
Welcome to No harem sect.

No harem. Harem is shit. Harem is boring. Being simp is a mortal sin. being chad is the gateway to heaven.

Sect motto:

" loving one woman rather than many is a sign that a man is worthy of your pussy. As he can shower his semen to your tank and solo it all you want. but leaving an unsatisfied pussy is sin"

not being simp, becoming a chad, and promoting gender equality is must reach the true salvation.


You shall not simp

You shall fuck on one pussy

You shall kill all harem protagonist

You shall become a chad

You shall kill heresy such as gay and metamorphosis/Emergence

You shall satisfy your wife's pussy

The way of our teaching:

Accept and learn in our teaching

Cultivate the Dao of Monogamy

Cultivate the Dao of chad

Resist other pussy than your wife

Achieve godhood and become the chad emperor

Application paper:

Tired of the harem? being virgin? shut up and join our sect. A wife is guaranteed if you react at a high level.


Solid anti simp and chad foundation


Not allowed:


harem thinker



ugly bastard


As we only consider healthy degenerates. And we promote good healthy monogamy life. unsatisfied wives, etc.