

Story of the Naruto world in the Boruto era with Otsutsuki clan as the main enemies and the expansion of the setting into space. Disclaimer: Don't own anything. Harem. Long and Slow Story.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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Powers and Skills

Full counter: Completely counters and reflects attack back at the enemy with even greater force, or vanishing the damage.

Love Drive: Make a person fall in love to absolute loyalty.

Snatch: "Robs" material objects without direct contact. Robs their opponent of their physical abilities such as strength and speed, and adds to the users'.

The Ruler: Invert all powers and techniques that are used against the user, regardless of their nature.

The Miracle: If the user doesn't die from the attack, he is immune to it, and grows stronger.

Vain: Increase the magical burden of an opponent's abilities to limit their usage.


Critical over: Converts the user's magic into raw strength, greatly increasing power level.

Crisis: Increase power in proportion to damage sustained.

Combo: Stacks additional force for each consecutive attack.

Love: Anyone who holds hatred in their heart will be unable to afflict harm on anyone else

Pacifism: Anyone who kills will rapidly have their own time stolen away, quickly aging and die

Piety: Anyone who shows their back to the wielder will become an obedient slave of the Demon King and by extension, the commandment's holder.

Selflessness: Anyone who holds desire from another person will lose their memories, emotions, and sense of self.

Truth: Anyone who holds desire from another person will lose their memories, emotions, and sense of self.

Scythe of Reticence: Mael takes the Reticence Commandment and uses it to craft a scythe that brands anyone hit with the cursed seal of the Commandment, sealing their magic

Incense of Purity: Mael takes the Purity Commandment and uses it to create a big incense, the smoke of which causes people to be immobilized by a great pressure and suffer hallucinations of what their hearts truly desires

Hell blaze: The flames also nullify any regenerative abilities including that of an immortal.


Size manipulation





Leer: Leer decreases the Defense stat of all adjacent opponents by one stage.

Growl: Decrease attack stat

Disable: Disable a skill for a limited time

Agility: Increase speed

Screech: Heavy decrease in defense

Harden: Increase defense

Haze: Removes stat skills

Focus Energy: Increases the chance of a critical hit

Bide: Unable to attack for some time and later the attack will be equal to the damage survived.

Amnesia: Forget a move


Flash: Decreases targets accuracy

Reversal: More damage inflicted when the user has low health.

Destiny bond: If the user dies then the target also dies.

Perish song

Endure: Survive an attack that would have killed.

Encore: The target uses the same move a second time.

Extreme speed

Mirror coat: Attack is reflected back


No Retreat

Miracle eye: Cannot miss

Roar of time: Use time as an attack

Hyperspace fury

Never-ending nightmare

Mind crush

Friends of a life time

Overdrive: Bring all the power

Eye of destruction: Shiva is one of the Supreme Deities in Hinduism and the one who governs over destruction and creation.[4][5] He is the god who administers the "destruction of the universe" in the Indian Age of Gods, and is capable of destroying all of creation in their texture.[2] His third eye is an "existence that burns up the universe", by opening it he is able to set the universe aflame and incinerate anything in his sight. When Kama shoot Shiva with an arrow of love, he opened his third eye and burnt him to ashes, so that neither his flesh nor concept remained.

Incarnation of Rage

Manifestation of Beauty

Vitality Drainer

Mental Drain

Megas Drepanon (Great Scythe) - Can bypass defenses and cut physical bodies, energy and spirits at once.

Psammos Adamas - Hourglass capable of cross-dimensional time manipulation.

Golden Dagger - Capable of killing Gods even through non-physical bodies and divine defenses like regeneration.

Astral form, under three seals, using only his Cosmo

Teleos Oracle ( Almighty Oracle) - An attack that directly affects the opponent's mind. He invites the victim to become a servant of Kronos. If the target resists, then a curse is thrown upon him and his persona is destroyed and his existence is poisoned, throwing him into a miserable fate of treachery and decadence, ending with death at the hands of those who he knew/knows, it curses and poisons the life of it's victims - the same fate shared by the descendants of Uranus. It also affects the target to awaken evil impulses and ambitions. It is an attack that can ignore or neglect barriers, durability and armors as it is a non-physical assault and a spiritual/supernatural attack.

Khaos Hyetos ( Storm Of Chaos) - One of the many forms used by Kronos to control nature. He calls the rain and changes its shape into incredibly long black needles that penetrate the enemy's body, causing an immeasurable pain. It is capable of bypassing barriers and armors and affects the body directly. In addition to hurting the enemy, it also drains the opponent's life-force and powers.

Phainomenon Arkhein (Phainomenon Arukein - Domain Phenomena) - Controlling nature, Kronos calls the veils from the depths of the earth to the surface and the wind whirls turning it into natural veneer, the wind currents can be manipulated into attack waves or blades of wind that can cut the victim's body and while this is happening this attack can also bring in the special burning flames that emerge from the ground, buring not just the body but also the life energy. This technique can contain and redirect FTL attacks for energy absorption, or creating black smoke explosions.

Seal of the Cosmos

Aegis Shield

Eternal Sleep (Eternal Drowsiness") Hypnos concentrates his cosmos, raising his right arm in the air, on the same axis while his left arm is pointing to the ground.An area of ​​darkness is created and involves Hypnos and his victims, a sort of limbo, where the enemy fleet confused and stripped of their willingness to fall unconscious plunged into an eternal sleep, while sleep horrific images of death and floating in limbo god sleep, then uses his powers to sink floating opponent confused and stripped of his vountade, falling unconscious in an eternal sleep, sleep while horrific images of death and floating in limbo, then the god of sleep uses his powers to sink their enemies in an eternal sleep.

Another Encounter With Reality (Encounter Another Field"): Only appears on Lost Canvas. Hypnos takes his opponents to the World of Dreams. There, Hypnos has total control over minds and bodies of its enemies can imprison them in dreams, delusions and nightmares. Hypnos is capable of making your dreams real, and can, for example, changing the place of combat in a mountain range, can also precipitate their opponents from the top of a mountain with an altitude of 10,000 feet, or designing meteorites. While not look real, the damage is what they are. This technique is very dangerous because of its almost unlimited potential.

Terrible Providence : Thanatos concentrates his cosmo releasing it into the hands against the opponent as a dense ball of energy capable of breaking the dimensional planes.This takes gigantic proportions and explodes to the touch in a devastating attack could break ground on the armor of their opponents.You can even destroy the golden armor of Sagittarius, Aquarius, Libra, Leo and Virgo (In The Lost Canvas nearly destroys the armor of cancer leaving her shattered). Thanatos can use their power years real-world lights.

Gate of Hell (Shigen-Shiki): Strike the Death God uses in The Lost Canvas Manigold against Cancer and its master Sage. Thanatos opens a crack that leads to a dimension inhabited by humans or any life, because everything that falls in this dimension is totally trashed, unless you have a divine or divine protection.

Phobia of Tartarus: The Tartarus is the deepest layer of hell.Here lie only the most cruel and souls so that some can pay for what they did. It is a horrible place of extreme punishment and suffering. The souls are sent to Tartarus at the behest of his own Thanatos. In this technique, he casts many souls in Tartarus, discharging their pain and agony in the designated target for the God of Death.These souls are attacking the opponent's body and slowly taking her soul. When the opponent dies, his soul spends eternity in Tartarus.

Transformation curse

Weaken curse

Battle Royale: Everyone is an enemy

Star of Calamity: Unlucky

Nirvana Seal: Drag the soul into Nirvana

All the World's Evil: If fully submerged in the curse, it paints space itself around the person, surrounding them in darkness and imprinting hell upon their brain by showing them unseeable darkness, ugliness that can't be acknowledged, and all the crimes of the people in the world that make them want to run away from it all. Those trapped with the darkness will eat themselves to death from pain and hatred, and they will be swallowed by it like the painted space. Avoiding such a curse and the very concept of blocking it are nearly impossible.


Power of Legends: Take in the power of Legends


Energy eater

The Cursed Doll execution: Use an item as a representation of the enemy and destroying it affects the target.

Omega force: an ultimate force which, in battle, is able to instantaneously read ahead and respond accordingly. It is an ability that draws out and raises Omegamon's combat sense and potential to their utmost limits in all situations.

Alpha force: an ultimate force which, in battle, instantaneously replays the elapsed battle, although Alphamon's attacks are over in just an instant, you can't grasp how many attacks it actually unleashed, and in theory, you can only see the final blow that brought down its opponent.

The Protagonist

The Demon Lord: Insane boosts in power against everyone except the Hero.

Block Reality

Heal Block




Dragon Collider: Releases all its energy in the form of phantom dragons that converge on the target in a vortex that reaches the temperature of a star's core in an instant, causing a huge explosion.

Assimilation: Using Kurama with bare minimum golden energy leaking out.

Ultimate Force: The Ulforce , is a legendary holy overwrite sequence possessed by Ulforce V-dramon, born from positive feelings such as joy, pleasure and a strong heart which desires to protect its loved ones.[2] While conventional Overwriting sequences damage digimon in exchange for an increase of power, eroding their data and thus shortening their lifespans, Ulforce is a sacred power that is able to reconfigure digital data,[3] strengthening and healing a digimon's body and allowing it to evolve.[2]

Ulforce V-dramon is able to use the Ulforce at will,[3] using its healing abilities to rewrite his data faster than direct deletion attacks can keep up with. Also, his Tense-great Shield is also powered up by the Ulforce, giving it the same regeneration ability.[2]

When under the influence of the X-Antibody, the Ulforce is drawn out even more than Ulforce V-dramon's swift speed. Because of its remarkable healing abilities, it instantly self-recovers from any damage allowing Ulforce V-dramon X to always use his power to its 100%.

Primal Orb: Traps opponents in crystal spheres and deletes them

Poison Aura

Poison Slash

Bone Collector


Weight Manipulation

Atomic Dismantling




Omega beams: Darkseid


Eden's Lance: Made from all the good in the world.

Dark Despair

Chaos Degrade: Fuses the energy of light and darkness from its arms to produce a gate to another dimension, consigning the enemy to oblivion

Time maze

Speed steal

Power steal

Anti-life equation


Size Alteration

Speed Force

Sage Force

Strength Force: Collective strength of the members

Probability control

Infinite Big bang Storm

Multiverse Labyrinth

Absolute zero

Group Tactics

12 Gates

Movement Techniques: High speed, Lightning escape, Light escape, Phoenix charge

Light of Destruction

TSB discs

Void Lightning

Ghost winds

Flames of Purgatory

Sphere of Gehenna

Taiji: Disassembles things into the extremes of light and darkness and fires them as a blast from its mouth.

Dark Matter

Dark Energy

Chaos Flare: Magnifies the firepower of its Blaster with a magic circle.

Seed of Darkness

Marvelous Room : With a simple hand gesture Yoma creates a vortex of time and space, able to dissolve and disintegrate the enemy's body into quantum particles (minimum units of any physical entity).

Rewind Bio : Yoma materializes a clock on his opponent, representing that person's timeline. He then turns the timeline completely backwards, causing the foe to devolve so far they become pre-fetal, essentially erasing them from existence.

Real Marvelous : Yoma's most powerfull attack. He uses it while in his original form as Kairos, against Aspros. It creates a massive dark whirlpool against the enemy, which fatally lacerates the body in opposing rotations.

Tenbu Hōrin (The Treasures of Heavens) is the epitome of this approach and Shaka's ultimate strike against an opponent. It traps the opponent into a matrix of illusions (normally Buddhist in nature), and destroys him through five stages. Each stage obliterates one of the opponent's five human senses cumulatively. And if that's not enough, as it was the case for Ikki, Shaka can remove the opponent's sixth sense, effectively shutting down the brain.


Soul Blade

Soul armor

Soul Eater

Power of the Stars


Time Skip

Faster than You

I am the Emperor

The purpose of Life is Death

The End

The Gamer

Red Truth: The Red Truth is a fact that can be presented by the Witch Side without any evidence or proof to support it. But, while undeniable, it can have multiple interpretations. The multiple interpretations mark a large foothold for the Human Side to attack; therefore, the Red Truth must be used with care. Conversely, a refusal to validate a statement in Red invokes another Devil's Proof; a lack of validation won't prove a statement's truth but can't disprove its falsehood.

Golden Truth: The gold truth is revealed by Ange to be a truth constructed from belief, that is acknowledged and shared between people. Because of this, it is able to protect individuals from the power of the red truth.


Emotion Manipulation

Zero Reason: Make target paralyzed



Death Meeting: Continue fighting even if you are dead


Curse of Orochi: Mind and soul

Higher ranked: Curse of Death

Avatar of Death

Skill Lock

Physical Immune

Magic Immune

Elemental Immune

Team Boost





Lower Durability

Cursed Defense

Maiden's plea: Charm

Grace: Magic Boost

Mana surge

Mana explosion

Breath of Victory



Judgment Gaze

Love Whip


Curse of Vengeance

Null Buff

Spell Master: Reduces energy cost

Skip Turn

Clairvoyance is a visual ability that is also called Hawkeye. This is generally a must-have ability of the Archer class. It is also frequently used during scouting. Simply looking from a high location is sufficient to fully survey a town and search for enemies. In addition, Clairvoyance will affect the accuracy of bows. It connotes superior visual perception and dynamic occipital capture, such as to supplement the long-range aiming of projectile weapons. At higher ranks, it is possible that the bearers of this Skill have acquired abilities such as precognition ("future vision") and other forms of perception beyond standard eyesight (X-ray vision and so forth) - this is also considered a prerequisite for being a Grand Caster. It is a Skill furnished on the flesh.

Ten rings seal: If all ten rings are together, Solomon can control and negate any and all magecraft performed by mankind.

Evil Eye of the Abyss is a Skill that represents the final fate of Gilles de Rais that looked into the abyss and was looked back in turn. Those eyes suffered a great metamorphosis and became a thing that spreads fear, similar to those "things" that lurk in the depths

Eternal Arms Mastery prevents degradation of fighting skills when under the effect of mental hindrance.

Death Cut: Its edge can potentially impose the termination of life with the slightest cut. Though the probability is low, the imposition of death can affect an opponent of any strength or stature.

Per Aspera Ad Astra: Our Arms Cut a Path Across the Universe is the Noble Phantasm of Lancer.

A great Noble Phantasm with the same essence as the Noble Phantasm Magna Voluisse Magnum possessed by the Heroic Spirit of the same name. The sublimation of the concept of development and expansion of a civilization into a Noble Phantasm.

His both romantic arms that tear the world, clear the way for civilization, and eventually will reach the space (sky) of stars, are just like spears of light ——— That is a representation of the arrogance of the people who control all of creation, and at the same time, it's a representation of the glimmer of the people who continue progressing while dreaming of the tomorrow they haven't seen yet. If used to attack it will bring severe destruction. If used to defend and create, even more of its shine will be seen but ——— In this work it's fundamentally not used.

Ars Almadel Salomonis: The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All is the third Noble Phantasm of King Solomon. The "|" of original sin.[1][2][3] At a first glance, it looks like a ring of light that encircles the Earth.[2] In reality, it is an aggregation of hundreds of millions of beams of light,[2] cast over the satellite orbit and with a size close if not equal to that of North America.[4] Each one of these lines carries extreme damage values comparable to Excalibur, an A Rank Noble Phantasm.[2][5] The band of light is made up of all the Magical Energy gathered from Earth and the entire era where it manifests.[6][7] Thus, there is nothing on the surface of the Earth that surpasses the heat value of this Noble Phantasm.[2][5] It is for this reason that it is ranked as an Anti-Humanity Noble Phantasm.[5] According to Corrupted Ushiwakamaru, this Noble Phantasm has enough power to destroy the Sea of Life and rival Tiamat.[7]

Authority of the Beast: Tiamat gains a damage boost against Heroic Spirits, Divine Spirits, and all things born of "the Mother's Womb." All Demonic Beasts she gives birth to inherit this Skill

Self-Modification is the aptitude to remold one's own body or merge one's own flesh with body parts of others. The higher the ranking in this Skill, the further away one is from being a proper hero.

Sea of life: The substance of the Sea of Life is a black mud that acts to pollute Saint Graphs, fundamentally remaking any organism that enters unto the Sea a "Child of Tiamat" that bears an arbitrary selection of the following Skills: Self-Modification, Environmental Modification, Environmental Fusion, and Unit Mitosis. Upon emergence from the Mud, the Children of Tiamat are imposed with a cellular-level Geis — a Nitrogenous (Amino-Geis) — automatically rendering them as enemies of Man. Servants are no exception to the process.

Nega-Genesis is a Skill that permits one to maintain a Conceptual Bounded Field that rejects the evolutionary course and the Genesis of the Earth expressed within the proper continuity of the History of Man.

