
Nord Conquest

The story is a fan fiction of Mount&Blade. It is the conquest history of a Nord who migrated from Greenland to the mainland of Calradia and established a kingdom. It is a small person from nothing to leaving himself in the long history of Calradia. story of footprints.

Griselda_Jones · Video Games
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8 Chs

What My God Sees

('The snow-covered Greenland is the most beautiful memory of all the Nords. It is pure and flawless. It can make the Nord warriors muster their courage in the longest voyage and face the wind and waves as the people of Greenland.

Many Nords made a promise before going to sea: If they are lucky enough to die in battle, please ask the Valkyrie God to insert their souls into the Temple of Valgla. If the temple is occupied by more heroic warriors, please send your soul back to Greenland, and you would rather be a lonely ghost and continue to wander in your homeland.

The dying Nord royal guard was lying in a pool of blood under the city of Tiha, looking at the half-blue and half-white sky, showing a long-lost smile: "Hejia...it really looks like..."

The two Swadian light infantrymen who cleaned the battlefield heard the whispers of the dying man, held their swords and carefully protected their bodies with shields, and walked in this direction step by step. One of the gray and thin light infantrymen asked his companion with lingering fear: "He has bled so much, isn't he dead?"

Another Swadian light infantryman, tall and strong, spit thick phlegm into the pool of blood where the Nord royal guard was lying, and licked it impartially on the face of the dying man, while the Nord royal guard remained motionless. Keep the expression of smiling up to the sky just now.

"Cut, coward! This bastard can't get up. Let's go, let's see if there is anything valuable on him!"

The gray and thin light infantry tremblingly walked a few steps towards the "corpse" of the Nord royal guard, and then looked at it for three seconds. The faintly visible smile on the face of the dead made him shudder. He faltered and said: "West, still, wait... a few more people... I'm afraid..."

His companion, West, didn't care at all, and went straight to the dead man, bent down and lifted off the broken chain mail, and groped around the waist of the royal guard. The gray and thin light infantry stared blankly, not daring to take a step forward.

"It's better if Anse doesn't come." West looked at his cowardly companion and thought,"This guy is armed to the teeth, there must be something good, and now it's all mine!"

Soon, West found a large gold cup placed in the church. He sat on the ground and greedily looked at the luster of the gold cup:"It's really a good thing! It's enough to pay my military salary for half my life!"

"Ah!" Ans, the gray and thin light infantryman, suddenly screamed like a pig butcher, "Back! Back!"

West suddenly turned his head, only to see a bloody face smiling at him, with a finger of a Swadian knight sandwiched between the thick beard on that face. The mouth buried by the beard said softly in Nord:"Since you are here, stay!"

West was terrified, and just about to run away, a Germanic sword hidden under the dead body and minced meat suddenly lifted up and stabbed the soldier's throat like a poisonous snake. Fortunately, his experience on the battlefield saved him. West sat on his side in a wild boar rolling style, barely passing the sharp sword light, but the sword still left a deep 'moat' on his right arm, Blood spurted out of the wound like a running stream in a mountain stream.

Suddenly frightened, West couldn't bring himself to draw his sword to resist—or he had forgotten that he was a soldier with a sword. The distressed light infantry rolled and fled for his life clutching his wounds, and called out to his companions:"Come on! I, I can't... er er... ah".

Four or five soldiers rushed to hear the news, and saw the gray and thin Ans trying in vain to separate the two, but the iron-like arm of the Nord royal guard held West's throat tightly. The poor light infantryman could no longer take a breath of fresh air, his face turned purple and frightening.

The soldiers rushed forward, and the swords, ash wooden spears, and marching picks gouged countless fatal wounds on the Nord Royal Guard, but the Nord Royal Guard kept laughing, as if there was some great happy event. But the laughter eventually became weaker and weaker, until it turned into almost nothing.

Only then did the Swadian soldiers who had their eyes cut red realize that the light infantryman West, whose throat was tightly locked, had already swallowed his last breath, his eyes were wide open, as if he had witnessed his doomsday.

The upper and lower lips of Nord's royal guards touched each other lightly and then lowered their heads, and their broken bodies like chain mail could no longer exert that terrifying strength.

"You live in Tiha, so you know Nord? What is he talking about?" A Swadian sergeant who looked like a squad leader asked Ans.

"He is saying: My God sees, I, will step into the Temple of Ulgla! Goodbye, Greenland..."

There was a deathly silence on the battlefield, no more swords screaming and warriors roaring, only the ravens brought by the Nords from the ship, hovering low above the heads of the Swadian soldiers, making disturbing wails.

Under the city of Tiha, there was a piece of scorched earth. Swadia's Northern First Army was completely maimed, and only 700 of the 1,700 troops remained. The only thing that reassures Duke Harlaus and King Irich is that the Nords also left thousands of corpses under the city of Tihar, but they still failed to capture this important city in the North Sea. But for them, it is enough that that person is still stationed. Whether it is the Duke or the King, there are more important things to do.

The portals of the empire and the North Sea are still tightly locked. Within a year and a half, there is no possibility of a large-scale invasion by the weakened Nords. But for Earl Ragnar and King Rex, this is a job that is always on the agenda.

If the nobles of Swadia had seen how barren the land of Greenland was, how many wished to go to sea for land and hope before starving or waiting to be starved to death, they would have had the same opinion as the Nord chiefs The same understanding:"Tiha's fall is only a matter of time."