
Northern Rise

In the frigid reaches of Westeros, where the snow falls relentlessly and the biting wind howls through the shadowy towers, a new story is about to unfold. In the heart of the North, where direwolves roam free and winters are unforgiving, an extraordinary destiny awaits. In the Stark lineage, a new light emerges, shaped by the inexplicable circumstances of reincarnation. A man, once lost to the cruel claws of fate, returns as the only child born of the union between Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne. A union that, even in the premature death of their parents, left an indelible mark on the chronicles of Westeros. This is the tale of a rebirth, a second chance granted by the hands of a cosmic being. The reincarnated son of a Northern wolf and a Southern star, destined to rewrite the intertwined destinies of the Great Houses and shape the future of a kingdom in constant war. In the world of intrigue, betrayal, and dragons, where every word spoken can seal the fate of entire kingdoms, the new heir to the North emerges. Named by Eddard Stark as the rightful heir, he carries with him memories of a past life, accumulated knowledge, and fierce determination. (English isn't my first language, so sorry for the mistakes, and this is my first time writing a story, so don't get your hopes up. As for the update schedule, I don't have anything set in stone, since I don't exactly have a lot of free time to write, and I don't even know if I'll be able to finish this story. I hope I can, but I can't promise anything. Share your opinions in the comments, ideas, and revisions are always welcome.)

Nox_Aeternus · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Chapter 10

After sixteen days of hard riding, with various stops for rest, the imposing towers of Winterfell finally came into view in the distance. As we approached, we passed through Wintertown, where, despite it being summer, a considerable number of people roamed the streets. Glances turned mainly towards Ned, their faces lighting up with joy at recognizing their lord returning. We continued, however, towards Winterfell.

Upon first seeing Winterfell, I was impressed. It was a large castle and, in my opinion, very beautiful and well-maintained, despite some parts needing future reconstruction.

Arriving at the entrance of the great hall, Benjen Stark awaited us, with Catelyn Tully at his side, holding Robb in her arms. Catelyn appeared visibly displeased to see us, especially me and Ashara. I imagined she thought I was another one of Ned's bastards like Jon, and Ashara was his mother.

Ned was the first to dismount, followed by me, assisted by him, and Ashara, who dismounted by herself. Benjen quickly approached and embraced Ned. "Welcome back, brother. Winterfell is yours," said Benjen. Ned, with a smile, responded, "Thank you, Benjen. I'm glad to be back," and joked, "You haven't destroyed anything while I've been gone, have you, brother?" Benjen laughed and replied, "No, Ned, I haven't destroyed anything."

As he approached Catelyn, she confronted him: "So you weren't satisfied with bringing back one bastard, you decided to bring another and the mother too?" Ned replied calmly, "Cat, he's not my bastard, and Ashara has nothing to do with me." Catelyn threw a look at me and Ned and screamed, "And the other one, the bastard that you had Howland Reed bring here!" Ned, tired, replied, "A mistake I made during the war." Catelyn, increasingly heated, accused, "Then why not leave him with the prostitute who is his mother?" Ned became furious at this and shouted back, "She was not a prostitute and she's dead, Catelyn!"

Catelyn fell silent for a few seconds, then calmed down and said, "I apologize, my lord, I should not have confronted you in this manner and at this time." Ned just nodded, now calm but visibly tired, and asked, "And who is this child in your arms, Cat?" Catelyn replied, "It's your son, Ned. I haven't named him yet, to let you decide the name of your future heir." Ned, in silence, decided, "His name will be Robb Stark."

We all entered and sat down at the table to dine, as we were famished and it was already late. While we ate, Benjen asked, "What is your name, boy?" I replied, "Alaric, Uncle Benjen." He seemed confused by me calling him uncle, noticing the Stark features in me, and asked Ned, "If Alaric is not your son, whose is he, Ned? He has all the Stark features." Ned answered, "He's Brandon's son, Benjen."

Hearing this, Benjen and Catelyn were shocked. Catelyn, full of rage and shock, shouted at Ashara, "You miserable whore! You seduced Brandon and had a bastard with him, didn't you?" Ashara, furious but calm, replied with a cold smile, "No, Catelyn. I didn't seduce Brandon, and unfortunately for you, he is not a bastard and is the legitimate lord of the North." Upon hearing this, Benjen was even more shocked, and Catelyn, about to burst with anger, fainted before she could speak more.