No Beast is Beyond My Arrow's Reach is a Noble Phantasm of Super Orion. A Noble Phantasm that negates all defensive Skills, Noble Phantasms, etc. before attacking if the target has demonic or animalistic traits.

If used when he's summoned as Grand Archer, it gains an additional effect of degrading all Beasts into something he can reach.

Innocent Affections is the Noble Phantasm of Orion. Artemis' love downpours, and attempts a drastic strengthening, though temporarily. Love is heavy, somewhat physically heavy. The reason why it's Anti-Army is because this Noble Phantasm is a blessing that turns one man into something comparable to one army. As a secondary effect, a normal person would burst and scatter, but Orion just feels muscular pain.

Pathos Scepter: Her special trait as the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Hajun. The power of the Beast's Crown of Light (scepter). Depending on Beast III/L's state and mood, it emits various beams of love. "Free love", "pure love", "unjust love", "unbiased love", "inexhaustible love" and "everlasting love"; these six. Each one will restore her HP and apply numerous debuffs to the target whenever she attacks. The more Beast III/L fights, the more she will heal her wounds, weaken the opponent and multiply. When it comes to a battle of pure quantity, Beast III/L could be considered the strongest among the Beasts

A Withering Affection Is Not Love ( is Kama's Noble Phantasm.

The arrows of flowers, called Sammohana, that the god of love Kama possesses. They have the effect of evoking a feeling of love in the ones they stab.

The original Noble Phantasm of the god of love Kama.

The arrow of flowers held by Kama, called Sammohana.

It has the effect of evoking feelings of love in those it pierces.

The Burning of Affection Is Out of Love is the True Name that Kama's Noble Phantasm receives in her third Ascension.

The other form of the arrow of flowers, Sammohana.

In the case in which her nature as "The One without Body" and "The Bewilderer" manifests strongly, her lost body itself is interpreted as the arrow of love.

It is a depraved love that is akin to the endless cycle of reincarnation.

Realm of Love, Burning Universe is Beast III/L's designated Noble Phantasm, and possesses two True Names as an exceptional case. The reason is that they indicate they're "the same being". Saṃsāra is a Sanskrit term meaning "the cycle of death and rebirth" from which the other name of Kama "Samsara-Guru" derives from. Avaruddha is "obstacle" in Sanskrit, and indicates the several hindrances, or invitations to depravity, that Mara sent to Buddha.

A coercive indulgence in a "love" with both good and bad meanings... An extreme Noble Phantasm that represents the demonic nature of the two gods, Kama and Mara, at a natural disaster scale. In the case of receiving this Noble Phantasm inside Kama's universe, it'll allow to see the scene of the hell ─── or paradise of "Kama sending out (copies of) herself into all directions, and burning the Universe to exhaustion with her unilateral love".

When the large-flowered lotuses bloom under Kama's feet, she and the target she chose to love fall into the darkness of the universe.

Within the immeasurable darkness, Kama faces her partner and presents them her hand.

The hand that seems to be inviting a lover or perhaps tempting a saint, will turn into blue flames before lengthening and flowing through the darkness.

(Kama's hand is the universe itself, so it will remain in space as the universe after lengthening)

The blue flames will eventually crash into the other party in the form of a gigantic arrow, piercing through them and imprisoning them in Kama's universe.

Afterwards, the arms of flame become innumerable, filling the space vigorously and inexhaustibly as if to tear the world into pieces, and in the end, the immeasurable darkness is replaced with the blue universe of Kama────by the time one notices, everything has been captured within Kama's arm.

Just like an ant encased in amber.

It is a powerful Noble Phantasm, but due to Beast III/L's special characteristics, it also has its flaws where she is unable to love those in close proximity or just a single person. If her target of corruption is not "a large number of people", but a "'single person", she cannot wield this authority.

Intoxicating Aroma of Fruits

Target can be made drunk through a tone of voice, a sigh, or even just a gaze, that possesses the fragrance of a fruit's melting tipsiness. In the case of beings without magical forms of protection (common people or animals), their thoughts will end up melting instantly.

Domina Coronam: Ten Crowns

In simple terms, it's a skill that can make any injury or event outcome as if it had not happened. As long as she has this skill, BB is virtually invincible.

