
Nomenclature of Night

This is a MTL translation This is a Copy-Paste from https://www.mtlnovel.com/nomenclature-of-night/ This is more of an original novel than a fanfic, but because it has elements of SCP I thought it was better to put in here This is one of the best, if not the best online novel that I read. The MC is smart, calculist, corageous, calm. This novel is different from the others Chinese novels, give it a try. Updates will be 2 chapters a day. Mtlnovel sinopses: In the blue and purple neon, under the dense steel sky, the front end of the data torrent is the world after the technological revolution, and it is also the boundary between reality and illusion. Steel and body, past and future. Here, the outer world and the outer world coexist, and everything in front of you is like a wall of time. Darkness gradually shrouded. But you have to understand, my friend, we can’t deal with darkness with gentleness, we have to use fire.

Kliemann · Others
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110 Chs

Chapter 110: Akakari

Coming out of prison No. 18, Qing Chen followed Li Shutong through a long tunnel, through the surveillance area outside the prison, and walked into the mountains.

Qing Chen once asked: Why is there a secret road in the prison?

Li Shutong explained to Qingchen: Prison No. 18 was built by the Li group.

When Li was building the prison, he left a way out to prevent one day when his family became a prisoner, he would die in prison.

At that time, the influence of the consortium on the Federation was not so great, and it might become a victim of the struggle sometime.

Afterwards, the workers responsible for the construction of this tunnel all died of landslides on their way to City 10 to perform another engineering task.

The secret of the tunnel, only a few of the Li family knew.

Later, the Li family grew slowly, and the real engineering drawings kept in the Li family were lost at some point. Even the Li family had forgotten their ancestors and left a way out for them.

Because Li stood in the federation, it seemed that this level of back was no longer needed.

After Li Shutong came out with Qing Chen, he kept Qing Chen carrying a heavy mountaineering bag. Even if the teenager had an injury on his foot, the two of them moved forward at a rapid marching speed.

"Does the crackling sound appear in the bones again?" Li Shutong asked.

"No," Qing Chen shook his head: "I haven't reappeared."

Like all the predecessors of the Cavaliers, his genetic lock hasn't moved since he hit Laojunshan.

Li Shutong smiled: "It's okay, there will always be some other gains when I come out this time."

"By the way, teacher," Qing Chen asked: "The food we brought will be eaten in 2 days. What shall we eat next?"

Li Shutong looked at the teenager: "How do I know, this is of course something you, a student, should consider!"

Qing Chen: "..."


The girl Qin Yi got up early in the morning, folded her tent, and threw it back into the car.

She quietly looked at the young man more than ten meters away, and suddenly found that the other party was already cooking for the middle-aged man.

"Brother, does the servant really have no chance to regain freedom," Qin Yiyi asked Qin Tong.

"Servants who can regain their freedom basically don't have them," Qin Tong said. "Servants are the ones closest to those big people, so they know a lot of secrets, so even if they are disabled, the company won't let them leave. It's more likely. Just kill it."

Qin Yiyi sighed. He was such a good boy who turned out to be a servant.

I don't know what kind of family it is to sell the child to the company.

Although their Qin family's life is a bit harder and there are many children, they have never seen Qin Cheng intend to sell children.

Thinking of last night, the boy put medicine on his feet without changing his face, Qin Yiyi thought, this boy must have suffered a lot, so he can be so calm when facing pain.

At this moment, there was the sound of engines and loud music from the north of the woods.

The rhythm of the music is extremely warm, as if it can shock people's heart even far away.

Before the northern convoy arrived, Qin Cheng saw more than a dozen drones passing overhead in the sky.

"It's Chen's Boundary-011 drone, which carries weapons! Quickly, put away our own drone!" Qin Cheng shouted.

However, it was too late to speak.

I saw that the unmanned aerial vehicle that came suddenly had surrounded the camp, and more than a dozen unmanned aerial vehicles carrying weapons had directly shot down Qin Cheng and their drones.

Qin Yi felt distressed for a while. It was because they finally bought the prey. With such a few drones in hand, everyone can sleep peacefully when they go out looking for prey.

Qin Cheng took a deep breath and said, "Raise your hands, don't try to resist. It is the Qiu Shou team of Li and Chen, and we can't run away."

No one in the camp dared to move, and the dozen border-011s patrolled everyone around, like an outpost for the convoy.

But Qin Cheng and others, like lambs to be slaughtered, raised their hands to be slaughtered.

In the blink of an eye, the northern motorcade rushed forward, and the huge tires of the motorcade rolled up sand and dust on the ground.

Qing Chen and Li Shutong pulled up the collar of the assault jacket and looked at them silently.

Li Shutong whispered: "Don't reveal your identity for the time being, I don't want to kill them yet."

Qing Chen glanced at his teacher blankly: "..."

The fleet consists of more than 30 vehicles, 29 off-road vehicles with large wheels, and 7 pickup trucks as supply vehicles, which is very large.

The exhaust holes of the off-road vehicle are not at the rear of the car, but on both sides of the body.

In the deafening music, someone stepped on the accelerator and cheered in mid-range, and the exhaust pipes standing on both sides suddenly spewed out flames.

Qing Chen felt a little strange. Jiang Xue told him before that because it was impossible to build a large-scale "Yunliu Tower" in the wilderness, most of the cars that went to the wilderness used diesel engines.

Now Qing Chen suddenly realized that the diesel engine Jiang Xue was talking about... seemed a bit different from the diesel engine he thought.

In the leading vehicle, a person wearing a mechanical eye mask is sitting in the co-pilot's seat, and more than a dozen drones are controlled by him alone using neuron connections.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of person is called the "first mate" in the convoy, responsible for all investigations and security work, camping security work, and can be regarded as the deputy director of the convoy.

In a car behind, a young man jumped down and slowly walked towards the camp, but when he saw two pickup trucks in Qincheng, he shouted bad luck.

Someone in the car asked: "What's the matter?"

The young man replied loudly: "This is a wilderness hunter with a license in the 18th city. It is a legal citizen and cannot be killed."

The pickup was sprayed with a wolf's head mark and a serial number, which was the identity serial number of the Qincheng family legally leaving the city.

Someone in the convoy suddenly said, "It should be okay. I don't think their hunting recorder is turned on. The data recording center behind will not know. Kill it, it is considered to be the first to sacrifice the flag to the autumn hunter."

Just now.

The voice of a woman in the car said, "You said you bullied such flat-headed people as a result of going out to hunt. It's really worthless."

As he said, the window rolled down, revealing a tall and muscular woman in the driving seat of a certain off-road vehicle.

The young man under the car blew a whistle and laughed loudly: "Eno makes sense, let's go!"

"Wait a minute," said the sturdy Li Yinuo, "I lost the money for destroying other drones."


The young man took out two wads of money from his pocket and threw it on the ground, and everyone turned into the car.

The huge convoy went on the road again, leaving only the dilapidated camp, and everyone standing in it looked a little embarrassed.

In the camp, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Qin Tong sat weakly on the ground, and the young woman next to him was nestled in his arms, whispering.

The common people are so powerless when they meet big people.

Qin Yiyi turned around and found that middle-aged people and young people always stood behind the trunk, where it was easy to block the sight of others.