
Nomad's Tale

"Nomad's Tale" follows the story of Jack Sterling, a skilled spy who has been working undercover as a scientist for the New Order, an organization dedicated to finding and harnessing the power of the Chronotex. This rare material has the ability to alter the fabric of time and space, and the New Order plans to use it to create the next generation of nuclear weapons and unlock the secrets of time travel. Despite his allegiance to the New Order, Jack is torn between his loyalty to the organization and his desire to protect his new friends in Pakistan. He decides to uncover the secrets of the Chronotex and use his knowledge to stop the New Order's plans. However, his breakthrough research leads to his disappearance, and he finds himself suddenly transported back in time to ancient Egypt. In Egypt, Jack encounters both allies and enemies, and he soon discovers that the Chronotex has existed for centuries, and that it has been sought after by different factions for its immense power. He learns that some have gone to great lengths to obtain it, even at the cost of destroying innocent lives. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Chronotex, he discovers that it has incredible abilities beyond just time travel - its users are granted strange and unique powers that can change the course of history.

Kaido_1867 · History
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45 Chs

CH.3 The Secret of Chronotex Unveiled

The nomad served his master with all his heart, Cherished and loved him from the start. But his master's goals took a dark turn, Innocent lives he began to burn.

The nomad couldn't stand idly by, He challenged his master with a silent cry. He decided to go his own way, But fate had other plans in play.

They would meet again, that much was clear, The nomad's decision would bring him near. To the one who shaped his life's course, But now they would face each other with force.

Jack dashed into his small apartment and eagerly took out the Chronotex from his pocket. He uttered, "Alright, let me just place this here." and carefully set the diamond-shaped material on his wooden table, which was cluttered with books and papers. The table had a dark brown finish, with visible grooves and knots on the surface. The edges were slightly worn out, indicating regular use.

He then walked into the washroom, turning on the tap and lathering his hands with soap. The water was icy cold, causing his fingers to tingle and turn red. He rinsed his hands and dried them with a small towel, feeling relieved to have washed off the mud.

As he exited the washroom, his expression turned sad as he muttered, "Oh no, not again. There's no heating in this apartment, and it's too cold." He closed the washroom door and spotted a long brown coat hanging behind it. The coat appeared old and worn out, with frayed cuffs and a few missing buttons. He put it on, feeling warmer instantly.

He then picked up the remote and turned on the TV, then proceeded to throw the remote on the couch.

"On the tv there was a woman wearing smart clothing. She wore a fitted blazer in navy blue with a crisp white blouse underneath. Her skirt was a pencil style that fell just above the knee, and she wore matching navy-blue heels. The news lady proceeded to say, 'There has been a major discovery in the world of science. We may have just found out that there might have been a chance of the great reset happening to humanity before us.'"

"Wow, the great reset, that's a major breakthrough," Jack said, shocked. He looked at his desk and then muted the TV. "I have to deal with this first," he said while staring at the Chronotex placed on his desk.

Jack leaned back in his old and worn chair, feeling its creaky wooden frame adjust to his weight. The chair had seen better days, with its faded blue fabric and frayed edges revealing its age. Despite its worn appearance, the chair was still comfortable, and Jack had grown accustomed to its familiar creaks and groans.

He turned his attention back to the papers and books in front of him, all bearing the symbol of the New Order. The symbol depicted chains arranged in a circular pattern, with a menacing skull in the center, evoking a sense of power and control.

As he read through the information on the Chronotex, he became increasingly fascinated by its potential uses. However, the history of the substance was shrouded in mystery, with the only known record of its existence dating back to 2017.

Jack knew that he needed to gather more information before he could delve deeper into the Chronotex's past and its potential uses. He made a mental note to start his research by tracing the substance's origins and its possible utilizations, determined to unlock its secrets before the New Order could get their hands on it.

the New Order identified that CHRONOTEX could be utilized to create an advanced generation of nuclear weaponry, which could surpass anything previously witnessed in terms of destructiveness. Their plan was to use this weapon to gain power, and their first target was Hyderabad, Pakistan.

Jack had to act fast to protect his friends and the people of Hyderabad from the destructive power of the New Order. He decided to keep the piece of Chronotex that he had found a secret from the organization. He worked as a spy for the organization but didn't want them to kill a whole city of people.

With this in mind, he began to gather as much information as he could about its past and potential uses. He spent hours poring over books and documents, researching the scientific properties of the substance, and exploring its history.