
Northern Hour

Elio is struggling to get over his past, he’s scarred and will never be the same. Without warning, a deadly virus breaks out on his home planet, and his world comes crashing down. Elio finds himself thrust into a world of chaos, void of any order. Murder, Theft, and Various Heinous crimes take center stage on a Silver Train. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm still new to writing, so there may be grammatical errors at first. The horror/thriller aspect comes out later on in the story. Also the really juicy parts of the novel take a while to get to but i promise it'll be worth the wait!

FiaVillin · Horror
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Transmission Lost

As the cargo ship continues its journey through the vastness of space, June, the young woman with long blonde hair and gray eyes, finds herself feeling frustrated and annoyed. The ship's interior is dimly lit, and the low hum of the engines fills the air.

The silver base of the cargo ship gleams in the soft glow of the control panels, while the logo of a golden flower on the right side adds a touch of elegance to the otherwise utilitarian vessel.

June can't help but let out another sigh, expressing her exasperation at the situation they find themselves in. She mutters to herself, wondering why the captain decided to take on such a challenging job in the first place.

At that moment, Mark, a man a little older than June with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes, overhears her complaints. He knows June well and understands her tendency to vent her frustrations, but he also believes in staying positive and adaptable.

He calls out her name gently, "June," and offers his perspective, telling her that complaining won't change anything and that sometimes, it's better to learn to roll with the punches.

June's annoyance flares up at his seemingly patronizing advice, and she snaps back at him with a mix of irritation and defiance. "Oh, shut the hell up and fuck off, Mark," she retorts, not holding back her fiery response. She questions whether she's no longer allowed to express her frustrations and wonders where he got his sharp ears from, insinuating that he seems too eager to listen to her complaints.

Mark, unfazed by June's outburst, maintains a calm demeanor. He knows that beneath her tough exterior, June is simply navigating the challenges of life in her own way. He decides not to push her further and instead offers a small smile, intending to diffuse the tension.

"I'm just saying, it won't hurt to try and find some silver lining in this," Mark replies, his voice gentle but firm. "We're in this together, after all."

June's frustration doesn't immediately dissipate, but she knows Mark means well, even if she finds his optimism a little annoying at times. She grumbles to herself but chooses to let the conversation rest for now, focusing her attention on the ongoing journey to the planet Nexa.

The sudden appearance of Captain Cross startles both June and Mark, immediately prompting them to snap to attention and salute their superior. The burly man with white hair and a short beard exudes an air of experience and authority, evident in his well-defined muscles that speak of past battles.

Cross lets out a hearty laugh at June's question about his morning, his single eye narrowing playfully. He adjusts the eyepatch on his left eye, a reminder of past struggles and sacrifices, before responding that he's doing just fine. However, his teasing remark catches June off guard, causing her cheeks to flush with a faint blush. She quickly retorts that Mark isn't someone she'd ever consider dating.

Mark, though taken aback by the comment, tries to hide his offense with a scoff, not wanting to make the situation more awkward than it already is. Cross shakes his head at their banter, a hint of amusement still lingering in his eye, and advises them to stay focused on their duties.

As Cross walks off further into the control room, the tension eases, but a lingering sense of awkwardness remains between June and Mark. June notices Mark leaving and finds herself frowning slightly, feeling a strange and unfamiliar emotion welling up inside her chest.

Yet, June is not one to easily confront her own feelings, especially not when she's preoccupied with her tasks and responsibilities. She pushes aside the strange emotions, choosing to focus solely on her job as best she can.

As Mark walks through the corridors of the cargo ship, he runs into Stella, his childhood friend and a fellow crewmate. Stella, with her easygoing nature and a penchant for lending a helping hand, notices the scowl on Mark's face and immediately asks him what's wrong.

Mark is surprised by her observation and unconsciously touches his face, wondering if June's comment had affected him more than he realized.

Sighing, Stella senses that June might have said something to Mark, as Roy had mentioned that he went to see her. "Did something happen between you and your little songbird, Mark?"

Mark stiffens at Stella's question, confirming that June's words had indeed bothered him. He mumbles a hesitant yes, expressing his frustration with the situation.

Understandingly, Stella places a reassuring hand on Mark's right shoulder and advises him not to get too upset. She explains that June is known for being oblivious to her own feelings for someone until it's too late. Stella knows this from experience, as her husband, Jeremy, shares a similar trait with June when it comes to emotions.

