
Nomad's Tale

"Nomad's Tale" follows the story of Jack Sterling, a skilled spy who has been working undercover as a scientist for the New Order, an organization dedicated to finding and harnessing the power of the Chronotex. This rare material has the ability to alter the fabric of time and space, and the New Order plans to use it to create the next generation of nuclear weapons and unlock the secrets of time travel. Despite his allegiance to the New Order, Jack is torn between his loyalty to the organization and his desire to protect his new friends in Pakistan. He decides to uncover the secrets of the Chronotex and use his knowledge to stop the New Order's plans. However, his breakthrough research leads to his disappearance, and he finds himself suddenly transported back in time to ancient Egypt. In Egypt, Jack encounters both allies and enemies, and he soon discovers that the Chronotex has existed for centuries, and that it has been sought after by different factions for its immense power. He learns that some have gone to great lengths to obtain it, even at the cost of destroying innocent lives. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Chronotex, he discovers that it has incredible abilities beyond just time travel - its users are granted strange and unique powers that can change the course of history.

Kaido_1867 · History
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45 Chs

CH.31 The Poison Man and the Betrayer Part 1

A soldier's fate, his final breath did fade, A friend indeed, in battles courage displayed. Blue lips tell a tale, a mystery yet untold, Betrayer's shadow, a theory to behold.Jack's technology, a weapon in his hand, Unveiling truths, unraveling the grand. But oh, dear reader, ponder this in your heart, Death awaits us all, a universal part.No one escapes its grasp, it's a certain truth, In life's fleeting moments, cherish your youth. For as you read these words, remember this rhyme, Embrace each precious moment, for we run out of time. The Poison Man and the Betrayer Part 1"NOOOO!" Setka's voice echoed through the tent, filled with anguish and disbelief. Taheri, a loyal companion who had fought alongside Setka in countless battles, now lay lifeless in his hands, his lips tainted with a bluish-purple hue. Kamil quickly took charge of the situation, his voice firm and commanding. "You there, call everyone outside near the fire! Ensure that no soldier escapes," he ordered. Ramon, Jack, and Kasib hurriedly made their way outside to give a helping hand and maintain order in the chaotic aftermath.Inside the tent, Setka and Kamil were left alone with Taheri's poisoned body. Kamil knelt down on one knee, his gaze fixed upon the lifeless soldier. He spoke to Setka in a solemn tone, "General, it is evident that they were attempting to poison you, but their plan failed." Setka's voice trembled with a mixture of anger and sorrow as he replied, "I know, Kamil. But ensure that the one responsible for this heinous act receives the harshest punishment." A heavy silence hung in the air, broken only by the distant commotion outside. Tears streamed down Setka's face as the weight of the loss engulfed him. In his mind, Kamil vowed to himself, "The loss of a soldier, no, the loss of a friend, is truly devastating. Stay strong, General. I will uncover the truth and bring the perpetrator to justice." With determination in his voice, Kamil affirmed, "I will." He turned away from Setka, his footsteps leading him outside into the chilling atmosphere. Fear and shock permeated the air, evident on the faces of the guards stationed outsideKamil called the trio to the side away from the soldiers"Ramon, did you manage to find any suspects?" Kamil inquired, his voice filled with concern."No, I couldn't. We know everyone here, and it seems highly unlikely that any of them would be responsible for poisoning the food," Ramon replied, frustration evident in his tone.Kasib chimed in, offering a possible explanation. "Perhaps an enemy infiltrated our ranks, or an enemy outside our camp poisoned the food and swiftly escaped." Jack shook his head, disagreeing with Kasib's theory. "That seems highly unlikely. When I arrived, there were guards posted everywhere. It would have been challenging for anyone, even an animal, to approach without being noticed. I believe the culprit is someone from within our own ranks." Kamil nodded in agreement, acknowledging Jack's observation. "I'm with you on that, Jack. I think this was a carefully planned hit-and-run attack. The enemy wanted to eliminate the General, but they knew the chances of success were slim. Even if the plan failed, they anticipated that we would investigate diligently but what is their second Goal they won't take a risk like this for nothing." Jack interjected, offering his analysis. "To waste time. The enemy knew that our journey is long and arduous. By depriving our soldiers of proper rest and causing internal strife, they hope to weaken us mentally and physically. This way, they can exploit our vulnerability at a later time or location. In essence, their target was either the General's life or the wasting of our precious time.""Yess! That's right, I get their plan now," Kamil said. "You're smart, Jack Sterling. I didn't expect this from you." "But there's still one