
Norman The Dreamer

Norman Dremour is an ordinary college student who likes to daydream about his ideal life. But his dream soon turns into a nightmare when he becomes the target of the Foundation, a secret organization that captures and studies people like him who can manifest their dreams into reality. Norman is a Dreamer, one of the rarest and most powerful anomalies in the world, and the Foundation wants to exploit him for their agenda. But the Foundation is not the only group interested in him. He is also contacted by Aria, a mysterious young woman who claims to be part of the Resistance, a group of Dreamers who oppose the Foundation and seek to liberate their kind. She offers to help Norman escape and join their cause, but can he trust her? Or is she just another pawn of the foundation?

DaoistYd5XlP · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

What is a dream? Is it a fleeting glimpse of another reality, a window into our deepest desires, or a reflection of our subconscious fears? Dreams are mysterious and fascinating, yet they are often hard to remember and interpret. Some people believe that dreams have meanings and messages, while others think that they are just random and meaningless. Some people can control their dreams, while others are at the mercy of their nightmares. Some people dream every night, while others rarely or never dream at all.

Dreams are a part of our human experience, but we still do not fully understand them. Scientists have studied the brain activity and physiology of dreaming, but they have not been able to explain the content and purpose of dreams. Philosophers have speculated about the nature and significance of dreams, but they have not been able to prove or disprove their theories. Artists have used dreams as inspiration and expression, but they have not been able to capture their essence and beauty.

Dreams are a mystery that we may never solve, but we can still enjoy and learn from them. Dreams can challenge us, inspire us, comfort us, or scare us. Dreams can reveal our hidden emotions, thoughts, and memories. Dreams can help us cope with our problems or create new ones. Dreams can make us laugh, cry, or wonder.

But what if our dreams were more than just dreams? What if they were a portal to another dimension, a glimpse of the future, or a manifestation of our will? What if we could share our dreams with others or enter their dreams? What if we could choose what to dream about or never wake up from our dreams? What if our dreams become our reality?

Would you like that? Or would you rather keep dreaming?


The sewer system was a labyrinth of darkness and filth, a place where no sane person would venture. But Agent Donovan and Graves had no choice. They were on a mission to find and eliminate a deadly threat that had been terrorizing the city for weeks.

They wore dark outfits that blended with the shadows, equipped with night vision goggles, earpieces, and silenced pistols. Their clothing had a touch of mysticism, with symbols and runes that gave them protection and enhanced their senses. 

They moved cautiously through the tunnels, following the trail of blood and corpses that marked the path of their target. They had seen the gruesome aftermath of its attacks—the mutilated bodies of innocent civilians and police officers. The body count was over a hundred and rising.

"Any sign of it?" Donovan whispered into his earpiece. He was the leader of the two-man team, a veteran agent with a scarred face and a calm demeanor.

"Negative," Graves replied. He was the rookie, a young and eager agent with blond hair and blue eyes. "But I can smell it. It's close."

They reached a junction where three tunnels branched out. Donovan checked his map and pointed to the left one. "This way," he said.

They entered the tunnel, which was narrower and deeper than the others. The stench of death was overwhelming. They saw more bodies, some of them half-eaten, some of them torn apart.

"What the hell is this thing?" Graves asked, trying not to gag.

"I don't know; I don't care," Donovan said. "All I know is that it's fast, strong, and smart. And it needs to be stopped."

As they walked through the tunnel, Donovan and Graves tried to ignore the horror around them. They had seen many things in their line of work, but nothing like this. The corpses were not just killed; they were mutilated. Some of them had their limbs ripped off, some of them had their organs exposed, and some of them had their faces carved with symbols. It was clear that the creature was not just hunting; it was sending a message.

"A message to whom?" Graves wondered aloud.

"To us," Donovan said. "To anyone who dares to challenge it. To anyone who thinks they can stop it. It's mocking us, Graves. It's proving a point."

"What point?" Graves asked.

"That it's the apex predator. That it's the master of this domain. That it's unstoppable."

Graves felt a shiver run down his spine. He realized that they were not dealing with an ordinary killer. They were dealing with a monster. A monster that had intelligence, cunning, and malice. A monster that enjoyed killing.

He looked at Donovan, hoping to see some sign of fear or doubt in his eyes. But he saw none. Donovan was calm and focused, as if he had faced this kind of situation before. Graves admired his professionalism and courage and tried to emulate him.

They reached the chamber, where they saw the nest of the creature. And where they heard its laugh,

It was a laugh. A twisted, maniacal, inhuman laugh

They raised their guns, ready to fire. But they could not see the creature. It was hidden in the darkness, waiting for them.

"Show yourself, you bastard!" Donovan shouted.