Mark finds comfort in Stella's understanding and opens up about his feelings of frustration. Stella nods, recalling her own journey with Jeremy. She shares a story about how she got Jeremy to realize his feelings for her, and it was, in fact, a coincidence.

At one point, Stella was so fed up with Jeremy's emotional aloofness that she decided to go on a blind date. To her surprise, Jeremy happened to see her during that date, and in that moment, he had a sudden realization that his feelings for Stella were deep and true love. Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Jeremy burst into the restaurant where Stella was having her blind date and confessed his love for her.

Stella chuckles as she recalls the comical and unexpected turn of events that led to Jeremy's confession. It was indeed a messy situation, but it ultimately brought them closer together.

Listening to Stella's story, Mark can't help but smile, finding solace in the fact that others have faced similar challenges in matters of the heart. He appreciates Stella's support and advice, knowing that he is not alone in navigating the complexities of emotions.

With Stella's words in mind, Mark takes a deep breath and decides to give June some space and time, hoping that maybe, just like Stella and Jeremy, June will come to her own realizations in due course.

Stella then tells Mark that since he's already here, he should accompany her to check on the 'cargo'.

Mark agrees to accompany Stella to check up on the cargo, finding some distraction in the task at hand. He playfully remarks that he has nothing better to do at the moment, which earns a chuckle from Stella. However, she reminds him to take the job seriously, as it is one of the more dangerous tasks they've undertaken lately, and the uncertainty surrounding it has cast a solemn mood over the entire crew.

Mark nods, understanding the gravity of the situation, and his playful smile is replaced with a more serious expression. Stella emphasizes that nobody on the ship knows what will happen, and this job might carry more risks than they're used to. The tension in the air leaves the crew with a sense of uncertainty, contemplating whether this mission could potentially be their last.

Curious, Mark asks Stella what she means by "final job." Stella's expression turns somber as she shakes her head, indicating that she cannot divulge the information, as it is classified and top-secret. Mark sighs, acknowledging the importance of secrecy in their line of work. He assures Stella that he won't press her for information, as he understands the implications it could have on her position as an information officer aboard the cargo ship.

Mark's curiosity is piqued as he observes the unique door in front of him. The yellow and black tape, along with the lack of a door handle, suggests that the room holds important and precious cargo. Stella's interaction with the door confirms his suspicions as she performs a specific knocking sequence to gain entry. Mark watches with intrigue, wondering what could be inside that requires such security measures.

As the door opens, Mark is introduced to a woman named Ann, who wears a lab coat and red glasses. Further inside are her three other companions, Tyler, Olivia, and Ferris. Stella warmly greets them, inquiring about their well-being after the earlier events. Ann admits that they are still shaken but assures Stella that they will be alright. Stella offers assistance, asking if they need anything, but Ann declines the offer, expressing gratitude for the concern.

Once the brief exchange is over, Ann closes the door, and Mark can't help but be curious about who these people are. He turns to Stella and questions her about their identity. Stella raises an eyebrow and responds with a teasing smile, revealing that they are the very "cargo" they were tasked with handling. Mark is taken aback by the revelation, realizing that the people he just met are the precious cargo they were responsible for transporting.

The gravity of their mission now sinks in, and Mark understands the need for the heightened security measures and secrecy surrounding the cargo.

Inside the secured room, Ann turns to face her companions after closing the door. Olivia walks over to Ann, her face etched with worry and uncertainty. "Do you really think we'll make it out of this alive?" she asks, her voice quivering with fear.

Before Ann can respond, Olivia breaks down, falling to her knees and sobbing. "I knew I shouldn't have taken on this job, even if it paid well," she admits amidst her tears.

Ann sighs compassionately and kneels down beside Olivia, wrapping her arms around her friend in a comforting embrace. "Hey, it's okay," she reassures gently. "The choices we've made, the path we've taken, have all led us to this point. There's no use regretting our past actions now. We have to focus on what lies ahead, no matter how uncertain it may seem."

Olivia nods, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. "You're right," she says with determination in her voice. "I shouldn't let fear paralyze me. We'll face whatever comes our way together."

Ann smiles, her eyes filled with understanding. "That's the spirit," she says, squeezing Olivia's hand reassuringly. "We're a team, and we'll support each other through this."

Meanwhile, Tyler and Ferris stand nearby, their expressions serious but determined. Tyler speaks up, "Ann's right. We knew the risks when we took on this job, and we'll handle whatever challenges come our way."

Ferris nods in agreement. "We've faced tough situations before, and we'll get through this one too," he adds, his voice steady.

As the alarm blares, warning them of the enemy attack, Ann's face turns serious. She realizes the gravity of the situation and warns her companions, "We need to be ready for the worst. If we don't make it through this, her majesty will discard us without a second thought, erasing our very existence."

Tyler snorts in response, "Yeah, her majesty sees us as nothing more than expendable pawns in her grand schemes. We're just tools to be used and discarded when we're no longer of use."

Olivia, filled with a surge of spirited energy, speaks up, "Well, regardless of what happens, I'm grateful to have met all of you. We've faced so much together, and I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything."

Ann, Tyler, and Ferris can't help but burst out laughing at Olivia's dramatic statement. Ferris playfully pats Olivia's back, "You always have a way of bringing positivity to even the direst situations."

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, their camaraderie shines through. Even in the face of danger, their bond as a team remains steadfast.

At the helm of the ship, the urgency of the situation is palpable. Cross, the ship's seasoned captain, raises his voice to gather everyone's attention, "Listen up! Prepare the emergency capsules immediately! Fighter squad, get ready to defend the ship!"

The crew in the command room snaps into action, saluting their captain before scattering to fulfill their assigned tasks. The atmosphere is tense as they all know the gravity of the impending battle.

Hank, Cross's trusted second in command, steps forward and asks, "What should I do about the cargo ship's data servers, Captain?"

Cross's expression is steely and determined as he responds, "Wipe them clean, Hank. We can't leave any traces for those relentless bloodhounds to sniff out."

Hank's mind quickly processes the information, but then he recalls the backup data. He asks Cross with concern, "And what about the backup data, sir?"

Cross pauses for a moment, contemplating the best course of action. He then replies firmly, "Put the backup data in one of the emergency capsules, and make sure it's accompanied by one of the scientists. We can't risk it falling into enemy hands."

Hank nods in understanding, realizing the gravity of the situation. He quickly turns on his heels and heads off to complete his mission of wiping the cargo ship's data servers and securing the crucial backup data.

The cargo ship finds itself surrounded by an ominous fleet of four warships, their pitch-black hulls allowing them to stealthily creep up on their unsuspecting target. Cross, the ship's captain, mutters a curse under his breath, referring to the approaching warships as "bloody dogs." He turns to Ivan, an information officer, and gives him a firm command, "Make sure everyone knows what to do, and get ready to move the cargo."

Ivan nods in response, fully understanding the gravity of the situation, and sets off to relay the orders to the crew. Meanwhile, Cross heads towards the room where the valuable cargo is stored. He knocks on the door in a specific sequence, and Ann, one of the scientists on board, opens it and greets him. Curious about the commotion, she inquires about what's happening.

Cross's expression is serious as he informs Ann of the impending danger, "The hounds have found us, and they're closing in for the hunt." Ann seems puzzled by the term "hounds," but Cross evades the question, knowing that it's better for her not to know the full extent of the danger they're facing. Instead, he emphasizes the urgency of the situation and urges Ann and her companions to make their way to the emergency escape capsules in case the ship doesn't survive the impending encounter.

With determination, Ann quickly grasps the severity of the situation and takes charge. She instructs her companions to gather their belongings as they prepare to evacuate the ship. Before leaving, Ann expresses her gratitude to Cross for his help and wishes him luck. She adds a hint of admiration as she calls him a "madman" for taking on such a dangerous job.

As Ann and her companions hurry towards the escape capsules, Cross watches them go, a sense of regret lingering in his heart. He knows that the choices he made left him with little room for alternatives, and he mutters to himself, "I didn't have much of a choice in the first place." With a heavy burden on his shoulders, Cross prepares to face the approaching threat, hoping that his actions will be enough to protect both the precious cargo and his crew in this perilous and uncertain situation.

