
Nolan and Emilia

Emilia has been a lonely princess all her life and all she wanted was to find true love. But her father wants her to marry the prince of Vengarde A man she dislikes because of his proud nature. But things change when she meets the man of her dreams. Nolan, A brave knight, who has been battling the curse of his past, which makes it almost impossible for him to find true love but after series of ups and downs, he marries a princess, who has been betrothed to his enemy. Will their marriage last forever? Will they regret embarking on a love journey? Will Emilia be able to tame the wild beast inside Nolan? Will she be the one to break his curse? What change will he bring to her life? Will she be the key that binds their love? And will he be the sword that protects their adventurous love? Will Nolan and Emilia suffer the consequences of loving each other in a world that is against their Union? Their different worlds will surely collide. But Will Emilia be able to handle his darkness? And will he corrupt her light?

Elizabeth_9251 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


It was almost noon, she tiptoed a few steps and looked through a small hole on the wooden door before her. Then she opened it slowly and slightly.

There was no sight of him, the castle's guard was asleep on the floor, so he couldn't stop her from leaving, she could see the room that leads to the exit of the mansion she was in.

Just a little distance from her the exit door stood. If there was ever a chance to run away from him, this was it.

She couldn't stand him anymore, she didn't want to be with him any longer, so with a deep sigh, She tried to open the door, her heartbeat increased. She held a knife in one hand and placed the other on the door knob, about to open it, She looked around to see if anyone was spying on her, but she saw no one. She remembered the golden key she took.

With shivering hands, she brought out a key from her Pocket, The one she stole from the castle's guard, a while ago, when she made up her mind to run away from this godforsaken, old, mansion.

Snap! The key turns and the door opens, she sighs in relief, it was indeed the right key. This was it, all that stood between her and the sweet freedom she longed for was that single exit door in a room before her. She tiptoed slowly, out of the dark room she was in and into a spacious room, where the silver door stood tall. She walked towards the precious door almost smiling.

"Where do you think you're going?"

A deep, husky, voice echoed at her from upstairs. Her spirit froze and she halted. The man's loud voice gave her an overwhelming sense of sharp, electric, tension in her heart and mind. Fear gripped her, She stood still and wondered.

"How could he hear me from his room? He is usually asleep by this time, or did he by any chance discover that I had plans to escape?"

With these thoughts in her mind, she hid the small, sharp, blade in her pocket, ready to stab him at any moment from now. Then she retraced her steps back to the previous room, where she stood peeping through the wooden door.

"Where are you heading to?"

Came the voice of a middle aged masked man dressed in a long, black, robe. The tone of his voice was cold and rash. She heard the sound of slow footsteps as he walked down the long stairs opposite her. He approached her slowly.

"I have been caught, I am in big trouble."

She whispered to herself, feeling scared and nervous.

As his footsteps became louder, her heartbeat became faster. She was too afraid to turn and look at him.

"I asked you a question and I demand an answer!"

He thundered at her, yelling in anger. She turned around and looked in his direction. She was too frightened to speak, she couldn't look at his face, she struggled to say something but gibberish words came out of her mouth.

"I... I... Um..." She stammered.

After few seconds of disorted speech, she managed to say .

" I just wanted to take a walk outside the castle."

As the masked man came closer, her eyes widened in fright. As she stepped backwards away from him.

She leaned on the door in fear. As Soon as she saw the scary man walking towards her.

"A walk alone?"

He asked, taking a step closer. His voice was creepy and unpleasant to hear, she rested on the closed door that was shut by the wild wind, coming from an opened window by her left. He stood before her, leaned closer and wrapped his big hands around her waist, pulling her close to his body. His strong grip made her feel like she was sinking into his arms. She gasped in fear, unsure of what he would do to her.

" Have you forgotten that you belong to me?"

He says in a calm tone.

She remained silent.

" You're mine!"

He yelled.

"So don't you ever try to escape again!"

He commanded in a high tone, his voice echoed through the quiet, dark, room and his warm, stinky, breath fell on her face.

The sound of his voice sent hot shimmers down her spine.

Cool breeze flowed through the opened windows and rested on her skin. She felt cold thrills all over her body. But the man's presence made her feel a hot sensation in her head and stomach.

While she panicked, the man ogled her body. He admired her smooth, fair skin, he looked at her transparent, black, dress Her body was slightly exposed, the whole world could see through her night gown.

