
Book Of Prevention

Suzuki: If that is so, then allow us to summon.The artifact of Aristotle. Book of Prevention(BOP).

[The Book of prevention Is an ancient artifact created by a man called Aristotle.Its job is so easy to alan's the world. By giving exorcist Quest. ]

BOP: Hello roundtables, you ready for your next QUEST?

Cheng: yeah sure why not.

BOP: Arrogant as always Cheng.

BOP: I have 6 quest for you.Quest 1: Find and convince the healer Laksamana Amir to join the organization. Reward: Extermination will be delayed by 10 years.

BOP: Quest 2: Kill the Successor Of the Demon Cult. Reward: The eye of the Ancient Demon king Typhon.

[The Ancient demon king Typhon was the strongest demon king to ever lived.After he died of natural causes, people started worshipping him as a God. Thus the creation of the Mao Cult. His eye gives you the ability to see the future. ]

BOP: Quest 3: Retrieve The Legendary Kris "Taming Sari." Reward: Association Will be leveled up by 100 points.

[Taming sari an a Kris that was use by the great admiral Hang Tuah. Kris is a type of dagger-like weapon fom southeast asia.]

BOP: Quest 4: Retrieve the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi. Reward: The ability to Cut through Anything in the multiverse.

[The sword was discovered by the storm god Susanoo in the body of the eight-headed dragon (which he killed) and presented by him to his sister Amaterasu. It derives its name from an incident when the hero Yamato Takeru was attacked by Ainu warriors.]

BOP: Quest 5: Infiltrate The Eye of Osiris.

Reward: The Eye of Osiris/True lmmortallity.

The Eye of Osiris is a type of organization That controls everything in the dark.

BOP: Find the Fake Exorcist. Reward Base will be upgraded by 10 level.

BOP: Failure will result in the Extermination to be appointed on year from now.

Cheng suddenly says: I'll take quest number


Cheng internally: When it comes to fighting phantoms and stuff, I'm usually pretty weak but In places where I need to convince someone to do something for me, it's as easy as flicking my finger. also the last Quest,could it be talking about me?

Helga internally: As expected from the strongest magician. He chooses the hardest of quest while looking completely calm.I heard that Despite joining the Association 1 year ago even phantoms fear him. In the Association, there's a Warning "If you ever see Cheng in the battlefield Run".

[Meanwhile in the malaccan strait.]

Soldier 1: Laksamana Raksasa tu terlalu banyak kalau kita panjangkan pelawanan ke banyakan kita aka mati( Admiral,The monster is too many if we prolong the fight almost all of us will die)

Soldier 2:...La..Laksmana

Amir: Ya Allah! Tiada kemudahan kecuali apa yang Engkau jadikannya sebagai kemudahan. Dan Engkaulah yang menjadikan perkara yang sukar itu jika Engkau kehendaki dengan kemudahan.

(Ya Allah! There is no convenience except what you make it as convenience. And You are the one who makes such a difficult thing if you want it to convenience.)

A tremendous energy overflowed within Amir's body.

Amir:Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

Within seconds, or the phantom that surrounded the ship was killed.

Mid Phantom: So they got here, either we should inform the leader.

Low phantom: Yes, sir.

The 2 phantoms was killed instantly.

[Back at the Assosiation Headquarters.]

BOP: Oh well then i'll teleport everyone to their specific place.

in 3



In Johor,Malaysia..

Cheng Seems to be in a ship that's In some sort of battle. Half of the people in the ship is seriously injured.

Soldier 3: Laksamana Dalam disebalah barat kapal kita ada penceroboh[Admiral in one of our west fleet ship is an intruder. ]


Cheng: Thank God there's only weak phantoms here.

Cheng: I should probably help them. Thank God I still have this.

[Potion of Strength]

(Increase strength by 15%. )

Cheng chugs it down.

lmmediately Cheng begins killing the phantom left and right.

Cheng internally: I don't have enough strength to fight a high level phantom, but if you're talking about the small fry then its easy

[On one of the main battleships ]

Soldier 6: Penceroboh tu tengah membunuh Hantu Level tinggi. Dan tenaga dia masih tinggi lagi.[It encourages killing high level phantoms. It seems that here it's still have more energy.]

Amir: Dia mungkin dari assosiasi.

[He is maybe from the Association. ]

[Meanwhile, in Melaka.(Malacca),Malaysia]

Faiz: The Taming Sari kris is located right over there.

Nikolai: Komrad. Look over there.

Faiz: It's a benevolent phanthom.

Nikolai: Is this who I think it is?

Faiz: Yes. The great Laksmana Hang Tuah.

Nikolai: What should we do komrad?

Faiz: We should just ignore it.

Nikolai: Komrad Faiz,What is the plan then.

Faiz: Easy.We go in. Take the kris. Then return to the headquarters. Done.

Nikolai: Komrad,I don't know if you know this, but the phantom is transforming.

Faiz: Well then we got a battle ahead of us.

[Back to cheng.]

Cheng: You are you Laksamana Amir.

Amir: Yes.Yes I am. May I ask who you are.

Cheng:Oh yes how of me,I am Cheng Zhaou nice to meet you

Amir internally: Cheng Zhaou,You mean the warmonger?

[Each member of the round table is considered to be a warmonger.Due to the ways of handling phantoms. ]

Amir: Ah,Mr Cheng. May I ask why you're looking for me?

Cheng: Oh, it's nothing I receive a quest to bring you back to the headquarters.

Amir: Is that so?

Cheng: You are not resisting are you, it'd be a shame if I had to bring a corpse into the headquarters.

Cheng: This will mostly threaten him, it's the perfect opportunity.

Amir: You are threatening me?

Cheng: I suppose I am. You got a problem with that. Listen, I don't ask for much Come back and follow me to the headquarters or have your neck snap, it's as simple as that.

Cheng: Or maybe you would prefer a DEAL

[A deal is something that binds someone soul based on a contract. ]

Amir: I don't want a deal, I just want a small favour