
Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao comes to farm

Gu Fei, a rookie who has not survived three episodes in the apocalypse, traveled to ancient times with space and became a girl in the Hou Mansion. As soon as I arrived, my house was ransacked and sold. It was finally bought back by his family. Then there was a severe drought in his hometown for three years and there was no harvest. Gu Fei and his family fled the north. Along the way, countless people died of hunger. Gu Fei: Don't be afraid, there is food in our space. Bandits and refugees were rampant on the way forward. Gu Fei: Don't be afraid, we have weapons in our space. After all the money was spent, Gu Fei led his family to farm and open an inn to make a fortune, and by the way, he gained a little overlord's son. The innocent prince: My wife can always conjure up many strange things. My wife must be a little fairy. Novel keywords: Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao Comes to Farm without pop-up window, Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao Comes to Farm txt full set download, Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao Comes to Farm latest chapters to read

Line_Huang · Sci-fi
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390 Chs

Chapter 189 Do you want to open a shop?

Gu Fei hurriedly said to the old man, "Old man, I'm sorry, I accidentally stepped on you."

  The old man snorted and said nothing.

  Gu Fei took out a few copper coins from his body, bent down and placed them in front of the old man, "Old man, it's cold. It's not good to sleep here at night. You'd better find a place that can protect you from the wind."

  The old man suddenly became furious. "Gungun, where did you come from, little lady? My old man is not a beggar, who wants your copper coins!"

  Gu Fei looked embarrassed, bent down to pick up the copper coins on the ground, and planned to leave. After thinking about it, she asked the old man: "Old man, do you know whose house this is? Why is it empty? It's a pity that such a busy street is empty."

  She was thinking recently, her mother grows peppers and her father raises clams, what does she do? You can't really just have free meals at home.

  Seeing a guy in such a good location, I couldn't help but ask a few questions.

  The old man stared at her and saw that she was wearing brocade clothes, with a girl following her, and a boy standing next to her. Suddenly his eyes rolled, "Why does the little girl ask this?"

  Gu Fei smiled, "It's nothing. It's just a pity. No matter what kind of store is opened in such a good place, the business should be good."

  The old man suddenly said: "Little girl, you have a

  vision." "You want to open a store?"

  Gu Fei nodded.

  The old man suddenly said: "This house belongs to me. If you really want to open a shop, I will sell this house to you."

  Gu Fei turned her head and looked at the old man, "Don't try to trick me."

  You are dressed in tatters. He looks like a beggar, how can he have such a big house?

  The old man snorted coldly, "Who is tricking you? If you don't believe me, come in and take a look!"

  As he said that, the old man stood up, took out a yellow copper key from his body, turned around and opened the door.

  Gu Fei was surprised. It seemed that it really belonged to this old man.

  There were no lights in the house either. Fortunately, the lanterns on the street were like a sea of ​​lanterns today, and some of the light could shine into the house. Gu Fei took a look and found that the house was quite big and empty. The floor was covered with dust. It seemed to be abandoned. long time.

  The old man pointed to the back, "I have a yard behind here, and there is a building in the yard."

  Gu Fei estimated that there is no door in this area that can't be bought for several thousand taels of silver. She waved her hand, "Old man, I won't go back to look at it. I don't have enough money to buy this house."   "

  But can you rent this house?"

  The old man shook his head after hearing this, "I don't rent it, I only sell it."

He glanced at the clothes on Gu Fei's body and said angrily: "You little lady, you are dishonest. If you don't have any money, how dare you wear clothes made of floral satin worth ten taels of silver per foot, and you say you don't have any money? I believe it." You ghost!"

  "I think you are just playing tricks on me, an old man!"

  Gu Fei smiled helplessly, "No, old man, I really don't have enough money." "How much money do you want to sell this house   for


He held out three fingers and said, "I don't want much. For three thousand taels of silver, I can go to the Yamen with you to apply for the house deed tomorrow."

  Gu Fei stuck out her tongue, so shocked by the price that she just wanted to run away, "Old man, then I'll go back and see if I can get some money."

  As he said that, Gu Fei walked out.

  The old man stood in the shadows, watching Gu Fei walk out, and murmured: "It's been so long, maybe it's sold."

  "It would be great if it could be sold, and I would be free. "