The laughter stopped. Then, a voice spoke. A voice that was neither male nor female, neither human nor animal. A voice that was pure evil.

"Hello, agents," it said. "I've been expecting you."

Donovan stopped Graves from taking another step. He sensed that the creature was somewhere close, watching them and playing with them. He felt a surge of adrenaline and fear, mixed with anger and determination. He was not going to let this thing get away with its crimes.

"Stand down Grave." he demanded. 

The voice chuckled. It spoke in rhymes, as if it were amused by its own words.

"I am the butcher; I am the blade; I am the nightmare; I am the shade; I am the hunter; I am the prey; I am the killer; I am the slayer."

Graves felt a cold sweat on his forehead. He could not believe what he was hearing. This thing was not only a murderer but also a poet?

"Why are you doing this?" he asked. "Why are you killing innocent people?"

The voice laughed again. It answered with another rhyme, revealing its motives and reasons for the killings.

"Killing is an art, an exquisite dance, a symphony of chaos, a cruel happenstance."

Graves, his patience waning, retorted with measured anger, "You're playing God with innocent lives."

The voice responded with a chilling calmness, "Murder, my dear, is a necessary strife. A culling of the weak to sustain the essence of life."

Donovan and Graves felt a wave of rage and disgust wash over them. They could not stand the creature's philosophy of murder and its benefits in culling the population. They could not comprehend how it could justify its actions with such twisted logic and reasoning. They could not tolerate its arrogance and pride in its deeds.

"You're insane," Donovan said. 

"You're wrong," the voice said. "I'm a god."

The voice paused. Then it said one final rhyme before revealing itself.

"I've had enough of this game; I've had enough of this chat; I've had enough of you two; I've had enough of that. It's time to end this show; it's time to end this scene; it's time to meet your maker; it's time to meet your queen."

The creature emerged from the darkness, showing its true form. It was a fusion of a butcher and a centipede, a thing of Lovecraftian horror. It had a human torso, a bloody apron, and a cleaver in its hand. But instead of legs, it had a long, segmented body with dozens of legs and pincers. Its head was a mass of eyes and mouths, with sharp teeth and tongues. It was covered in blood and gore, with bits of flesh and bone hanging from its body.

It was the most terrifying thing Donovan and Graves had ever seen.

They fired their guns, but it was too late.

The creature was faster.

I'll try to change some parts of the scene based on your request. Here is what I came up with:

Donovan and Graves fired their guns, but it was too late.

The creature was faster.

It dodged the bullets and lunged at them with a roar that echoed through the sewers.

Donovan and Graves barely had time to react. They jumped to the sides, avoiding the creature's cleaver and pincers. They landed on the ground and rolled away from the creature.

They got up and faced the creature. They knew they had to fight it or die.

They switched their guns to their left hands and reached for their right pockets. They pulled out small metal discs, engraved with symbols and runes. They were their mystic arts, their secret weapons.

They threw the discs at the creature, activating them with a word.

"Fire!" Donovan shouted.

"Lightning!" Graves yelled.

The discs exploded in mid-air, releasing bursts of elemental energy. Flames and sparks flew towards the creature, engulfing it in a fiery storm.

The creature screamed as it was burned and electrocuted. It thrashed and writhed, trying to escape the attack.

But Donovan and Graves did not stop. They kept firing their guns, aiming for the creature's eyes and mouths. They hoped to blind and silence it, to weaken it.

They were skilled agents, trained in both weapons and mystic arts. They had faced many enemies, both natural and supernatural. They had survived many battles, both physical and mental. They were not afraid of the creature.

They were determined to kill it.

But the creature was not easy prey. It was a cunning and ruthless predator. It had killed many people, both innocent and guilty. It had evaded many hunters, both human and non-human. It was not afraid of the agents.

It was determined to survive.

It endured the pain and resisted the attack. It used its long body and its many legs and pincers to shield itself from the flames and sparks. It used its human torso and its bloody apron and cleaver to deflect the bullets.

Then it changed its tactic. It stopped thrashing and writhing and became still and silent. It waited for a moment, and then it struck.

It whipped its tail, hitting the discs and sending them flying back to the agents. It dashed forward, closing the distance between them. It swung its cleaver, slashing at the agents.

Donovan and Graves were caught off guard. They did not expect the creature to counter their attack so quickly and cleverly. They barely dodged the discs and the cleaver. They felt the wind of the blade and the heat of the fire passing by their faces.

They realized that the creature was not only a murderer but a genius. A genius of death and madness.

They had to change their tactic, too. They had to work together to outsmart and outfight the creature.

They split up and ran in opposite directions. They hoped to confuse and distract the creature, creating an opening for a final shot.

