there was a spark! But that may be an exaggeration because I just touched my hot foster brother's hand. I looked up at him and he just looked down a me with a raised eyebrow.

"Y-you've got drool..here." He took his thumb and wiped it on my chin while laughing.

"Was not!" I called out blushing. Of course I was drooling! Right in that moment! I just had to drool and ruin the moment!

After wiping the drool, I kid you not, this mans licked it off his finger! While making eye contact! And he moved his tongue slow, and twirled it, and shit! Oh goodness I'm ruined. Completely ruined!

I sat there blushing like a tomato and he just smirked and when on his phone.

"Asshat." I whispered under my breath.


We got to the house and when I tell you my jaw dropped off of my face!

"Holy mother of Jesus and his grandparents!" Rose called out. We talk about Jesus a lot for people who aren't religious..

"You like it?" Elsa called.

"LIKE?! Did you just ask if we like?!!!?!" I turned offended to Elsa.

"In one of our foster homes we had to sleep in a shed that smelled like shit!" I called out with Rose agreeing. The whole family turned to us as if they thought we were joking but we weren't. Life has sucked.

"Well I can assure you this is much better than a shit smelling shed." David said smirking. So that's where Seth got it from!

"Oh, agreed." Rose said with the widest smile on her face. We all entered the house and it was just as nice inside!

"Your home is absolutely beautiful!" I said in awe.

"Our home." Elsa corrected. Me and Rose looked at eachother and bursted into tears.

"Thank y'all so much." Rose said attempting to wipe her tears.

"No, thank you! We always wanted some girls."

"That's hilarious because we wanted sisters." I said laughing. Everyone but the boys tagged in.

"Ha ha. Okay that's what you say now." Bailey said with his hands on his hips. "Oh! Let me show you to your rooms!"

He led us up the never ending staircase to a hall of like ten rooms.

"I need a fucking map!" I told Bailey dragging my suitcase behind me.

"You'll get the hang of it. I did!" I stop walking and turn to Bailey.

"You're a foster kid?"

"As I live in breathe. It's been six years and this family still treats me right. Seth is an amazing older brother and Elsa and David are great parents."

"Seth-" he cuts me off.

"Seth is their real child. He was the only one Elsa was able to actually birth and even that was a struggle. So they started adopting."

I smile at him,"Thanks. I'm sure we're gonna love it here."

"Oh yeah, definitely! And here's your room." He points behind me. I turn and open the door.

"Holy fuck!" I yelled.

"Okay, I'm going to go get ready for dinner. Oh! I almost forgot. For dinner we dress up nice. And don't worry, it's only on Friday's."

"Lucky me. I don't have anything nice to wear though.."

"No worries! We stocked up both of your closets with many different options. You should be okay! Dinner is in thirty."

"Thank you!"

"No problem!" Bailey walked out. Seth took Rose to her room.. I wonder where that is?! Yeah. Like fuck I'm gonna search through this fucking White House for that hoe- I mean, sister.

I unpack my stuff and start getting dressed when my door opens. Mind you, I'm only in my bra and pannies.

"Are you getting ready for-" Seth stops and looks at me with wide eyes. Then he slowly looks me up and down before smirking.

"Eyes up here bro." I point to my face. He chuckles and steps into the room closing the door.

"Seth.. what the hell are you doing?"

"Helping you get dressed!" He said smirking and walking over to me.

"I'm fine." I say trying to look tough but I'm definitely fucking screaming on the inside.

"There's no fucking way you can zip that yourself." I look into the mirror and he's right. The zipper goes from the back of my knees to my shoulders. Damn it.

"Ugh fine." I spat hoping he didn't notice I was shaking. Why the hell am I shaking? What the fuck? He's my brother. He's my brother. He's my brother. Maybe reminding myself thirty million times will help!

My thoughts are cut off when I pull the dress up my thighs and he starts zipping it up.

"And.... there!" He stood behind me grinning like he just did the hardest task ever.

"Thanks. Now out!" I said shooting him away. He chuckled and left. As soon as he closed the door I breathe out a sigh of relief. Holy shit goddamn fucking pussy. He's my brother. He's my brother. He's my-

It doesn't change that he's hot as fuck! Damn it Soph!

I put my hair in a French braid which went perfectly with my yellow mermaid dress. This home is gonna be interesting.


I'm sitting at the dinner table with Rose to my left, Bailey to my right, Seth the hot demon across from me, and my two.. parents?.. on the ends of the table. There's two empty seats by Seth but like hell I was gonna sit there after what just happened. What did just happen?

"So, how are you guys liking the new house?" Elsa calls out.

"It's amazing! Absolutely gorgeous! And I love my room!" I sing and Rose nods along.

"That's great! But we do have some rules we must go over with you." David says. This man is actually intimidating so I stay quiet, for once, and listen.

"Ok so, on Friday's no friends can come over unless it's for school. Friday's are family days. Hence, the family dinners. On the weekend you may go wherever you like, just make sure you tell someone first, and bring your phone and debit card with you. Oh yes! The debit cards. Each of you have ten thousand dollars in an account that will regenerate ever two weeks to the regular amount. If you spend five dollars, the five dollars will be replaced the next two weeks. During the week, curfew is ten. During the weekends, we really don't care just be home the next day if you're out all night. Any questions?"

Me and Rose sat there dumbfounded and the boys just looked at us like it was the most normal thing ever. "Ten thousand?! Where do you people work?!"

Everyone laughs but I was dead fucking serious.

"We don't talk about work with you kids. You shouldn't concern yourself with it." Elsa says politely.

"Thank you guys!" Rose says smiling. I don't think either of us have smiled this much in a long long freaking time.

"It's no problem."

"Hey mom, dad. Can we all go to the Jensons tomorrow? Seth asks nicely.

"Ugh I hate that family. Why?" Davis chimes in.

"Dad. You know all of my friends go there on the weekends.."

"Fine. Oh and I know it's a party too. Don't drink too much." Elsa says.

"Yes! Okay. Well, Rose and Soph, get ready for the best party of your lives!" Oh goodness. What now universe?!