
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Chapter 49

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Bobby exclaimed in pain as he was struck by rubber balls in the danger room.

Although our initial meeting was not good because of his encounter with Mystique, Bobby had decided to join our school in the end after a heartfelt conversation with his parents and seeing on the television how we had subdued Sabertooth and prevented him from killing anyone.

But Bobby's powers were still juvenile and rather unstable so he was currently training in the danger room's most basic level where he was shot with various rubber balls.

"I can do it! Restart the machine again!" Bobby said with bravado as he was once again pelted by rubber balls.

Balls once again shot towards Bobby and he once again tried to stop them with his ice powers. But this time instead of forming an ice wall to stop the rubber balls, Bobby actually formed a layer of solid ice over a rubber ball.

Afraid of being bruised by the iced ball, Bobby closed his eyes in fear. Fortunately, Jean who was there to keep an eye on Bobby stopped the iced ball from hitting him using her telekinesis.

"This is going nowhere. The kid will not learn anything from this." Logan said as he watched Bobby being continuously pelted by the rubber balls.

"Then what do you suggest, Logan?" Ororo asked for Logan's advice.

"He needs to feel more pressure. Mutant powers work more accurately in the stressful situations." Logan suggested.

"But this is already the most basic level. After this is the obstacle course and then the robot fight which Bobby is definitely not ready for." Ms. Ororo countered Logan's proposal.

"Why don't I try? I have a great idea." I suddenly interrupted their conversation.

"What is it, Peter?" Ms. Ororo asked curiously.

"I have learned a new spell which I think will be perfect to train Bobby. So, should I try?" It was a rather unique spell and I had learnt it out of pure curiosity.

"Sure, why not?" Professor Xavier gave me the permission to try.

"Hey, why did you stop? Huh! Peter, why are you here?" Bobby asked me curiously as he saw me enter the danger room. I have to applaud his endurance as he was still raring to go after being pelted so many times.

"I will be taking over the training from now on." I replied.

"You! But your power will literally fry me." Bobby seemed to be quite afraid of my lightning after seeing me shocking Mystique.

"Don't worry. I will not use my lightning." After saying these words, I immediately casted the new spell.


Upon casting the spell, several translucent dragon-like creatures, around 6 feet in height from head to tail materialised in the room. I could hear the gasps of surprise from the control room after seeing these unique creatures.

This was my new spell, Spectral Wyverns. It was a variant of the Spectral Warriors spell which Ancient One had used on me on our first encounter.

I was actually learning the Spectral Warriors spell but when I used the spell, instead of the warriors, these wyverns appeared for some reason. Still upon testing, these wyverns were surprisingly stronger than the warriors.

"Bring it on!" After the initial surprise upon seeing the wyverns, Bobby was raring to fight them.

But as the wyverns lunged at Bobby he actually panicked. However, in a desperate attempt to defend himself, Bobby's powers worked surprisingly well, freezing not only a few wyverns but also a sizable area around him.

"Now this is something. Come on—Ah!" It seems that Bobby became a bit overconfident after freezing the wyverns but when the rest of them came, his powers actually didn't activate causing him to have no choice but to run around the danger room.

The rest of the training period was spent with Bobby running around most of the time and actually fighting and freezing the wyverns the remaining time when his powers actually worked.

"What was, hah, that power? How did you create those creatures? Your power is that red lightning, right?" Bobby asked panting after the training session ended.

"Peter! That new spell was amazing." Before I could answer, Kitty came with everyone and excitedly hugged me while asking me about my new spell.

"Hey, Kitty! I think you are making Peter uncomfortable." Emma said chidingly to Kitty. No way, was Emma actually jealous?

"Well, the answer is that I was using magic. I am also a sorcerer along with a mutant." I answered Bobby. It was something he was bound to learn after joining our school.

Bobby was obviously surprised but he spoke after a few moments, "Say, is there a special condition to learn magic?" He asked curiously.

Sadly, I had to shatter Bobby's dreams as I told him the rigorous conditions required for someone to become a sorcerer. Seriously, whenever I told anyone about magic, they would ask if they could learn it and I would have to unfortunately shatter their dreams. Honestly, it made me feel too bad.

"So, I guess I can't become one." Bobby said dejectedly after getting his dreams shattered.

"Yeah! It was a bummer for us too." Jean said in a bid to console Bobby.

"By the way, Peter. Next time you go to Kamar Taj, can you look over the books regarding telepathic and telekinetic mutants. My headaches are worsening these days." Jean asked me pleadingly. Looks like the matter was serious enough that she was asking me to look about it at Kamar Taj.

"That's not actually necessary." I answered.

"Professor Xavier has actually been talking about a collaboration with Ancient One. Last time I went to Kamar Taj, I learnt from her that the talk is nearly finished. So, we will soon be going on a field trip to Kamar Taj. You can talk about your headache there directly to Ancient One, Jean." I relayed the good news.

"Wow! That's great news." Jean said, happy to hear the good news.


So, Bobby has officially joined the X-Men now. I hope you liked the new spell although it will likely not see much action because of Peter's tremendous powers. And the Kamar Taj school trip has been confirmed!

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye