
Nodrian War: Squadron 361

Lina and Linoch Holst are no strangers to evading the law and wreaking havoc across their province. They don't pretend to be the good guys either, they know they aren't the protagonists of any stories or heroic folk songs. However, when they are finally convicted and are given their formal punishments... Perhaps that will all change, though for better or worse, nobody can be entirely sure.

Saikoes · War
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9 Chs


"Lina, hand me the fuse," Linoch said as he hung upside down on the ceiling of the provincial capital building.

Lina complied, handing her brother the fuse, which he took and held in his mouth as he continued to set the explosives.

Within a few moments, Linoch finished and attached the fuse to the explosives, and lit it, "Alright, there we go… How many sites left to set?"

"Two, one in the East Wing and one in the North Wing," Lina replied, "We should move quickly now,"

Linoch nodded, and, shuffling over to a nearby vent, pulled a maneuver that allowed him to exit his harness and enter the air vent, Lina followed quickly after him.

The duo made their way through the air vents, they moved as slowly and cautiously as possible, the metal sheets that the ducts were made of were prone to making loud noises which would arouse suspicion, so they had to be sure not to press too hard on the sheets or move too quickly.

"Flimsy pieces of shit…" Linoch murmured under his breath before planting a strange device into one of the sheets of metal, wrapping a cord to it, and attaching it to his harness. He then lifted the sheet up and placed it to the side of the vent.

Linoch tugged on the cord with a medium amount of strength before he decided to begin his descent. The duo had ended up in a maintenance room.

Linoch and Lina quickly went to work, making quick work of the room, planting explosives, and overall just wreaking havoc through the maintenance room, then fleeing the scene.

Re-entering the vent, Linoch turned his head to Lina, "How much time do we have?" He whispered.

"Twenty minutes, let's hurry up," She replied.

Linoch nodded and continued to travel through the vents, and, after a while of crawling, ended up at the last target, the office of the provincial governor.

Linoch lifted the vent cover and set it aside, setting the same device as he did previously and tying his cord to it. He peered into the office and listened for any signs of movement outside of the office before he proceeded.

He descended into the office and set explosives below the governor's desk. Not only was the governor sure to be back soon, but it was also in such a spot that it would cause massive damage to the building as a whole.

He lit the fuse before the device began to wrap up the cord and pull him up the vent. The duo then began another long crawl through the vents.

"How much longer?" Linoch asked.

"Five minutes or so, let's get a safe distance away and watch the fireworks," Lina replied, "But let's hurry,"

Soon, the duo were back on the ground, outside the capital this time. They raced over to an area where they could find cover and watched as their handiwork went off. Sure enough, after a few moments, the building went off with a bang. Stone and bricks seemed to shoot from the wreckage like fireworks and chaos enveloped the surrounding areas.

The brother-sister duo high-fived and began their retreat from the scene of the crime. Their job was done.

Lina and Linoch Holst! The criminal and dynamic brother-sister duo!

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