But the creature was not fooled. It knew their plan, and it had its own. It followed one of them and ignored the other. It chose its target and pursued it.

It chose Graves.

Graves ran through the tunnel, looking for a place to hide or a weapon to use. He knew the creature was behind him, and he knew he was in trouble. He wished Donovan was with him, but he knew he was on his own.

He glanced back and saw the creature gaining on him. He saw its red eyes and its sharp teeth. He saw its cleaver and its pincers. He saw its bloodlust and its madness.

He felt a surge of fear and a pang of regret. He wondered if he would make it out alive and if he would see his family again. Was it a mistake to join the secret foundation? No, he hadn't wasted his life chasing monsters.

He shook his head and pushed those thoughts away. He focused on the present and the future. He told himself that he was not a coward and not a fool. He was a hero and a warrior.

Now was not the time to give up and he would not die here in the sewer.

He reached the end of the tunnel and found a dead end. He cursed and turned around. He faced the creature, and he raised his gun. He aimed for its head and pulled the trigger.

He hoped to end it with one shot.

But the creature was faster.

It dodged the bullet and lunged at him with a roar that echoed through the sewers.

Graves had no time to react. He felt the creature's cleaver and its pincers piercing his chest. He felt the creature's teeth and its tongues, biting his shoulder. He throat became hoarse as he screamed as he felt the creature's eyes and its mouths, staring into his soul.

Donovan heard the scream and knew it was Graves. He felt a wave of grief and a surge of rage. He knew he had to avenge him and honor him.

He ran towards the scream and found the creature. He saw it standing over Graves' body, holding its bloody, stained cleaver. He saw it licking the blood off its blade and smiling with its lips. He saw it mocking him and challenging him.

He saw it, and he hated it.

He fired his gun and threw his disc. He shouted a word and activated his mystic art.

"Freeze!" he yelled.

The bullet hit the creature's shoulder, and the disc hit its back. They exploded, releasing a blast of cold energy. Ice and frost flew towards the creature, freezing it in place.

The creature felt the cold and the shock. It dropped the heart and the cleaver. It tried to move, but it was too late. It was frozen and helpless.

It was defeated.

Donovan approached the creature and looked at it. He saw its frozen eyes and its frozen mouth. He saw its frozen body and its frozen limbs. He saw its frozen blood and its frozen flesh.

He saw it, and he felt nothing.

He raised his gun and aimed for its head. He pulled the trigger and ended it.

He hoped to end it with one shot.

And he did.

The creature's head shattered, and its body collapsed. It fell to the ground and broke into pieces. It was dead and gone.

It was over.

Donovan lowered his gun and looked at Graves' body. He felt a tear and a sigh. He knelt down and checked his pulse. He was surprised and relieved to find it.

He was alive.

Donovan smiled and thanked God. He lifted Graves' body and carried him to a safe place. He took out his earpiece and called for pickup.

"Base, this is Donovan. I need a medevac ASAP. I have a wounded agent with me. Over."

"Roger that, Donovan. What's your location? Over."

"I'm in the sewers, near the junction of sectors 12 and 13. Over."

"Copy that, Donovan. We'll send a chopper to your location. ETA 10 minutes. Over."

"Thank you, base. Over and out."

Donovan put his earpiece back on and looked at Graves. He was unconscious, but stable. He had a chance to survive and recover.

He had a chance to live.

Donovan smiled and hugged him. He said a prayer and a thank-you.

He said it, and he meant it.

He waited for the chopper and the rescue. He waited for the scene and the mission to end.

He waited, and he hoped.

"Base to Donovan, do you copy? Over."

Donovan heard the voice of the operator in his earpiece. He wondered what they wanted. He hoped it was not another mission. He needed a break and a rest.

He answered the call and spoke to the operator.

"Donovan here, I copy. What is it, base? Over."

"Donovan, we have a new mission for you. Over."

Donovan felt a pang of frustration and a surge of fatigue. He knew he had no choice, but he wished he had. He wished he could say no and hang up.

He asked the operator and listened to the mission.

"What is it, base? Over."

"Donovan, we have a high-priority target for you: a young man with white hair, blue eyes, and light skin. He is suspected of being an anomaly, similar to the Centipede you just killed. He is unaware of his true nature and his potential danger. He is also a civilian, with no criminal record or affiliation. He is considered harmless and innocent, until proven otherwise. Over."

Donovan could only sigh as he listened.

Meanwhile, in another tunnel, a pair of glowing green eyes watched them. They belonged to a feminine creature with a human body. She had long, black hair and a beautiful face. She wore a white dress stained with blood. She held a knife, dripping with venom.

She watched them as they left, and she smiled.

Hey guys, this is an original story of mine. Let me know if you find any mistakes.

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