
Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao comes to farm

Gu Fei, a rookie who has not survived three episodes in the apocalypse, traveled to ancient times with space and became a girl in the Hou Mansion. As soon as I arrived, my house was ransacked and sold. It was finally bought back by his family. Then there was a severe drought in his hometown for three years and there was no harvest. Gu Fei and his family fled the north. Along the way, countless people died of hunger. Gu Fei: Don't be afraid, there is food in our space. Bandits and refugees were rampant on the way forward. Gu Fei: Don't be afraid, we have weapons in our space. After all the money was spent, Gu Fei led his family to farm and open an inn to make a fortune, and by the way, he gained a little overlord's son. The innocent prince: My wife can always conjure up many strange things. My wife must be a little fairy. Novel keywords: Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao Comes to Farm without pop-up window, Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao Comes to Farm txt full set download, Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao Comes to Farm latest chapters to read

Line_Huang · Sci-fi
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390 Chs

Chapter 75 Should I buy it or not?

 When Gu Fei heard Qian's words, she was so surprised that she even forgot to bite the pancake.

  Only those who are interested in buying things will be picky about the price. If you don't want to buy something, it's none of their business to ask for whatever price you want. Could it be that Mr. Qian wants to buy this girl?

  The woman's body trembled slightly, and the girl named Lian'er knelt on the ground with her head lowered, seeming very embarrassed.

  The woman suddenly turned to Qian, "Sister, can two fights make a difference? Lian'er is very strong. Not only can she do the work at home, but she can also go to the fields. She won't suffer any loss when she buys it back."

  Qian rolled her eyes and thought about it, she is A little tempted.

  Gu Zhong is a hands-off shopkeeper who does nothing but drive cars and carry water.

  This damn girl Xing'er is disobedient, especially now. It's not like at home, where she would run away after just saying a few words to her.

  Now the old lady won't help her anymore.

  Bao'er is a child who refuses to walk. Today she carried it for an hour and Xing'er carried it for an hour.

  If you buy this girl to be Bao'er's child bride, not only can she help her with the work, but you can also carry Bao'er on her back when you are on the road. You won't have to spend money on Bao'er to find a wife in the future. It is simply a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

  It's just one more person's ration, which Qian couldn't bear to bear.

  She then thought about it, what was she afraid of? The food she brought home wouldn't last long, and she wasn't going to buy any more. By then, it would definitely be from Gu Lao Er's family, and Gu Lao Er could still watch her eldest brother's family starve to death. .

  The more Qian thought about it, the more cost-effective it became. The second son's family had to provide food to support her family, and her family had a girl to work for free. It couldn't be better.

  She sneered at the woman, "Just a bushel of cornmeal, no more, sell it or not."

  The woman was still hesitating.

  Mrs. Chen suddenly sneered, "It seems that my sister-in-law's family has run out of food, so she bought someone to help her eat it."

  "I'm going to say something ugly first. If your food is gone, don't ask us for it! My food is still there. Not enough!"

  Mrs. Qian didn't expect that Mrs. Chen saw through her mind. She frowned and said, "Your family is so good at eating white noodles. Why do you look down on others?"

  Mrs. Chen just sneered beside her.

  The woman was afraid that Mrs. Chen would mess up the deal, so she hurriedly said: "In exchange, I can just exchange for a bucket of cornmeal."

  Mrs. Qian hesitated, Mrs. Chen was a powerful person, and I'm afraid she really wouldn't give it if she said no.

  Buy it, but you are reluctant to part with the food, but don't buy it, because you want to take advantage of it.

  Gu Zhong frowned, "Are you crazy? We don't have enough food to eat right now. Why are you buying it?"

  The woman quickly pulled Lian'er and turned to kowtow to Gu Zhong, "Brother, just do it. I bought this girl, she doesn't eat much, just two steamed buns a day can survive."

  At this time, Mr. Zhang's Donglai suddenly laughed, "Bao'er, your mother bought her to be your wife."

  "Haha ! Haha" everyone laughed.

  Dong Lai smiled happily when he saw everyone, his little face was full of pride.

  When Lanzhi heard this, she grabbed the corner of Gu Fei's clothes tightly and bought a girl for only a bucket of rice!

  But her net worth is one thousand eight hundred taels of silver!

  She can't work yet!

  Nowadays, food is very precious, and she also knows that if the Gu family runs out of money one day, she is afraid that she will be the first to be sold!

  At this time, Gu Erlang next to her whispered: "Don't be afraid. Even if there is no food at home, I will protect you and find food for you. I won't sell you."

  Lanzhi lowered her head and saw that she The corner of Xiao Fei's clothes that he grabbed was clearly the corner of Gu Erlang's clothes!

  When did he sit next to me?

  Lanzhi let go of her hand with a flushed face, feeling extremely panicked.