
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 51

"Wow! Kamar Taj looks amazing!" Kitty said, charmed by the scenery of the crowd of apprentices attempting to create portals in front of her.

Everyone else was also amazed by the view but Kitty was the most expressive one. But then again, everyone loved her because of her expressiveness.

"Peter, did you also used to practice here?" Kitty asked me excitedly.

"Actually, no. My powers were quite unstable back when I had first arrived at Kamar Taj. And when I started learning magic, I found that because of my powers, the magic I casted was unstable. So, I only practiced here once. After that, Ancient One gave me personal guidance so that I could gain control over my powers." I replied.

"Really! Then, you must be very lucky to have the leader of Kamar Taj personally guiding you." Kitty said upon finding that Ancient One personally trained me.

I shared a glance with Ancient One when Kitty said that I was very lucky to have her personally guiding me.

There was no need for me to tell her that Ancient One's guidance included spars which were much more dangerous than Danger Room's highest level.

"Everyone," Ancient One said, drawing everyone's attention to her.

"We have created a large scale magic circle which will analyse your mutant powers so that we can use the data obtained to help you in whatever problems you are having because of them and also guide you in using your powers more accurately.

There is still some work remaining to perform on the magic circle. As such, I have to go there for the final adjustments. In the meanwhile, you can tour around the Kamar Taj while the magic circle is getting ready."

Ancient One informed us that she would regretfully not be showing us around Kamar Taj.

"Master Wong, I will leave everyone to you. Meet me with everyone else at the magic circle in two hours." Ancient One left us in the care of Master Wong and disappeared using a portal.

"Come, let me show you around Kamar Taj. After all, it is not everyday we get guests at Kamar Taj." Master Wong took the command of our group as the tour guide and so we finally started our school trip.

There were not many tourist attractions to see on Kamar Taj as it was a school for teaching magic combined with a military facility.

The only areas which could be said to be tourist attractions were the library along with the artifact depositary. Still, the beauty of the Himalayas was already enough of a tourist attraction. This could be clearly seen by how everyone was looking in amazement at the beautiful scenery presented by the mountains before their eyes.

Master Wong joyfully showed us the library once we reached it. After all, he was in charge of it. Although everyone was dismayed once they found that the books which had information on the mutants were all in Sanskrit.

Afterwards, we went to the artifact depositary. This place was where most of the artefacts of Kamar Taj which were basic artefacts were kept. Although most of the artefacts were securely locked in the depositary, a few were shown as a display which we went to see.

"Huh! What is this sound?" Ms. Ororo exclaimed as all of us heard some noise while we were en route to where the magical circle had been created.

Indeed, sounds of a battle could be heard nearby. Looks like someone was sparring.

"Oh! It is just Master Mordo training with his new apprentice. Let me show you " Master Wong replied upon hearing Ms. Ororo's question and took us to where the noise was coming from.

When we reached the training courtyard where the noise was coming from, I could see Master Mordo sparring with someone I knew all too well. It was Hye-rin!

This was indeed a surprise. I didn't know that Hye-rin had officially joined Kamar Taj and that Master Mordo had taken her in as her apprentice. After all, I had not seen her before when I had returned to Kamar Taj last week.

Hye-rin and Master Mordo stopped sparring upon seeing us approaching. Hye-rin's face, in particular, lit up as she saw me.

"Dragon Sorcerer!" She addressed me while bowing.

"Come on, Hye-rin! There is no need for you to address me like this. After all, we are friends." It truly felt awkward to me when she addressed me as Dragon Sorcerer. It was alright when others addressed me like this but I didn't like it a single bit when those close to me addressed me as such.

Besides, me and Hye-rin had become rather good friends during the time my armour was being made. She also had great talent in enchantment so we had hit it off. She had given me some great advice on enchantment along with her grandfather which had helped me further my own mastery in the subject.

"Dragon Sorcerer?" Jean questioned me about my title. Everyone seemed puzzled by this title of mine.

"You all must be Peter's friends. He had gained this title when he had achieved great contribution during the dimension invasion back when he was just an apprentice. That scene was truly magnificent. Peter was finishing those monsters as though they were mere flies." Hye-rin replied before I could answer.

She pridefully explained how I had destroyed a great amount of monsters during the dimension invasion in my draconic form which made me look like a dragon. As such, I had been given the title of 'Dragon Sorcerer' because of my tremendous contribution in the battle.

"Dimension Invasion? There was a dimension invasion!" Everyone was surprised to hear that a dimension invasion had occurred nearly just a month ago. Their facial expression clearly explained the confusion they were feeling when they heard of my contributions in that battle.

"Ah! It was just a small dimension invasion. You don't need to worry. Besides, Hye-rin is exaggerating the facts. There were after all many other sorcerers who had also participated in that battle." I said, trying to downplay my role in that battle as I honestly didn't like the sudden fame I had gained in Kamar Taj after that battle.

In fact, one of the reasons why I had accepted Professor Xavier's invitation to his school so readily was because everyone looked at me with reverence in Kamar Taj after the invasion. This was a little unbearable for someone like me who liked to be treated as an ordinary person.

"Hey, don't say it like this, Peter? After all, you had saved my life in that battle." Hye-rin argued.

"Saved your life?" Jean asked as everyone was shocked by this fact.

"Yes, one of the stronger monsters in that battle had ambushed the barrier team where I was. It had broken the barriers and caught me in its tentacles so that it could suck my soul.

It was only because of the soul protection pendant which Ancient One had given us that I could resist until Peter saved me. I still get shivers whenever I remember how hardly that monster had constricted me with its tentacles. I could not even use any magic because of its constant attempts to suck my life."

Hye-rin explained how I had saved her life by killing that soul sucking monster.

"Damn! This world of magic is too dangerous. Even soul sucking beasts actually exist!" Kurt said after hearing about the soul sucking monsters.

"Actually, you don't need to fear the soul sucking monsters. After all, they come after every few decades, not everyday." I explained that there was no need to fear these monsters.

"By the way, when did you officially join Kamar Taj?" I asked curiously as I hadn't seen her the previous time I was in Kamar Taj.

"Just a few days ago. I realised that my skills were clearly amateurish in that battle so I decided to finally join Kamar Taj. I wanted to sharpen my battle skills because of what happened last time. So, I decided to train under Master Mordo because he is the master here in combat arts." Hye-rin then started explaining how much she had improved under Master Mordo since she had joined Kamar Taj.

It was great that she had decided to officially enter Kamar Taj. I was afraid that after her near death encounter during the dimension invasion, she would be too fearful to enter this world of magic once again.

"Ah! I forgot to introduce everyone to you. The guy in sunglasses is —"

"We will have enough time to talk later, Peter. At this rate, we will get late. As such, we must hurry." Master Wong interrupted our conversation saying that we would get late.

"Ah! That's right. I would talk to you later, Hye-rin. See ya later!" I bid goodbye to Hye-rin and all of us started to move towards our destination where Ancient One was waiting for us.


And so the school trip finally starts! Starting from the next chapter, the mutant powers of everyone will be analysed and some of them will even get a little upgrade. And since it is an analysis, 'you know who' will also be revealed.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye