
Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

A strange boy who sees something deeply hidden in people, who owns the strongest sword style without a sword, arrives in the labyrinth city with the goal of finding his master. But the intended fate changes when divine blood touches the child's body. Seven mysterious creatures make a bet that directly affects the life of a child. From this moment his story begins. Events of this fanfic begins 9 years before the main story, a little later after Ais joined the Loki familia. I do not own the characters or plot of Danmachi or Katananagatari. I only claim ownership of the OC and the plot associated with them. I took the picture from Google Image, if it belongs to you and you don’t want it to appear on the cover of my work, please let me know.

Justlucky · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Calm before the Storm.

There were two people sitting on the sofa in the room. A tall 11-year-old boy for his age and a woman with red hair and eyes hugging him from the back like koala. The girl's chin lay on the top of his head, all four limbs wrapped around the young man and crossed in front. Loki holds a new status sheet in his hands, both present are looking at the changes. The sound of three hearts beating could be heard from the boy's back.

Stats after lvl up.

Shichika Yasuri

•LVL: 3

•STR: I 0

•END I 0

•DEX: I 0

•AGI: I 0

•MAG: I 0

•SKILLS: ἀμαρτωλός


 Supreme Hunter - H

 Faust - G

War Machine - I


ἀμαρτωλός - multiple curses:

inability to wear equipment

inability to be healed from external sources

0 slots for spells

monsters always know about the presence of the skill owner

complicated leveling

during tension life around dies

a mess of emotions

Inability to replenish strength during sleep

inability to lose consciousness


Kyotōryū A - Sword fighting style without sword.

The user fights with his body like a perfect sword


- A few months later, but you, like Ais, have raised the level, well done! - the goddess's hands pulled the boy's body to her flat chest, after which they began to stroke his hair encouragingly.

- For some reason, it seems to me that I'm still too slow, - the relaxed body, feeling the warmth, snuggled closer.

- Many may think the same, but you and I know that your indicators can rise much higher than others. And you bring each of them to the maximum. Perhaps you are periodically inferior in level, but in a real battle no one of equal rank can defeat you. And this is if you don't take into account your "features" and development skills.

- Thank you.

- Don`t mention it.

As usual, the golden-haired girl was swinging a sword in the courtyard of the house. Only her height and the weapon in hands changed. Once Ais reached level 3, the family covered the cost of her new sword. Gareth took Sword Ale as a memory, and he is the one who maintains it. The new blade was named Desperate; it resembled a rapier, but with pointed cutting edges and an unusual hilt. Its main feature was the Durandal effect. Goibniu tried hard to make the weapon almost indestructible, but the sword could still become dull. This gift cost the family 99 million valis.

Swings of the sword whistled through the air around her, and during stabbing attacks the girl stood straight, without losing her balance. Few people could notice that in the second part of the training, the girl's imaginary opponent was not a human figure, but rather something else. In the eyes of Shichiki, sitting on the bridge, located above Ais's head, the girl was fighting with a huge one-eyed dragon, periodically, a figure invisible to the rest would somehow hit her. At such moments, the sword master stopped, stood in thought for a while, sighed, and then began the battle again.

It is noteworthy that the teenager watching the training clearly sees the trajectories that will emerge from some of the most unsuccessful strikes of Ais.


War Machine I - A long time ago, in the center of the continent there was an empire whose main occupation was a war of conquest with neighboring countries. And although many could afford a happy life and good earnings, this only applied to the central regions. There was almost no money in the mountainous regions; all profits from massive mineral deposits were sent to the capital.

One of the few options for slum residents was military service. This is what one girl did. At first she showed good results on the entrance test, but later it turned out that she was capable of mastering weapons and military tactics with incredible speed.

She went to the front. Foreman, centurion.... Commander of the Southern Front, capable of single-handedly defeating the enemy army. All this for the sake of her native village somewhere in the mountains. But one day, when the girl returned, she was greeted only by ashes; Wrath rose up inside.


When Ais finished her training and put her sword on her belt, a teenager came out of the estate to meet her, a head taller than her.

- Hi.

- Hi, - a person who basically has little sense of emotions and a girl who hides her emotions. The conversation promised to be awkward.

- I watched your training.

- You do this very often.

- Yes...

- Anything else?

- Although I can't use weapons, I can see when you make mistakes... I thought I could help.

- You never fight, have you decided to fix that now?

- I still won't do it, but if I don't attack you everything will be fine.

- What's the point?

- I don't look like this dragon, but it's still worth a try.

- How do you know!? - black all-consuming flames swirled around the girl.

- If you win, I'll tell you, - the teenager did not react in any way to the outburst of emotions.