Potnia Theron: Conception of All Animals

BB compiled and absorbed this Authority of the goddesses from the abyss of the Moon Cell. None born of the Earth can defy BB's Authority of the Earth Mother as that would mean rebelling against the system of life itself. This Skill makes BB invincible against any attack, making the attacks themselves have "not occurred." Cursed Cutting Crater is the maximum usage of this Skill.

Cursed Cutting Crater: C.C.C. is an attack on the World utilizing BB's control of the Moon Cell.[2][3] It's also a trap for artificial spiritron hackers.[3]Also called the Spirit Particle Imaginary Pit. Making maximum use of the EX Rank Skill "Potnia Theron", a world purge via the rewriting of events is carried out. The space eroded by BB becomes imaginary space and a curse that consumes reality which eclipses the world. CCC, as the name suggests, is a cursed pit that bores out reality.[2][3] The name "Cursed" is based on the image of a giant spoon that scoops out the surface of the Moon and turns it into a cursed space (the imaginary space).[3]

Its output of information is like an ultra-precise 3D printer and crushes the present world with the world desired by the user. In addition to scattering all objects inside on an atomic level and reconstructing them, it is capable of writing over and rewriting information of fields such as luck and coincidence. While theoretical, it is also thought possible to distort the time axis by interfering with gravity fields and rewrite the law of cause and effect. When used in combat, BB's familiars, the shapeshifters, engulf the target, and after turning into a sphere, is wiped out of existence along with the target and the dimension with it.

Garden of Avalon: The Forever-Sealed Utopia is the Noble Phantasm of Merlin. It reproduces onto the surrounding area the "tower" where Merlin is, even now, being confined. Flowers bloom in profusion above the ground, and no matter what sort of darkness or hell that might be, a warm sunlight shall shine upon it. Even if the space that he has been permitted with is nothing but a jail of a mere 10 meters in all directions, and the scenery that was given to him is only an isolated sky found far away in the horizon, it continues to eternally exist as an utopia.

All the World's Desire

Heaven's Hole: An Anti-Unit, or possibly an Anti-Crown Noble Phantasm (meaning "effective against the seven Grand Servants"). The special Noble Phantasm of Beast III which breeds infinite demon pillars within her body. Her body is no longer a single universe; it has become a paradise. Anyone drawn into it loses their existence, with their consciousness liberated and their will melted. No matter how strong their body, or how much armour they have, this is meaningless inside Kiara's body, and they become as powerless as a newborn as they are liberated. Beast III is a "hole" in reality itself, but just at the edge of annihilation, those drawn into the hole are overcome with ecstasy as they are erased. One could say that liberation from the reality of suffering is a form of salvation.

Death Hand

Petrification gaze/ Touch


Reality is what others perceive

Battle rush



Holy Right: The Holy Right simply defeats whatever it targets with the precise amount of force needed, no more no less.

Imagine Breaker

Judgment: This magic literally strips people of their consciousness if they ever bear any ill will to Vento of the Front

Vector control

Execution of Light is the only known spell that Terra of the Left is shown to use. The spell allows him to change the "hierarchy," of things since something of a higher hierarchy cannot be harmed by a lower hierarchy, changing their "Precedence" in a manner of speaking.

World phases

Six Paths of Enlightenment

Ino: Psychic

Memory erasure

Memory manipulation

Mental plane

Mental maze

Choji: How to eat

Total absorption and adaptation


Lock on

Auto lock


Fast shot

Pierce shot

Thousand shots

Million shots

Million compressed shot

Space piercer

Elemental shots

Star shooter


Necromancy: Corpse explosion

Bone arrow

Disease aura

Curse touch

Summon Undead


Dragon aura

Immortal aura: Naruto: Combine soul, matter, time and space manipulation

Time manipulation :





Past travel

Future travel



Space cut

Space storm

Spatial maze

Reverse dimension

Spatial pressure






Shadow Bind

Shadow spears

Shadow spikes

Shadow soldiers

Shadow warp

Shadow zone

Shadow Aura

Culture type: Book writer

Singer: Boost, debuff, attack, defend


Research: Body manipulation

Nervous system manipulation: Chakra scalpel


Ash bone


Attack multiplier (Boost)


Time jail

Minority world

Luck manipulation

Reality warping

Dimensional divide: being on a higher dimension

Unlimited blade work

Non fiction



Singularity: Infinite Gravity

