
Not Another Poem Book !

A collection of truths

WritingMasterMoon · Teen
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29 Chs

Human eyes

When you see a human do see its heart or its mind, or maybe your simplistic, and only see its eyes.

Do you believe in all that you find?

Is the kindness that you give all just lies.

Is the Human hearts meant to be lost in time,

will we continue to be scavengers roaming in the unknown,

attracted to others as we continue to go,

similar to the way a moth is drawn to a fire.

Looking at the truth may set your heart on fire.

When you see me, what do you see ?

my perfection, my pain maybe even my beauty.

If you knew how hard I tried would you really be fine?

I wish I knew it was about more than my gender and race when you look upon my face, but with guilt filled up you may only see hate,

When you love those around you do you give your love truthfully or is it that of hatred and lies,

when you breath in Air is it even remotely related to the air I breathe.

Is the thoughts in your mind that of your nobility or of the probability.

If only you knew how I truly felt, and what I've truly thought in my mind,

If only you've felt the pain in which I've felt many times.

at times I try to be as strong as a bull but in all reality, I'm as weak as a baby.

When some say stand up and be brave I think what is brave, is it a mindless zombie who judges others and slaves all day,

is it me, the quiet feen looking for a friend, or maybe me, the person living in her own reality