Such clothes are what he made her wear everyday. So he could easily undress her, whenever he was in the mood to do so.

He admired her beauty from head to toe, he loved the spark of her blue eyes, the taste of her pink, glossy, lips, the feel of her pretty face, the texture of her long, curly, hair. And the feel of her soft, milky, skin.

" You're deliciously beautiful."

He whispers in her ears. She tried to let go of his strong grip, but couldn't. She was powerless when it comes to him. He watched her as she struggled to free herself From him.

" Relax my pretty, little, flower."

He says as he strokes her hair with his long fingers, thebn he rubs her cheek with his thumb.

With a wet kiss on her forehead, he says.

" Why are you going for a lonely walk? When there are much better activities to do with me on my bed."

" What! Again?" She exclaimed, her eyes widened in shock.

" Oh no, please no." She begged.

" Please let me go!"

She began to cry and tried to push him off, so she could run away. He looked at her, smirked and chuckled loudly

What was he planning to do to her this time? Wasn't he satisfied? He had her all to himself these past few days or does he want her dead? No, he just derived pleasure from abusing her and inflicting pain on her, she was his pet and sex slave.

" What do you want from me?

Why can't you leave me alone?

For heaven's sake Please let me go! I'm begging you, Please! "

She pleaded, tears flowed from her eyes down her neck, Her face was soaked with tears. The masked man was not a Christan, neither was he fully human, he was a prince and a vampire Lord. So begging him in the name of heaven was forever pointless.

As she begged and cried, the masked man laughed loudly at her misery, He derived pleasure from seeing her in pain. His laughter turns into a mused smile as he says.

" You're so entertaining Emilia"

He lets go of her and locks the wooden door behind her, putting the key in his deep pocket. Staring at her closely, he frowns and yells.

" Now, you must obey your master, Climb upstairs and stay in my room."

He commands with a strict look on his face. She cleaned her tears with her palms and walked slowly up the long stairs. He followed after her, watching her every move. She remembered the knife in her pocket and planned to stab his right eye, as Soon as they arrived in his room. Which is the upper chamber of the Tall castle they were in.

Emilia had a well crafted plan. She will play along with the man, act seductive and try to please him by doing all he asks her to do. He would find this suspicious because it would be the first time she ever cooperated with him in bed. But she doesn't care. Her main goal is to use this blade wisely, but she feared that he might see it, considering the nature of her night dress.

As soon as she gets close to him, she would bring out the sharp, blade from her Pocket and do justice to his right eye or stab his hairy chest, So that he would be in distress, bleeding or unconscious. And that will hopefully, give her enough time to take the key from his robe, run downstairs to the last floor of the mansion, open the wooden door, run quickly into the living room and finally open the silver exit door. So she can run away, far into the woods and return to her Father's kingdom.

It has been two weeks since she saw her family and by now, they must think she's dead. Not knowing that she's still alive, but somewhere far away. They only Know that she was kidnapped and they have been searching for her. In hope that they would find her one day.

At the sides of the semi dark mansion, There were big, red, lamps, that serves as visual aid. The mansion is a habitat for ghosts and strange spirits. There seemed to never be morning in the mansion, beacause they were in the darkest part of a far away kingdom. more so, she never experienced natural light coming from the sky, she only knew nights in this almost dark castle.

The Masked Man was a murderous vampire. His long, sharp, and pointy teeth, pierced through Emilia's skin every night. And it made her feel unbearable pain and discomfort all over her body. Several times he would suck her blood and sleep with her at night. And she would pass out, only to wake up, hours later, naked and tied to a king sized bed in his Royal room.

His room was filled with golden furniture, colourful, lights, glass ceiling, artistic paintings on the walls and floors and scary looking mini statues of the gods he worshipped.

When they arrived at his room, he opened the door and she entered reluctantly, he closed the door behind her, keeping the key in his pocket. Then he removed his mask, revealing his ugly, scary, face.

Emilia stood far from him, she looked at his face and almost puked at the sight of it. She was irritated and also terrified. This wasn't the first time she saw him without mask. She had seen it before. But this time, It was more terrible, he appeared more uglier and scarier. He was Visibly frightening.

His eyes, red, his lips, black. His face, scared, his head, bald. He had wrinkles all over his face, he took off his gloves revealing his dark scaled claws.

"Was he the devil's brother?"

She wondered.