
Nocturne's Night

In a world where the boundaries between life and death blur, where the echoes of ancient deities reverberate through the fabric of reality, one man finds himself thrust into a realm teeming with mythical creatures, formidable adversaries, and the promise of redemption. (Nocturne's Night) unfolds as a gripping tale of one man's journey across the vast expanse of a new world, where the line between hero and villain, justice and vengeance, blurs amidst the tapestry of chaos and wonder. Yura, a figure shrouded in mystery and driven by a relentless pursuit of justice, emerges as the unlikely protagonist in this epic saga. Cast adrift in the abyss between worlds, he is summoned by a goddess of death, tasked with a mission that transcends the boundaries of mortality. As Yura navigates the treacherous landscapes of his new reality, he grapples with the weight of his past and the uncertainty of his future. With each step, he confronts adversaries both mundane and fantastical, unravels the mysteries of a world steeped in lore and legend, and discovers the true extent of his own power. From the opulent halls of ancient cities to the shadowy depths of forbidden realms, (Nocturne's Night) weaves a tale of intrigue, betrayal, and redemption. As Yura's quest unfolds, he must confront the darkness within himself and forge alliances with unlikely allies, all while facing the looming specter of an ancient evil that threatens to consume the world. Driven by a cast of richly drawn characters, each with their own secrets and motivations, (Nocturne's Night) explores themes of identity, sacrifice, and the nature of power. With its blend of high-stakes action, poignant emotion, and tantalizing mystery, this novel promises to captivate readers until the final page is turned, leaving them eagerly awaiting the next installment in this enthralling series.

mikoerien · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The City of Fyora Liandra

At last, Yura approached the City's towering gates, feeling a surge of relief and excitement. The sounds of bustling life beyond the walls stirred his curiosity, and he was eager to trade and explore. Yet, as he neared the gate, a stern-looking guard stepped forward, blocking his path.Yura greeted him with a casual smile, "Ahh, hello sir."The guard, scrutinizing Yura's appearance with suspicion, replied gruffly, "You don't look like you're from around here. Where are you from?"Yura hesitated, glancing back at the distant line of trees. "I'm from back there. The trees... I mean, the forest."The guard's expression hardened. "The forest? What do you mean, the forest? Who are you?! Explain yourself, or we'll use force!"Yura raised his hands in mock surrender, his voice calm. "Whoa, whoa, no need for that. I'm just here to trade, sir. I've been traveling for a month, coming from the forest with the towering trees. Had to take down a few beasts along the way, but nothing too crazy."The guard's eyes widened in disbelief. "You... You mean you came from the Black Witches' Forest?!" He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Man, how are you still alive? How didn't the demons or witches get to you?"Yura frowned in confusion. "The what? I didn't see any demons or witches. Just some tough beasts. I live near the field of flowers."The guard's face turned pale, his hand reflexively clutching his weapon. "The desolated grave site of the thousand witches and paladins? You live near there?!"Yura shrugged nonchalantly. "You could say that. So... will you let me in? I'm really just here to trade, nothing more."The guard muttered a prayer under his breath. "By the Lord King... Gods, I can't believe this. You know they say witches still haunt those woods, kidnapping people for their dark rituals. Sacrifices, they say." He eyed Yura warily, as if expecting some supernatural force to manifest behind him.Yura smiled wryly, "Well, I haven't been kidnapped yet, so I think I'm in the clear. Anyway, care to let me pass?"The guard blinked, his wariness giving way to curiosity. "What do you have to trade?"With a swift motion, Yura reached into his inventory, pulling out a handful of gleaming iron ore.The guard's jaw dropped. "Whoa, are you a mage, sir? Only mages have sub-inventory spaces like that!"Yura shrugged again. "You could say that. I'm just here to trade, nothing more."The guard sighed, finally relenting. "Alright, you can go in. But listen—if you take too long, you'll need to register yourself as a visitor or even apply for citizenship. Rules are rules.""Fair enough. Thanks." Yura nodded in gratitude before stepping past the guard and through the gate.As Yura took his first steps into the town, he marveled at the sight before him. The streets were alive with activity, vendors shouting to advertise their wares, children laughing as they chased each other, and townsfolk haggling over prices. The buildings were well-crafted, displaying the handiwork of expert builders. It was a place full of life and energy. "Now this," Yura mused, "this is like an RPG come to life."Walking through the town, Yura's sharp senses picked up snippets of conversations from every direction. The people spoke of mundane things—weather, food, clothing, relationships—but it was comforting in its normalcy. It was a stark contrast to the deadly wilderness he had spent the last month navigating."I could get used to this," he thought, his lips curving into a smile.His attention was soon drawn to the variety of creatures walking alongside the humans. Dwarves, with their stout builds and grizzled faces, strode confidently through the market, known for their mining and blacksmithing skills. They carried heavy bags of ore and tools, their voices gruff but filled with pride as they bartered for supplies.Then there were the cat-like beastmen—sleek, agile, and graceful. They moved with a quiet confidence, their feline features lending them a natural air of stealth and agility. Yura spotted a group of them near a merchant stall, their eyes sharp as they examined fine fabrics and leather armor.Further down, he noticed lizardmen, their scales glinting in the sunlight. Their reptilian eyes were cold and calculating, yet their roles here seemed to vary. Some acted as merchants, their stalls overflowing with exotic goods, while others bore the marks of seasoned warriors, their armor scarred from countless battles.And of course, there were the elves. Tall, elegant, with pointed ears and an otherworldly grace, they moved through the crowd with an air of superiority. Yura's gaze met that of a passing elven aristocrat, who quickly turned away, as if to avoid acknowledging him. "Is it because I look poor?" Yura chuckled to himself. "Well, I'll show them."Among the crowd, Yura also spotted halflings—small, cheerful folk with an infectious sense of adventure. A group of them had set up a food stall, selling roasted meats and fruits. Their laughter rang through the air as they worked, seemingly unconcerned by the hustle and bustle around them."This place really does have it all," Yura thought, his excitement building. The diversity of races and professions reminded him of a well-constructed game world, where every corner held a new discovery. "Now, where shall I go next? Heh, it's like a vacation. I love it."Yura's mind raced with possibilities. He could visit the marketplace, seek out new equipment, or perhaps find a local tavern to gather information. But there was also the matter of the orc encampments he had heard about earlier. Perhaps he could learn more about that growing threat from the locals. Whatever his next move, Yura knew one thing for certain—this town was full of opportunities, and he intended to make the most of it.With a grin, he set off down the bustling streets, ready to embrace the adventure that awaited.As Yura ventured deeper into the heart of the settlement, he marveled at the diversity of establishments lining the bustling streets. Every corner seemed to hold a new facet of this vibrant town, each more intriguing than the last.The masonry buildings, with their solid stone foundations and finely carved details, stood tall and imposing. Their walls were adorned with intricate designs, showcasing the craftsmanship of the skilled masons who had shaped them. The scent of fresh stone and lime wafted from open workshops, where artisans labored with mallets and chisels, sculpting the very bones of the settlement.Next to the masonry shops, carpenter workshops hummed with activity. Sawdust floated lazily in the air as skilled craftsmen shaped planks of wood into elegant furniture and sturdy structures. The rhythmic sound of hammers and saws mingled with the calls of traders, their shelves stocked with finely crafted wooden tools, wagons, and intricately carved decorations for wealthy patrons.Further along, Yura's attention was drawn to the artifact merchants and appraisal shops. Strange relics and ancient trinkets glittered under the sun, their mystical properties whispered about in hushed tones by passersby. In front of these shops, experienced appraisers evaluated enchanted objects brought in by adventurers and collectors alike, determining their worth and origins with a keen eye and a touch of magical expertise.A tall mage tower loomed over the settlement, its spiraling architecture distinct from the more grounded structures below. The air around it seemed to shimmer with a faint magical energy. Runes and sigils lined its walls, glowing faintly, while robed figures entered and exited, their conversations punctuated by cryptic phrases and the occasional flicker of a spell. Yura's gaze lingered on the tower, curiosity piqued. "Magic here must be abundant," he mused, feeling the weight of his own arcane potential stirring within.Across the way, two grand buildings caught his eye—a school for warriors and another dedicated to more traditional education. The warriors' school echoed with the sound of clashing steel and gruff shouts of instructors drilling their students. Young men and women practiced swordplay and hand-to-hand combat in an open courtyard, their movements disciplined, their forms precise. The school stood as a testament to the town's commitment to strength and defense, a reminder of the dangers that lurked outside its walls.In contrast, the school for education was quieter, its halls filled with scholars and students pouring over books and scrolls. Here, wisdom and knowledge were revered, and the air buzzed with intellectual debate. The building's grand entrance was adorned with statues of philosophers and mages, each representing the pursuit of enlightenment in its various forms.As Yura continued, the streets opened up to the merchant markets, a sprawling array of stalls and shops selling everything from exotic spices to finely woven silks. Vendors shouted their prices, competing for the attention of the bustling crowd. Food markets further along were filled with the enticing aroma of freshly baked bread, roasting meats, and ripe fruits. Yura's stomach rumbled as the scent of roasted boar filled the air, the sight of sizzling skewers making his mouth water.In the center of it all, a grand open theater stood, its stage open to the elements, surrounded by tiered seating carved from stone. Actors and musicians prepared for a performance, their vibrant costumes and lively rehearsals drawing a curious crowd. The air was thick with anticipation as the townsfolk gathered, eager for an evening of entertainment and escape from the everyday grind.Further along, the administration buildings stood tall and stately, their facades clean and authoritative. Officials moved in and out, attending to the governance of the settlement, overseeing trade, taxation, and law enforcement. It was here that the town's heart of bureaucracy beat steadily, keeping the wheels of civilization turning.Yet, just as Yura began to feel the pulse of order and commerce, he noticed the undercurrent of vice. The taverns were boisterous, filled with the sounds of laughter, drunken songs, and the clinking of tankards. These establishments catered not only to travelers and merchants but to adventurers looking for a night of revelry after long days on the road. Rumors of treasure and quests flowed freely here, as did the ale.Beyond the taverns, the streets grew darker, more shadowed. Yura passed by adventurers' guilds, their doors marked with crests and symbols of various factions. Here, seasoned fighters, mages, and explorers gathered to plan their next forays into the unknown. The air was thick with tension and camaraderie, stories of distant lands and dangerous creatures exchanged over mugs of ale and strategy maps.As he ventured further, he came upon the seedier parts of town. The red-light district was unmistakable—its vibrant colors and sultry music luring passersby with promises of pleasure and distraction. Lanterns glowed with a warm, inviting light, casting long shadows across the cobbled streets. This part of the town had an entirely different rhythm, one that pulsed with a kind of seductive allure.Next to it, the gambling dens hummed with excitement. The clatter of dice, the flip of cards, and the low murmurs of bets being placed filled the air. Inside, fortunes were won and lost in an instant, the thrill of risk drawing all manner of people—from wealthy merchants to desperate peasants hoping for a lucky break.Yura's eyes scanned the endless stretch of streets, each one offering its own unique experience. This settlement wasn't just a place of safety and trade—it was a living, breathing entity, filled with both light and shadow. "What a marvel this place is," he thought, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "A microcosm of the world, all packed into one town. There's so much to explore, so much to learn."As he pondered his next move, the din of the settlement's hustle and bustle surrounded him, every step revealing a new layer of the town's intricate tapestry. "Where to begin? Perhaps a visit to the markets... or maybe the adventurers' guild. The world feels vast, but I've got time on my side."With a sense of adventure welling up inside him, Yura took a deep breath and strode deeper into the heart of the town.As he ventured deeper into the heart of the settlement. The air grew heavier, thick with the weight of wealth and privilege. The craftsmanship of the buildings around him became increasingly elaborate, the stone walls and woodwork polished to perfection. Each house was a testament to sophisticated architecture, designed with the precision of a master's hand, reflecting an era when elegance was paramount.The noble houses were a stark contrast to the bustling markets and common dwellings Yura had passed earlier. These homes stood with an air of superiority, their stone facades embellished with ornate carvings and sprawling balconies. Ivy crept up the walls in carefully tended patterns, and the cobblestone paths that led to their doors were spotless. Deeper still into this enclave of wealth stood the mansions, larger and grander with every step. Each estate was surrounded by meticulously manicured gardens, high iron gates, and stationed guards clad in gleaming armor."Paladins?" Yura wondered as his eyes drifted toward the guards. Their armor bore intricate designs, with crests resembling trees entwined with stalks of grain. The symbol of the city, he realized, reflecting prosperity and growth. Above each mansion flew a flag, its colors rich and regal, showcasing the tree and fortune motif that seemed to permeate this upper echelon of society. The residents of these homes moved with the unhurried grace of those who had never known hardship, their butlers and maids dutifully attending to them.He spotted a young noble child being escorted back to one of the grand estates, her silk dress shimmering under the sunlight. She clutched a doll made of fine fabric, and her laugh, though light, carried with it the unmistakable tone of privilege. Her entourage—two maids and a butler—followed closely behind, eyes vigilant. They passed through an iron gate, where another guard, likely a higher-ranking paladin, bowed as they entered.Beyond the last row of mansions, Yura's gaze was drawn to the final gate—tall, imposing, and forbidding. It was adorned with intricate gold and silver filigree, and two paladins stood at attention, their hands resting on the hilts of their swords. Even from a distance, Yura could sense the power and authority that emanated from behind those gates. It wasn't just another mansion that lay beyond—it was a castle.The castle itself was awe-inspiring, as grand as a fortress yet retaining the elegance of a royal estate. Its towers pierced the sky, and the banners that flew above them bore the same symbol of tree and fortune, though here they were embroidered in gold thread against a backdrop of deep green and crimson. The walls were thick, but not forbidding—more a display of strength than a barrier to entry. Yura marveled at its size, its imposing presence clearly marking it as the seat of power."So this is where the lord of the city resides," Yura thought, his eyes narrowing in thought. "A castle, yes, but it feels more like a palace. No wonder the nobles flock here—it's a beacon of wealth, a symbol of triumph."As Yura lingered near the noble district, his keen hearing picked up fragments of conversation from passersby. Two well-dressed women walked past, their voices low but carrying the weight of gossip."The City of Fyora Liandra," one of them whispered, her eyes gleaming with admiration. "A place of endless fortune and prosperity."Her companion nodded. "Indeed. They say the city's wealth is unrivaled. But it wasn't always like this. It was founded by a maiden—Fyora herself—who rose to power by defeating hordes of demons. They called her a king, though she was born of humble origins."Yura raised an eyebrow. "A maiden made king? Interesting. She must have been powerful to gain such a title."The first woman continued, "Her reign brought an era of peace and abundance. The grain you see on the crest? It's not just a symbol—it's a sign of the prosperity she gifted this land. Her people never went hungry, and even now, her descendants rule with that same prosperity in mind."The mention of endless demon hordes sent a chill through Yura. "Demon hordes... that means this land has seen its share of battle and bloodshed. Perhaps not so different from the dangers lurking beyond the forest's edge."As the women disappeared into the noble quarter, Yura couldn't help but feel a strange connection to this city and its past. A maiden turned king, a city built on the bones of victory over demonic forces—there was a story here, a history that intrigued him deeply. He felt a subtle shift in the air, a reminder that even amidst wealth and power, there were always deeper currents at play.But Yura's path didn't lie with the nobles, at least not yet. His feet itched to move, his curiosity guiding him through the bustling streets once more. He had seen the core of wealth, and now, perhaps it was time to return to the more grounded parts of the town."There's so much to this city," Yura mused as he turned away from the looming castle, his steps carrying him back toward the lively marketplaces. "More than wealth, more than power—there's history, struggle, and something deeper. I'll need to explore more."As he ventured once again into the heart of Fyora Liandra, the hum of the city wrapped around him, inviting him to uncover its secrets.As Yura returned to the lively heart of the market, the vibrant hum of commerce filled the air. He soon spotted a dwarf with a robust build, his stall brimming with an array of metals and ores. The dwarf's thick beard and twinkling eyes gave him an air of both expertise and amiability."What's the news, friend?" Yura called out, his curiosity piqued by the glittering display."Ah, good morning, lad!" The dwarf greeted with a hearty chuckle. "You're lookin' at the finest refined ores and ingots this side of the kingdom. Care to have a look?"Yura smiled, shaking his head. "I'm more of a seller than a buyer at the moment."The dwarf's gaze fell to Yura's modest backpack. "Aye, I see that. Not much to show for it, eh? Though, I gotta say, that pack seems a bit light. Got somethin' to trade?""I do indeed," Yura replied, pulling out a small, well-secured bundle. "I've got 170 refined iron ores."The dwarf's eyes widened with interest. "170, ye say? Quite the haul! Though, from the look of these, they're a tad crude. Also, you've got one of them fancy subspace pockets, don't you?"Yura shrugged with a playful grin. "Not a mage, just a bit of magic on my gear."The dwarf laughed heartily. "Well, I reckon that's a story for another day. So, what's the price for these ores?"Yura raised an eyebrow. "What's your offer?"The dwarf scratched his beard, contemplating. "Hmm, how about 30 gold coins?"Yura shook his head, amusement dancing in his eyes. "I'd say 50 gold coins, considering the quality."The dwarf guffawed, shaking his head. "50 gold, for 170 crudely refined ores? You've got some nerve, lad."Yura grinned. "Alright, alright. Let's meet in the middle. How does 35 gold sound?""Fair enough!" The dwarf exclaimed, extending his hand. "You've got a deal, then."As Yura received his payment, he couldn't help but ponder the local currency system. He spotted a passerby, a young woman with a basket of fruits, and decided to inquire."Excuse me," Yura began, his tone polite, "could you tell me how the currency works around here?"The woman smiled kindly. "Of course! Here, 100 copper coins make 1 silver coin, and 100 silver coins equal 1 gold coin. We also have platinum coins worth 1,000 gold coins, and the rare Royal Diamond coins, which are worth 10,000 platinum coins."Yura's eyes widened in surprise. "That's quite a system! It certainly puts things into perspective.""Indeed," the woman chuckled. "We have a saying here: 'Fortune is as much about knowing the worth of things as it is about wealth.'""Thank you for the explanation," Yura said, nodding appreciatively. "I'll keep that in mind."As he walked away, Yura marveled at the intricate economy of the city. The vibrant market, with its mix of bustling trades and rich diversity, painted a vivid picture of a place where both wealth and wisdom flowed in equal measure. "Quite a system they've got here," Yura mused, his thoughts already turning to the next adventure awaiting him in this bustling, multifaceted city.Night had fallen over Fyora Liandra, and the bustling streets had quieted down, giving way to the softer sounds of evening. Yura's stomach rumbled in protest, reminding him that he needed to find a place to stay for the night. He scoured the streets until he found a modest tavern with an attached inn—a beacon of warmth and light amidst the encroaching darkness.The interior of the tavern was a cacophony of noise and activity. People of all kinds—humans, beastmen, and other races—were packed into the space, their voices rising and falling in a chaotic symphony. The smell of hearty stews, roasted meats, and ale filled the air, mingling with the scent of tobacco smoke. Laughter and arguments blended together, creating a lively but somewhat raucous atmosphere.As Yura entered, he was immediately approached by a woman with a playful glint in her eye. "What about a beer, hun? Just one for the road?" she asked with a flirtatious smile."No thanks, miss," Yura replied with a polite shake of his head. "I'm just here to find a place to stay for the night."The woman pouted playfully but then gestured toward the bar. "Suit yourself. If you change your mind, I'll be around."As Yura approached the bar, a gruff voice called out over the din, "Food, beer, or lodging? What'll it be?""A room for the night," Yura replied.The barkeep, a burly man with a bushy beard, nodded and gestured to a small ledger. "One room for the night will be 2 silver coins."Yura handed over the silver coins. The barkeep took them with a nod and handed him a key with a small wooden tag. "Upstairs, last door on the right. Enjoy your stay."With a nod of thanks, Yura took the key and made his way to the room. As he entered, he found a modest but comfortable space with a neatly made bed and a small window that looked out onto the street below. He tossed his small backpack onto a chair and flopped onto the bed, stretching out with a contented sigh.Through the window, Yura could see the bustling life of the tavern continuing below. Drunken men staggered out into the night, their boisterous laughter and occasional shouts mixing with the sounds of women's laughter. The scene outside was a vivid reminder of the town's vibrancy and energy.He reached into his inventory to check his items and account for the transactions of the day.INVENTORY 24 SLOTS:3 Brown Bear Hides6 Direwolf Hides8 Magnificent Deer Antlers1 Twin-Headed Direwolf's HeadHardwood Bows x5Iron PickaxeIron Shovel34 Gold Coins98 Silver CoinsSmall Backpack:Vial Pouch (9 Healing Vials)


As he reviewed his inventory and adjusted his gold and silver count, Yura reflected on the day's events. The bustling markets, the lively tavern, and the diverse array of people had all added layers to his understanding of Fyora Liandra. He felt a sense of excitement for what the next day would bring.With a contented yawn, Yura settled into bed, the rhythmic sounds of the tavern below lulling him toward sleep. "Tomorrow will be another day of exploration and discovery," he thought. "Let's see what other adventures await in this fascinating city."