
Noir | The Hunter From Abys

From the Abyss, Alaryc, a crime hunter, crosses into the human world to avenge his family's death. However, destiny appoints him as the guardian of balance, known as Noir, the ancestral black. Alongside his companion, Sylara, they strive to maintain harmony between the two realms. While fulfilling their duties, Alaryc endeavors to unravel the mystery of his family's murderer, facing challenges that test his courage and loyalty. Amidst the journey for vengeance, this epic tale unveils intrigues, dark powers, and a battle to unite two separate worlds.

ReiHana · Fantasy
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10 Chs


In the search to overcome the plague and uncover the role of the "Hidden Light," Alaric discovers that the power not only bestows strength but also guides its bearer to choose between light and darkness. In the difficult decision he faces, Alaric reflects on the limitations of his power and the risks borne by the wielder of the "Hidden Light."

Wisely, Sylara assists Alaric in delving into his inner self. Alaric's internal struggle becomes the key to understanding how to combat the plague and continue their role as guardians of balance.

In the darkness enveloping the meditation chamber, Alaric contemplates with closed eyes, seeking to understand the essence of the "Hidden Light." Sylara, wisely, extends her hand to guide Alaric on his inner journey.

"As we seek answers outside, do not forget the power hidden within yourself," says Sylara, her voice gentle like a cool breeze. "This battle may require sacrifices, but only by understanding the darkness within us, can we find a brighter light."

In deep meditation, Alaric realizes that the power he possesses is also a spiritual test. In a spiritual vision, he confronts manifestations of himself struggling between light and darkness.

Sylara, through her wisdom, guides Alaric through the dark corridors within himself. "This battle is not just against external enemies, but also against the demons within us. Choose wisely, Alaric, so that the light we carry does not extinguish another light."

In his inner journey, Alaric encounters events from his past that shaped him, revealing moments when light and darkness touched within him. The choices he faces become clearer—between freeing the hidden light or letting darkness reign.

As Alaric delves into the deepest layers of his truth, the power of the "Hidden Light" vibrates along with his internal struggle. Sylara, with her wisdom, provides support, "This battle is part of our destiny. Choose with a sincere heart, Alaric."

In the climax of his internal struggle, Alaric decides to unleash the hidden light within himself. With this decision, the energy emitted by the "Hidden Light" transforms into a radiant glow, depicting liberation from the burden that had bound him.

Sylara smiles with pride, "You have found balance within yourself. Now, we can continue our role as guardians of balance with sincere hearts."

With Alaric's internal battle as a new foundation, the Guardian Order prepares to face the next challenge. However, beyond the silence of the meditation chamber, the shadow of the mysterious infiltrator carrying darkness looms larger, waiting for the moment to disrupt the balance just found by Alaric.

Observing the changes in Alaric's expression, Sylara senses unresolved concerns. "Your internal battle is not entirely finished, Alaric. But together, we will continue this journey, ready to face anything that may test our balance and the light we carry."

Thus, the Guardian Order enters a new phase in their journey, with Alaric's internal struggle serving as the starting point to confront increasingly complex threats in Eldoria.As Alaric harnessed the liberated power of the "Hidden Light," a newfound sense of clarity enveloped him. The meditation chamber, once cloaked in darkness, now radiated with an ethereal brilliance. Sylara, with a reassuring smile, acknowledged the transformative journey that Alaric had undertaken.

The Guardian Order, sensing the subtle shifts in cosmic energies, gathered to witness Alaric's emergence from the meditation chamber. Their leader, now imbued with a profound understanding of the "Hidden Light," addressed the assembled members with a resolute tone.

"Our struggle extends beyond the tangible threats we face. It resides within the choices we make when confronting the shadows within ourselves," Alaric proclaimed, his eyes reflecting both wisdom and newfound strength. "We must remain vigilant not only against external foes but also against the darkness that may lurk within our hearts."

Sylara, standing by Alaric's side, added, "Unity is our greatest strength. Let the lessons from Alaric's internal journey guide us as we continue to safeguard Eldoria from the encroaching darkness."

The Guardian Order, invigorated by Alaric's revelation, set forth on a renewed mission to unravel the mysteries of the plague and the role of the "Hidden Light." Their path led them deeper into the affected territories, where twisted landscapes and enigmatic entities awaited.

As they ventured forth, Alaric and Sylara, now more attuned to the cosmic threads, sensed the presence of the mysterious infiltrator. The guardian council, bolstered by their leader's internal triumph, remained united in the face of the looming threat.

The infiltrator, aware of Alaric's newfound clarity, sought to exploit the Guardian Order's unity. Whispers of doubt and mistrust circulated among the members, testing the very bonds that had held them together through countless trials.

Alaric and Sylara, perceptive to the subtle shifts in the cosmic energies, convened the order to address the growing unease. The once-unified council now grappled with internal conflicts, as the echoes of the Nexus of Convergence reverberated through their deliberations.

Sylara, her expression grave, stated, "There is a shadow among us, preying on our unity. We must remain vigilant, for the darkness seeks to exploit our bonds and weaken our resolve."

Alaric added, "Our trust in each other must withstand this unforeseen challenge. Let us not forget the strength we derive from our shared purpose."

Investigations unfolded, revealing unexpected alliances and testing existing ones. The mysterious infiltrator, manipulating the shadows, unveiled a deeper connection to the Nexus of Convergence—an entity thought to be vanquished.

In a shocking revelation, the figure disclosed their true identity—a former ally consumed by a malevolent force that had survived the defeat in the Nexus. The Guardian Order faced not only an external threat but the echoes of their past victories turning against them.

Selene and Draven, utilizing their insights into time and fate, discerned a path to redemption for the fallen ally. It required a perilous journey into a realm where past and present converged, untouched by the hands of time.

The Guardian Order, conflicted but resolute, ventured into this temporal nexus, navigating illusions challenging their perception of reality. In their pursuit of redemption, they encountered echoes of their past, reflections of the trials they had overcome.

The fallen ally, entangled in the malevolent force, confronted their own illusions—a reflection of the internal struggle for redemption. Alaric and Sylara, drawing upon the essence of the Hidden Light, attempted to break the chains binding their former comrade.

As the nexus trembled with conflicting energies, the Guardian Order faced a moral dilemma—whether to save or sever the ties binding their fallen ally to darkness. The echoes of the Nexus whispered cryptic prophecies, leaving the outcome hanging in the balance.

The cosmic threads wove a complex tapestry, and the Guardian Order found themselves entangled in a web of unforeseen challenges, where redemption and betrayal danced on the precipice of destiny. The echoes of the Nexus of Convergence hinted at an unraveling narrative, promising an unpredictable continuation of their cosmic journey.

As the Guardian Order grappled with the moral quandary within the temporal nexus, cosmic energies surged, unveiling a realm where the boundary between redemption and darkness blurred. The fallen ally's internal struggle mirrored the Order's conflicts, exposing vulnerabilities in their unity.

Amidst the chaos, Alaric and Sylara stood resolute, invoking the Hidden Light to confront the malevolent force. The nexus quivered with the weight of their decisions, and the prophecies whispered louder, foretelling an unpredictable fate.

The Guardian Order, determined to preserve balance, faced a pivotal choice—to salvage the threads of redemption or sever the ties to prevent further darkness. The echoes of the Nexus hinted at a narrative yet to unfold, leaving the destinies of Eldoria and parallel realms hanging in the delicate balance of