
Nomad's Tale

"Nomad's Tale" follows the story of Jack Sterling, a skilled spy who has been working undercover as a scientist for the New Order, an organization dedicated to finding and harnessing the power of the Chronotex. This rare material has the ability to alter the fabric of time and space, and the New Order plans to use it to create the next generation of nuclear weapons and unlock the secrets of time travel. Despite his allegiance to the New Order, Jack is torn between his loyalty to the organization and his desire to protect his new friends in Pakistan. He decides to uncover the secrets of the Chronotex and use his knowledge to stop the New Order's plans. However, his breakthrough research leads to his disappearance, and he finds himself suddenly transported back in time to ancient Egypt. In Egypt, Jack encounters both allies and enemies, and he soon discovers that the Chronotex has existed for centuries, and that it has been sought after by different factions for its immense power. He learns that some have gone to great lengths to obtain it, even at the cost of destroying innocent lives. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Chronotex, he discovers that it has incredible abilities beyond just time travel - its users are granted strange and unique powers that can change the course of history.

Kaido_1867 · History
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45 Chs

CH.44 A New Threat And The City Of Saharaan

The city in ruins, a mystery untold, Whose past is linked to what unfolded, bold. The Royal Nebu, with powers rare, Seek to unravel secrets, a burden they bear.Hinting at a family lost in the haze, Their goals and motives, concealed in a maze. The city's destruction, a key to their aim, In this enigmatic quest, they play the game. A New Threat And The City Of SaharaanCommander Menes made his way to the table where the Nubia Kingdom's commanders sat. "So, where is our Pharaoh?" Menes inquired as he settled into the cushioned wooden chair. "He will join us soon," replied General Amon. "Alright, till then, let's introduce ourselves, shall we? And our powers, because I think we'll be working together a lot from now on," Menes suggested in a serious tone. "I'll begin," said Menes, introducing himself. "I am Commander Menes of the Royal Army, and I possess the power of Dark Energy. I am one of the highest level users, Level 3," he said with pride. Menes then looked at Ramon and signalled for him to stand up. Ramon understood and followed suit, standing tall. "I am Ramon. My power is Dark Energy, named Dark Knight." Next, Kamil spoke up. "I am Lieutenant Kamil, the right-hand man of General Setka. My power is Phalanx's Shield. I can create near invincible shields," he said, a note of pride in his voice. "I am Kasib. I have no Chronotex, but I am a strong warrior," Kasib declared with honesty and pride. "And I am Jack Sterling. I have the Chrono-Arachnid Ability, allowing me to spawn spider-like limbs from my body. I am honoured to be here," Jack added, a hint of shyness in his voice. In deep thought, Amon muttered to himself, "So he's the one who took down one of Isabella's strong commanders and at least twenty men. He doesn't look strong, but his attire is very unique, to say the least." The room fell into a brief silence as the three commanders introduced themselves. "I am General Amon Khaldun, the leader of the Nubian Army. My power is called Kinetic Dominion. It allows me to capture the energy of attacks and repel them back. I can absorb punches and send them back after storing them all together in one attack," General Amon Khaldun explained. General Amon Khaldun was an imposing figure, standing tall with a commanding presence. His seasoned features and salt-and-pepper hair conveyed a sense of authority earned through years of experience. A prominent scar etched across his left cheek spoke of battles fought and challenges overcome. His steel-gray eyes held a mixture of wisdom and intensity. Next, Commander Octavius Drexel stepped forward. "I am Octavius Drexel, and my power is called Illusionary Tactics. I can create illusions that feel real on a massive scale." Commander Octavius Drexel exuded an air of intellect and precision. He possessed a lean, disciplined physique, evidence of his meticulous lifestyle. Neatly trimmed dark hair framed a face defined by a strong jawline and piercing blue eyes that seemed to miss nothing. Octavius's attire struck a balance between practical military wear and the attire of a high-ranking officer, projecting an image of authority combined with practicality. Commander Kairo Tempest spoke with an air of unabashed arrogance. "I am Commander Kairo Tempest. I possess the ability called Float, which grants me the power to make objects levitate. Additionally, I possess a dark energy ability, the specifics of which I shall not divulge. With my Chronotex power, I can create a bubble in which I have control over the floating objects, even to the point of crushing them. Furthermore, I can make myself float. As you can see, I also dabble in fortune-telling," he declared, demonstrating by causing a deck of cards to levitate before him. Behind him, a circular ornament, fashioned