
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 25

I could see the various soul sucking monsters pouring out of the dark ripples in the distant sky of the mirror dimension.

The soul sucking monsters looked like giant bats except that they had tentacles like that of an octopus as their tails. There were also several elephant sized soul sucking masters which had large horns on their head and purple energy emitting from their tentacles. It looked like those were the leaders of the flock.

Looking at the entire flock of monsters at a glance, there were around 100 monsters in total.

And the total numbers of sorcerers and martial artists combined were only 25. Yet none of us were frightened by such a large disparity even though we were countered four to one. Because all of us knew that we would win this battle.

"Beware of the tentacles of these monsters. That is where their soul sucking ability resides." Master Wong warned us.

"Even though all of you have soul protection bracelets, it is always beneficial to be aware. Moreover, the soul protection bracelets also have a limit." He reminded us that the soul protection bracelets were not all powerful.

Soon, the eyes of the monsters fell upon our group and they started flocking towards us.

"Ready an opening salvo. Let these bastard monsters know what kind of force they are fighting with." Master Wong ordered.

The sorcerers started chanting powerful spells and the few archers who had come along with the martial artists of Ta Lo also readied their enchanted arrows. As for myself, I created a spear formed of my red lightning.

"Now," Master Wong gave the order once the monsters neared us.

As soon as he ordered, all of us launched our spell. The glowing spells look like fireworks as they continued towards the monsters, yet the impact was much more.

It was clear from their cries as our spells finished them off. The opening salvo had alone killed more than 15 percent of the monsters. My spear itself had easily pierced through one monster and continued to finish two more.

"Peter, lower down the voltage of your lightning a little. We still need their carcasses to create equipment." Master Wong advised me to lower my attack power a little after seeing my spear annihilate through the monsters.

Despite having about 15% of the flock already destroyed, the monsters remained relentless as if they had no fear.

"Alright, everyone. It's about time. Ready the mirror dimension." Master Wong ordered all the sorcerers present.

As soon as he ordered, almost all the sorcerers, excluding me and a few young ones started manipulating the mirror dimension at the same time.

The effect of their manipulation was simply magnificent. Suddenly there was a city not only beneath us but also above us.

Then, the skyscrapers and the buildings from both cities started floating in the sky as if physics simply did not exist the sorcerers manipulated the floating masses to prevent the monsters from approaching us in groups.

The floating buildings broke down into debris and then reformed to create a grand blockade. Now, the monsters could not flock towards us in groups even if they wanted.

They would have to either move around the blockade to approach us or go through the intentionally left gaps which were changing every moment.

Either way, the monsters' formation was now broken and if they still wanted to feast on us, they could only come towards us in a few numbers. Yet, this obstacle did not weaken their resolution a single bit.

"Alright, everyone. Take your formations now." Master Wong ordered.

Everyone got into formations as Master Wong ordered. Some elite sorcerers along with Master Wong continued to manipulate the mirror dimension while others began to ready the barriers and spells.

The rest of the sorcerers paired with the martial artists while the archers took their position behind the barriers.

"Peter, Ancient One has given a special orders for you." Well given my powers, it was obvious that I would hold some special position.

"You can go full on rampage. That is what she said."

I grinned as I heard the orders and transformed into my draconic form, ready to wreak havoc among the monsters' ranks.

"Wait for a second. Listen the full orders." Master Wong asked me to wait as the orders were not finished.

"However, be sure to always be near our formations in case any emergency happens." So, I was also in charge of emergency situations.

By now, the monsters had started reaching our positions. However, all of us were long ready. Already, spells were flying in the air towards them.

I also spread my wings and engaged them. Flying through the air, I began striking them down with my fists, barely any of them were even able to stand a single of my punches.

However, I made sure to control my strength. Initially, it was a bit hard for me to determine the proper strength required to just kill them.

The first one I struck was a bit mangled, the second one survived even if it was on the verge of death. But as I continued attacking, I was able to adapt quickly and find how much I should hold back.

As I continued fighting the monsters and demolished their ranks, for the first time, I felt completely in sync with my powers.

Previously, even with all my training, I had only achieved about 90% control over my instincts. But now, I was completely in tune with them.

My powers no longer felt like they were something separate. They felt like they belonged to me. There were no wild instincts left. I could easily control how much strength I wanted to exert and when.

Now, after a long time I felt like I was complete truly myself. Exhilarated by this phenomenon, I let out a roar while my body emitted red lightning.

I looked back to see how the others were doing. With me at the front dispatching the monsters, by the time the monsters reached the formations, the ranks were already quite thinned allowing the others to easily finish them off.

Master Wong was commanding the whole situation very well, all the while manipulating the mirror dimension to never let the monsters get the upper hand.

Master Mordo, with the help of his magic boots, was constantly moving throughout the battlefield, helping whenever a part of the formation felt overwhelmed by the attacks.

The other sorcerers were also doing quite well. The monsters could not even break the barriers before they were shot down.

The martial artists were also doing well with the help of sorcerers. The sorcerers bound the monsters with their spells while the martial artists finished them off in close combat.

Master Ying Nan was even better. She did not even need the help of the sorcerers. She moved through the battlefield alone, finishing the monsters one after another.

Looking at the whole situation, everything was going on pretty well. No wonder, Ancient One said that we could finish the dimension invasion without any casualty.

"Ah!!" Suddenly, a girl's scream was heard throughout the entire battlefield.


Hope all of you like how I am dealing with this whole dimension invasion!

As I have already said, for the rest of this month, there will be 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye