
Northern Rise

In the frigid reaches of Westeros, where the snow falls relentlessly and the biting wind howls through the shadowy towers, a new story is about to unfold. In the heart of the North, where direwolves roam free and winters are unforgiving, an extraordinary destiny awaits. In the Stark lineage, a new light emerges, shaped by the inexplicable circumstances of reincarnation. A man, once lost to the cruel claws of fate, returns as the only child born of the union between Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne. A union that, even in the premature death of their parents, left an indelible mark on the chronicles of Westeros. This is the tale of a rebirth, a second chance granted by the hands of a cosmic being. The reincarnated son of a Northern wolf and a Southern star, destined to rewrite the intertwined destinies of the Great Houses and shape the future of a kingdom in constant war. In the world of intrigue, betrayal, and dragons, where every word spoken can seal the fate of entire kingdoms, the new heir to the North emerges. Named by Eddard Stark as the rightful heir, he carries with him memories of a past life, accumulated knowledge, and fierce determination. (English isn't my first language, so sorry for the mistakes, and this is my first time writing a story, so don't get your hopes up. As for the update schedule, I don't have anything set in stone, since I don't exactly have a lot of free time to write, and I don't even know if I'll be able to finish this story. I hope I can, but I can't promise anything. Share your opinions in the comments, ideas, and revisions are always welcome.)

Nox_Aeternus · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

In the far reaches of outer space, where the silence was broken only by the distant whisper of the stars, I formulated my desires with a solemn bow and a calculated pause between each word. Each request I made was like a link forged in the chain of destiny, a call to change and the new life that awaited me.

The process was a silent ritual, where my desires took shape through words. Each desire emerged from my mind, full of meaning and determination. And as I spoke them, I knew I was shaping my destiny with every syllable.

First, with unwavering faith, I declared, "I wish to be reincarnated as the son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne." The simplicity of the words hid the complexity of my desire, as I longed to be the heir to a great and ancient lineage with great potential.

Then came the search for temporality, the delimitation of when my rebirth would occur. "I want to be born shortly after Brandon's death, near the beginning of Robert's Rebellion," I stated, urgency permeating every syllable. The circumstances of my birth would have a profound impact on my journey.

The issue of survival in the freezing lands of the North could not be neglected. So I pleaded, "I too want to be immune to cold and ice." Immunity would become a vital shield on the freezing nights that plagued the North.

The search for superhuman abilities proved to be the next step, marked by elevated desires. "I wish to have superhuman strength and agility," I proclaimed, recognizing the need for exceptional capabilities in a world where challenges waited around every corner.

Vulnerability to disease and poison could be a death sentence in the Game of thrones unfolding in Westeros. Therefore, I firmly declared, "I want to be immune to all diseases and poisons," the words sounding like an insurmountable barrier against adversity.

My next wish was charged with urgency and legitimacy. "I want Brandon and Ashara to have been secretly married," I pleaded, acknowledging that my inheritance depended on proof of their union. The yearning for legitimacy was reflected in every syllable.

The silence that followed the declaration of my desire was filled with unspoken thoughts, a doubt about what to say next.

And then, my next demand, which unfolded with seriousness and purpose: "I want Ashara to have the documents to prove the marriage and for her to give them to Ned when he goes to Starfall after the Tower of Joy." The role of documents as irrefutable evidence was undeniable.

The nobility of my lineage was emphasized as I articulated my next desire with pride. "I wish Ned to name me Lord of the North for being the son of the original heir," I stated, pointing to the greatness of my inheritance.

Another solemn silence filled the space, but soon I uttered the rest of my wish, accepting the guidance that fate demanded. "And let him be my regent until I am old enough to rule," I added, recognizing the need for support and guidance until I could fully assume my position as leader.

My penultimate wish was centered on the Tower of Joy tragedy. "I want Willam Dustin not to die in the Tower of Joy and for Ned to bring the bodies of those who went with him and died back to the North." The addition of this order was an attempt to ease tensions in the North and maintain the loyalty of the houses.

And finally, the wish that would significantly affect the situation in the North: "I want Ned to ask Robert for the New Gift and Brandon's Gift back to the North with a reward for participating in the rebellion." The restoration of the gifts would be a relief to the difficulties that plagued the North, reducing the hunger and poverty that afflicted the people.

As soon as my wishes were uttered, the cosmic being nodded with transcendent understanding. "So be it, my son," his voice reverberated like the echo of distant thunder. "May his second life be marked by courageous choices and intertwined destinies. May the stars witness his journey and the gods guide him."

The white door, pure as the snow of the North, appeared before us, like a passage to my destiny. The being shrank until it reached my height, a gesture that seemed full of symbolism. He opened the door, revealing a glimpse of a new beginning.