from white cloth, formed an arch that he wore consistently. Kairo Tempest commanded attention with his striking presence. His deep, opulent complexion lent him an air of distinctiveness. Despite his youth, he exuded confidence and a level of maturity that belied his years. His eyes, an intense shade of amber, bespoke his sharp intellect and unwavering resolve.The door handle clicked and swung open, revealing Khonsu, accompanied by a surprising man - the Pharaoh of the Nubian Kingdom. Menes glanced at Khonsu, who bore a sheepish grin. The group, rising from the sofa, exchanged amused remarks. Kamil chimed in, "Not again, he misses the main event every time," while Ramon, with a hint of jest, added, "Bad luck, Khonsu." "I think you mean 'good luck,'" Kasib corrected Ramon. "Yeah, good luck, Khonsu!" Ramon reiterated with a chuckle. Menes looked at Khonsu inquisitively. "But how did you end up with the pharaoh?" he asked. Khonsu explained nonchalantly, "I went to the washroom with Commander Eboke, and then when I walked out, he disappeared. I walked the wrong way and met the Pharaoh." "Let's not waste any time. Let's start," declared the Pharaoh. He made his way to his own elaborately adorned seat, crafted from the finest materials and adorned with gold and plush cushioning. The atmosphere in the room held a weight of history, as everyone settled into their seats. This event would go down in history as The Nubian Accord, marking a pivotal moment in the relations between two of the most influential kingdoms in the region. Pharaoh, with authority in his voice, began to articulate the terms of the treaty. "Firstly, with this treaty, the Nubian Kingdom and Thebes Kingdom will establish streamlined trade routes, providing favourable prices for goods. Thebean will have access to our gold at advantageous rates. Additionally, this agreement will enable the exchange of crops, ensuring sustenance for our people." Pausing for a moment, Pharaoh then delved into the heart of the matter. "Now, for the crucial aspect: both kingdoms will extend support to each other's armies. This encompasses joint training exercises, collaborative operations, and even the exchange of military equipment such as swords and arrows. Together, we will explore the development of even more potent weaponry." The weight of these words lingered in the air, emphasizing the gravity of the agreement."Now, as for the decided event, it will be taking place three weeks from now—the Strength Competition, in which the Nubian Army will partake. This marks the end of the details for the treaty," concluded the Pharaoh, his voice firm. The announcement left the group in varied states of shock and contemplation. Ramon leaned over to Kasib, whispering, "They never mentioned that the Nubia kingdom would be joining us." Kasib, lost in his own thoughts, pondered, "This could be my chance to test my strength." Meanwhile, Jack wore a face of pure shock and worry. "How will I ever defeat them?" "Let's move on to the news outside the treaty, shall we?" General Amon suggested. "Agreed," commanded the Pharaoh. Amon continued, "The newly forming organization, which has been causing terror in Nubia, might start attacking Thebes." The news weighed heavily on the group, beads of sweat beginning to form on their foreheads. Kairo, with a small circular object in hand, chanted, "Float..." The object hovered towards the window in an uneven pattern. "Open," Kairo commanded, and the window opened. "It's getting hot in here," he said, his face now serious."Who are they, and why are they attacking now?" Menes inquired. "What do they gain from this?" "They are the people from the City of Saharaan," General Amon explained. Kamil, usually calm and composed, suddenly stood up, walked outside, and slammed the door shut. Kairo, shaken by Kamil's abrupt departure, asked Menes, "What's up with him?" Menes reassured the group, "Don't worry; stay here." He then addressed Kairo, saying, "It's the past." "Let's continue," Amon suggested, resuming his briefing. "The Royal Nebu might sound like the name of our kingdom, but they are not affiliated with us. They moved here after the disaster in the city of Saharaan and started a rebellion, aiming to get rid of royalty and other organizations. They work with some to buy ammunition and weaponry, especially from the Merchants Guild." Commander Octavius Drexel added, "They appear to be just like a small, ordinary organization. We initially thought it would be easy to eliminate them, but we were wrong. They happen to have strong Chronotex users with abilities that aren't traditional, more focused on psychological warfare. Somehow, they all work in unison, as if communicating telepathically. Their bombings remain unexplained; humans can't just explode. I'm an illusionist, and even I don't understand how they do it." Kairo contributed, "The Kingdom of Thebes better be ready, as the Royal Nebu might attempt a full-scale attack. If you give them even the smallest opening, it could be the end of Thebes, especially for you, Commander. They will definitely want to kill you, as your father is the great General Akhil, the one who went to the City of Saharaan on the day it was destroyed."