problem that lurks," Kamil continued. "What?" asked Ramon. "The betrayer," Kamil said. "We still don't know who did the killing. Until we find out, the General won't rest, and our soldiers will start to doubt each other." "Hmm, I think we should question all of them," Kasib suggested. "We can, but it will take all morning," Ramon sighed. "We should take one soldier from each group for questioning," Kamil proposed. "What do you mean?" Ramon and Kasib asked in Unison. "Well, out of the 100 soldiers here, they are all part of different groups," Kamil explained. "We can take one member from each group, and it will greatly reduce the time for the interrogations. Plus, they are more likely to speak honestly about each other, as they have nothing to gain from lying." "Very good, Kamil," Ramon praised. "See, I knew you were smart." "However, there is one major flaw in this plan," Jack interjected. "I know, Jack," Kamil replied. "What is it?" Kasib and Ramon asked. "It's that if the one we pick is the betrayer, then the whole plan is ruined," Kamil said, disappointment evident in his voice. "However, there might be some hope, Kamil," Jack said. "There are two possibilities we can consider," he continued. "Firstly, the betrayer could be really bad at hiding their true self. In other words, they might display obvious signs of being a betrayer, either through their behaviour or actions. On the other hand, it's also possible that the betrayer is exceptionally skilled at concealing their true identity." As Jack spoke, a glimmer of hope began to emerge on Kamil's face. "So, you're saying there's a chance we can identify the betrayer," Kamil said, his voice filled with anticipation. "Indeed," Jack replied confidently. "If we can find the bottle that was used to hold the poison, I can analyse it using a technology I'm familiar with. It might help us trace back to the betrayer in less than 30 minutes." "What? Really?" Kasib and Ramon exclaimed, astonished by Jack's claims. Kamil, intrigued by the prospect, asked, "How does this technology work, Jack? Can you explain?" Jack paused for a moment, considering his response. "Well, there's a method I learned back in my town," he explained, attempting to downplay his knowledge and avoid arousing suspicion. "Essentially, by examining the item used by the intruder, we might be able to gather valuable information that could lead us to the betrayer.""Hmm, I see," Kamil said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Alright then, let's get going," Kamil said, his voice filled with determination. "Jack, I'm counting on you for this." "Don't worry, Kamil. I just need someone to accompany me," Jack assured him. "Great. Ramon and I will start talking to the soldiers and leaders of their respective groups to gather information and find potential suspects," Kamil said, outlining their plan. "Meanwhile, you and Kasib can search for the bottle used for the poison." Jack nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. By the way, do we have the equipment for the technology I mentioned any equipment will help?" "Don't worry, we have everything you might need stored near the back of the camp. You'll have access to all our equipment," Kamil assured him. "Alright then, let's get moving," Kamil commanded, ready to act. "Yes!" they all shouted in unison; their resolve strengthened. Ramon and Kamil headed towards the soldiers, while Jack and Kasib set off towards the kitchen, their mission clear. "Let's start with the kitchen and talk to the chef," Jack suggested, determined to find the crucial evidence they needed. "Okay," Kasib replied gruffly, still carrying the remnants of their earlier disagreement, but focusing on the task at hand. Together, they made their way towards the camp's kitchen, ready to search for clues that would help uncover the betrayer. Kasib and Jack entered the kitchen tent, its white walls contrasting with the tantalizing aroma of various spices. The tables were filled with cutlery and dishes, creating a bustling atmosphere. There, they found the chef, Habil, visibly distressed and crying on the floor. "Did you mix anything in the food?" Jack asked Habil, his tone firm but understanding. "No, I didn't! Please forgive me. I'm innocent and have children and a family," Habil pleaded, his tear-filled eyes reflecting his desperation. "We understand, but we need your help," Jack reassured him, offering a hand to help Habil up. Habil composed himself and stood up, wiping away his tears. "Okay, I'll help. What do you need from me?" Jack continued his questioning while Kasib started searching the entire kitchen for the bottle that might have contained the poison. Kasib moved the metal cutlery, checked behind onions, and opened bins, but his search yielded no results. "I don't think I've seen such a bottle," Habil said. "I was fully focused on cooking, and since I'm the only one in the kitchen, it might not have caught my attention." "Thank you, Habil. You can go now," Jack said, acknowledging his cooperation. "Thank you," Habil replied gratefully, leaving the tent and closing the thick curtain behind him. "Did you find anything?" Jack asked Kasib eagerly. "No, I haven't found anything," Kasib responded with frustration in his voice. The search for the bottle had proven unsuccessful so far.