- Okay, then defend yourself, - the sword almost flew into the girl's hands.

After which the catch-up began. Blow after blow cut only the air. The girl's weapon could not reach the target. From time to time, a quiet "Bad" could be heard throughout the yard. Every time the line along which the blow was coming appeared in Shichika's eyes, he without a doubt reported it.

After 10 minutes, the girl was breathing heavily. Not a single hit, it became clear that Shichika had overwhelming experience in battles.

- No, I can still... - a small part of her wanted the boy to tell his source of information out of pity, the other was ready to fight.

- Tempest! - nothing. The spell that saved the girl's life countless times was not activated.

- Tempest! Tempest! Tempest.....Tem-pest... - tears came from the girl's eyes, it seemed to her that the spell connecting her with her mother had disappeared, and therefore the last mention of her.

- Sorry. In a large radius around me, no one is able to use magic. That must be it.

- Really? - the words brought much needed relief.

- Yes. And if it makes you feel better, then I see the world differently. The creature you fought with appears based on your movements and intentions. I only know his approximate appearance.

- Shichika.

- Hm?

- Can you teach me how to fight?

- You have Finn and Gareth, sparring with them will give you more than trying to hit me.

- Our training is almost over, they think my style is good enough.

- They are telling the truth.

- Then why do you respond to my blows only with the words "Bad"?

- Because you make mistakes, sometimes you slide on the grass and end up further than you need to, sometimes you move your hand too far before hitting. Some....

- That's why! Others don't say that.

- Okay, we'll do it periodically.

- Shichika! - Finn's voice sounded in the yard, - We have a topic for conversation, let's go to my office.

While the two were climbing the stairs, the family commander decided to exchange a few words. - So you got along with Ais after all? It seems when you first got here you didn't want to have anything to do with anyone. And now you even agreed to help her.

- Then I was a sword rather than a man, now it's the other way around. I just follow my desires.

- Like all of us.

It didn't take long before the two arrived at their destination. Gareth, Riveria and Loki were already standing in the room. There was a map of Orario on the table, with several marks on it.

- Everyone has gathered. Then I'll begin. We found most of Evilus's hiding places, but we couldn't find a chance to attack. Until this moment. We learned that a trap will be set on the 27th floor, into which most of the allied forces must fall.

- Will we destroy the enemies in a retaliatory attack? - the teenager thought about the most obvious option.

- No. I suggested another way out; the three most powerful families in the city would at this moment wipe out their bases while they were focused on the situation in the dungeon.

- Are we going to warn the people who are about to fall into the trap? - No. Everything should look natural. We sacrifice them for the common good. As the commander of the operation, I take responsibility. Objections?

There was silence in the room.

- Shichika?

- Finn, if a god goes to heaven, then the fold of his followers is sealed until it is opened by a new god. Therefore, I have a request: do not hesitate. I can't help on the 27th. And if I'm not mistaken, one of the weaker Evilus families is left to me.

- Yes, when coordinating actions, the Guild personally nominated you as a separate assault squad. They said that you once helped someone in the dungeon. That's why they trust you. Plus, they sent you an invitation, after this nightmare ends, you and I will visit the Pantheon, - Loki was not going to let her child go to a personal meeting with Ouranos.

- Then it's decided. Your target is in the Southeast region, among them were two strong third-level adventurers. There is a possibility that they could reach the 4th. In total they had about 20-25 members. There are ranged fighters present, as well as one experienced killer, the Guild has issued a reward of 5 million for his head, so count on at least this balance of power. There is no such thing as too little caution. Also, I cannot burden you with asking you to kill a god, so take him to the temporary camp as quickly as possible, someone will deal with him there, - the captain began explaining the actions with the task of a lone agent, so as not to focus on this later.

A couple of weeks later, a suspiciously quiet night fell in Orario. Two days ago, a large group of families went to the dungeon, according to information received, somewhere on the lower floors they found a large concentration of people from Evilus. Only an attentive person would have noticed that most of the residents had been removed from certain areas of the city over the past few days. The dispersed family members of Loki, Freya and Ganesha took up positions near these areas. Everyone was waiting for the signal. 

At the same time, a male figure was walking along Dedal Street in the light of the lanterns. One of the projects of the legendary architect. The second labyrinth, this is the name this area of the city had. This is due to the fact that it is too easy to get lost in it, even despite the special signs on the corners of houses leading to exits from the dense, tangled cluster of buildings. Thanks to Mind Tample, the walking teenager did not have such a problem. The house of the Ammit family appeared in front of him.

Once again, thank you all for reading. Especially Azariel for his continuous support. Add work to collections, send powerstones.

From the next chapter, familiar faces will begin to come to Loki’s family.

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