
Nomad's Tale

"Nomad's Tale" follows the story of Jack Sterling, a skilled spy who has been working undercover as a scientist for the New Order, an organization dedicated to finding and harnessing the power of the Chronotex. This rare material has the ability to alter the fabric of time and space, and the New Order plans to use it to create the next generation of nuclear weapons and unlock the secrets of time travel. Despite his allegiance to the New Order, Jack is torn between his loyalty to the organization and his desire to protect his new friends in Pakistan. He decides to uncover the secrets of the Chronotex and use his knowledge to stop the New Order's plans. However, his breakthrough research leads to his disappearance, and he finds himself suddenly transported back in time to ancient Egypt. In Egypt, Jack encounters both allies and enemies, and he soon discovers that the Chronotex has existed for centuries, and that it has been sought after by different factions for its immense power. He learns that some have gone to great lengths to obtain it, even at the cost of destroying innocent lives. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Chronotex, he discovers that it has incredible abilities beyond just time travel - its users are granted strange and unique powers that can change the course of history.

Kaido_1867 · History
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45 Chs

CH.4 Electricity and Isolation

Nature's mind is a force to behold, It flourishes on its own, bright and bold. But once an imposter dared to attack, Disrupting nature's well-trodden track.

It made its own portion in nature's plots, A soulless imposter among earthly lots. Crafted with blood, it stood alone, A creation of man, not nature's own.

This imposter, the Chronotex it's called, A creation of science, both brave and bold. But can it truly fit in nature's mold? Only time will tell, as the story unfolds.

Electricity and Isolation

"Darn it, nothing! Not a single piece of information. I worked three hours to find nothing."

"But still, why does this have no history? Even the rarest materials in this world have some sort of relationship with nature, but this is like an imposter in nature itself."

"What can I do to test this Chronotex? Hmm," he mumbled.

Jack thought to himself, "Let me surge this with large amounts of electricity. It might work due to the movement of the molecules." The idea of the electric current interacting with the unique molecular structure of the Chronotex intrigued him.

He carefully hooked up the wires, attaching them to the Chronotex and to the high-voltage power source. He took extra precautions, donning thick rubber gloves and standing on an insulated mat to avoid any dangerous shocks.

With his equipment ready, Jack was about to activate the power source when he paused. He wondered about the possible repercussions of his experiment and didn't want to damage the Chronotex or risk any harm to himself. A new plan was in order.

Remembering the black chamber he had previously used for other experiments, Jack decided it would provide a controlled and isolated environment to test the Chronotex. The chamber blocked out all light and electromagnetic radiation, making it an ideal setting.

Jack carefully placed the Chronotex inside the chamber and sealed it shut. Turning on a small light inside, he watched for any changes in the Chronotex's behaviour.

For what seemed like ages, there was no movement. Jack grew restless and began to wonder if his experiment was a failure. But just as he was about to give up, he caught a glimmer on the surface of the Chronotex. It looked as if the Chronotex was vibrating at an incredibly high frequency.

But all of a sudden…