
Northern Reaper

Where do you go when Heaven's stairs vanish, and Hell's highway closes? Back to earth. But repeating a life already lived would be to easy right?

SinfulSmile · Games
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14 Chs

It Began Here

Using God's Eye I found a rail kind of tucked away due to the facility being in tatters, however it had a great angle on the south ramp and stairwell.

Another great angle was inside a destroyed van, and the last one was on top of the south ramps info station.

After setting the last one i took off all my gear and laid it in the shape of a person under a van. the only items i kept on me was my wireless receiver, my wrist unit, and my display unit.

I ran as fast as i could to the 6th floor and hid in a random car parked right by the entrance. Thankfully the back door was unlocked so i could crawl through the seat and hide in the trunk.

"Here we go." Taking one last deep breath i shut off the display units transparency function and wholeheartedly focus on what God's Eye can show me. But that made me realize how unready i was.

Toggling the audio function God's Eye started feeding both visual and audio of any target location i needed. How ever this just made what i saw scare me that much more.

A man in all black was coming up the 2nd levels ramp speaking with a masked female operative. "Are you sure the tech guy ran in here?"

"How could i not be sure? The drones tracked him to this facility." Said another operative in all black.

"Spread out, Stay frosty, and remember kill on sight. there is no such thing as people in here, just ghosts. Got it?" Said the leading man while talking directly into his radio device.

With every step they took, my heart started beating faster. Quickly they made it to the third floor, then the fourth. Expertly sweeping each floor leaving no shadow unchecked.

As they got closer i paired God's Eye to the R.F.D.'s (Remote Firing Device) sweating and shaking with anxiety. The first person up should be the leading man, on the south ramp.

While i was tracking him slowly climbing the ramps i was rapidly scanning to find each and every member of the opposition.

Seven on the south ramp, seven on the north ramp, four in each stairwell, and lastly one lingering one floor behind the others.

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