The tension in the air is palpable as Ann and her companions rush through the narrow corridors of the cargo ship. The flashing red emergency lights only add to the sense of urgency. As they turn a corner, the escape capsules come into view, neatly aligned and ready for use. Roy, a crew member of the ship, stands by, waiting to assist them.

"Quickly, we don't have much time," Roy says, his voice firm but concerned. He explains that they must enter a specific sequence of numbers and letters into the launch sequence of the capsules. This will enable the ship's data servers to track them in case they miraculously survive the impending danger.

Ann nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. She leads her fellow scientists, Olivia, Tyler, and Ferris, as they each make their way to an escape capsule. With Roy's instructions in mind, they swiftly input the critical launch code.

"Thank you, Roy," Ann says sincerely, gratitude in her voice. She apologizes for getting them all involved in such a dangerous situation.

Roy dismisses her thanks, emphasizing that he is just following orders and that credit should go to the captain. As he hurries off, Ann senses that there's more to the situation than she was initially told. Her heart sinks slightly, knowing that things are far worse than she had imagined.

Nevertheless, she focuses on the task at hand. Stepping into her capsule, Ann spots a small cube inside, and a smirk crosses her face. She tucks the cube into her pocket, aware of its significance. She straps herself in, her hands deftly entering the launch sequence code. Just as she inputs the last few numbers, the ship jolts violently from an impact.

Coughing from the sudden movement, Ann completes the code and takes a deep breath. With a sigh of resignation, the emergency capsule launches into the vastness of space, carrying Ann away from the danger that now engulfs the cargo ship. Behind her, the capsules of her companions follow suit, escaping into the unknown void.

As Ann peers through the small window of her escape capsule, she gazes out into the vast expanse of space. The sight before her is both mesmerizing and terrifying. In the distance, she witnesses a fierce dogfight between fighter jets, contrasting black and orange vessels locked in a deadly dance. The black jets exhibit superior numbers and skills, overpowering their orange counterparts, whose numbers diminish with each passing moment.

Amid the chaos, Ann's eyes widen as she notices a menacing black warship charging its energy cannon. Shock courses through her veins, for she knows the destructive power of such weapons all too well. The production of these energy cannons was outlawed thirteen years ago, back when she was just a little girl. The fact that they still exist sends a shiver down her spine.

Unable to contain her emotions, Ann mutters a string of curse words at the sight unfolding before her. The cargo ship she was aboard mere minutes ago becomes engulfed in a violent explosion, fragmenting into countless pieces that scatter chaotically in all directions. The devastation is heartbreaking, and Ann's heart sinks with the realization of the tragedy she's witnessing.

Suddenly, a blinding white light engulfs everything around her. The deafening noise of the explosion is replaced by an eerie silence.


In the heart of planet Nexa, the stronghold of the Oreseon empire, a dimly lit room houses a man named Francis. With his pale skin and black, straight hair, he exudes an air of intensity. His eyes, a deep shade of brown, remain fixated on the computer screen before him, where only static disrupts the darkness.

Standing up from his desk, Francis strides purposefully towards the sole entrance to the room—a silver door that grants access to the enigmatic presence within. With a practiced sequence of knocks, Francis announces his arrival, and a sharp, feminine voice bids him to enter.

Head bowed in deference, Francis steps into the room, his eyes lowered in respect. The woman, whom he addresses as "her majesty," commands him to lift his head, curious about the outcome of the mission. Francis proceeds to inform her that the transmission signal was lost, leading them to estimate the cargo ship's destruction. The woman's response is a chilling series of laughs that send shivers down Francis's spine. Her lack of surprise over the failure of the mission unsettles him.

With a cold and calculated demeanor, the woman dismisses the efforts of the unfortunate crew, referring to them as "fools." She charges Francis with the task of erasing any evidence and ensuring that the trail does not lead back to her. The weight of her words and the importance of his mission are palpable.

Francis nods solemnly, understanding the gravity of his role in the queen's affairs. He assures her majesty that he will execute her orders without hesitation, vowing to fulfill her every wish. With a respectful bow, he takes his leave from the room, closing the silver door behind him.

Back at his desk, Francis sighs, feeling the pressure of the queen's expectations weighing heavily upon him. He knows that he must act swiftly and decisively, for failure to meet her demands could mean dire consequences. With a sense of urgency, he sets to work, determined to leave no trace behind and to protect the queen's interests at all costs.