
Not An Alien

Lina, who was entered society far earlier than any of her predecessors, becomes a highly educated Starian citizen. Unsure of what her future holds, she starts to question her society, as well as her purpose. After asking forbidden questions about the vast world that awaits her, Lina is shunned and disregarded by the Starian Elders. She winds up in a strange and dangerous place that she knows as quadrant 11874- Earth. What will she discover in this strange new world? Will she find love? Success? Fame? Will she ever find her way home, or will she succumb to the pleasures of this planet?

charlie_m_bishop13 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Author's Note


So I was thinking about maybe making this story from Lina's point of view, and I wanted to hear your thoughts on that before I made a decision. Please, please, please, comment and let me know!


Also, I want to be a lot more interactive with readers, whether it's through questions at the beginning/end of chapters, posting songs to go with chapters, really just talking to and with you guys more...IDK. THAT'S WHY I NEED YOU TO TELL ME. PLEASE.

Comments don't bother me, and are actually usually the highlight of my day when I see them, which isn't often. I'm not like, forcing anyone to comment but I'm only asking so you can help me out. Thanks for listening to me talk, lol, and sorry that this wasn't a chapter update. More's coming soon though!