
waking up in a new world

>>please note the following, there will be lots of gramatical errors in this novel the reason is that english is not my first luage i hope you can understand<<

as i open my eyes i see a white cealing,

this isn't my room it is much larger and much cleaner.

i take a deep breathe and look around mee.


nope, it is not even close it is much larger in here and dont see a large lock anywear

and then it hit me,

oh shit that's richt i got left behind to slow down the enemy to save nr.45k1 and the others.

than is this a new tortere chamber back at base, no skip that they dont need that.

then is this a fancy torture chamber of the united states, no also skip that i dont seem te bee restricted and i can't hear any guns from the people in the hallways.

then this must be some sort of other fasility but either way i need to get out of here and contact base to let them know i servived so they dont go around killing the others

i got up and ignored the sharp pain's i was feeling in i torse, left leg, left arm,...

i stumbled to the halway with a litle bit of strugle and opened the door with some more

i opened the door and saw many people running and walking in the hallway some were in weelchair's and others were just walking.

i looked and saw no weapons so i got out of the room and tried to stand on 2 legs but as i set foot outside of the room it hit me a scrieching pain near my hart it was much stronger then the other pains but i have had worce so after half a second i got used to it but that half of a second was enough for me to lose focus and fall to the ground with a loud thud

i heard yelling and people running to me so i went into allert mode ass you ceuld call it

i slid back against a wall and welt the cold wall 4 adult men were rushing tewords me together with a hand full of females.

the men started to cary me back thay were all saying somthing but i was on some heavy sleeping meds so translating was not realy in my capebilitys richt now

i assume that they mean harm so i knock 2 on the ground the last one rushed and put a needle in my neck and i feel like my energy is sucked out and fall asleep imeadiatly.

<now we will see the play in the perspective in a nurse at the fasility>

phew just got done with my round's this morning,

i look at a hinch of the door oposit me and see that it is slowly pushed down,

i stared blankly for a few seonds as if i remember corectly the one laying in that room wasn't that the unidentified girl they found in the ruins of the recent terorist atack, she was full of scars had her many bones broken and had more htan a dozen of bulets removed only a few hours ago..

she was about to call for healp when the door openend and saw a frail skinny small looking child that looked like it was no older then 12 with longe blonde hair and a skin white as snow fall to the floor she imeadiatly ran tewords the seemingly defensless girl alon wth ohters but to her suprise eh kicked 2 of the docters rying to get her up while explaining that she was in a hospital the therd one who was afraid after the attack used a needle filled with instant sleeping medicine for patians who get agrasive on the girl note that this was no sall dosage this was meant for adult men and women not on a small girl who did not even weigh 45 Kg she instantly fell to sleep as the others caried her back into bed and the 2 docters to a first aid spot

i know my english is shit, but please just give

some comments on the story so i can get better thanks

sucker012creators' thoughts