Ned, not knowing what to do in that short period, cast a sharp glance at Ashara, who returned a smile. He then left the hall and asked a servant to call Maester Luwin to take care of Catelyn. Meanwhile, back in the great hall, Benjen asked Ashara, "Is he truly Brandon's son, Ashara? And how can he be legitimate?" Ashara replied, "Yes, Benjen, he is Brandon's son, and he is legitimate because I married Brandon at Harrenhal." Upon hearing this, Benjen was shocked once again and asked, "How is that possible? He was betrothed to Catelyn." Ashara answered, "I know that, but we were in love and did it somewhat impulsively, but I do not regret it." She ruffled my hair, and I gave a smile.


Ned's POV:

Seven years have passed since I, Eddard Stark, returned to the North with Alaric and Ashara. During this period, Winterfell and our lands saw many changes. With Catelyn, I had three more children: Sansa, born in the year 286 A.C., followed by Arya in 289 A.C., and recently, Bran, who came into the world just a moon ago.

The revelation about Alaric to the Northern lords was met with unexpectedly tranquil acceptance, something that facilitated the administration of our domains. Shortly after our return, we began the reconstruction of Moat Cailin, completed two years ago. The project cost only 106 thousand golden dragons, a sum significantly less than what we received from Robert. With the remainder, we invested in the Gifts, where, after two years of construction and planting one moon after our return to the north, we achieved food independence from the south.

The news about Alaric caused consternation in Hoster Tully, who reacted exactly as Robert had predicted. Hoster sent various letters demanding that I assume the lordship of the North, claiming that Alaric's legitimacy was a farce. Even after presenting the documents, he insisted they were forgeries. His protests intensified when we stopped buying food from his lands, a decision that also displeased the Tyrells. Robert, however, ignored their complaints, reprimanding them for trying to take advantage of the North.

Our economy flourished because we sent explorers throughout the north in search of mines, which led to the discovery of iron mines—16 small and 3 large, with 6 small and 1 large in the Flint Hills, the rest of the small and 1 large in Skagos, and the last large one near Winterfell, coal found in 4 small and 1 large in the wolf's forest at a relatively short distance from Winterfell, 2 lead and 1 tin mine near the border of the gifts almost leaving it, copper found in 3 in the mountainous areas near the wall, silver found 2 near the copper and a significant gold mine on Bear Island. These mines, now exploited, have significantly improved our economic situation. The mines within the territories of the lords were granted to them, on the condition that they give us 15% of the profits, an offer that all accepted willingly.

In Winterfell, Alaric showed himself to be an uncommonly mature and intelligent young man, especially when compared to Jon and Robb. Unlike them, Alaric preferred the company of books and the stories of Old Nan. Catelyn asked to build a sept, but both Benjen and Alaric opposed it, so I decided not to allow it.

Benjen, who originally planned to join the Night's Watch, was divided after learning about Alaric, but after discovering about Jon, chose to stay and help us raise the two boys. Alaric, from the beginning, had a significant influence on Sansa, teaching her about the North and its culture, which caused displeasure in Catelyn. She even asked that he be kept away from Sansa, but I saw no harm in his teachings.

As for Arya, Alaric maintained a closer relationship, preferring to play with her rather than teach, though he still taught her even if in smaller amounts. I decided to start Alaric's martial and academic education earlier, at four years old, due to his maturity, intelligence, and the fact that despite him being only four namedays old, he appeared to be six and was stronger than boys of six namedays. Maester Luwin was impressed with his speed of learning. Jon and Robb, despite being talented, preferred to adventure rather than study.

At the insistence of Alaric, after the end of other constructions and because of the strange movements of the Ironborn, I finally agreed to rebuild the Northern fleet, a decision that, I hope, will strengthen us against the Ironborn. While watching from the window of my solar, I saw Alaric, Robb, and Jon playing with swords in the courtyard, an involuntary smile appearing on my face as I watched the three together, symbolizing the future of the North and the bonds we have formed in these challenging years.

Sorry for the delay in the chapter and for having only one today, everyone. I'm dealing with a severe headache, so it's very difficult to write. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

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