
Nocturne's Destiny

In a world ravaged by war and disease, Nocturne follows the journey of Damian Noctis, a sixteen-year-old boy struggling to navigate a reality where humanity's numbers have dwindled drastically due to conflict over limited resources. As the population shrinks from billions to a mere 2.8 million, Damian finds himself caught in a web of loss, mystery, and newfound powers. Damian's life takes a devastating turn when his father vanishes without a trace, leaving behind a void that's further exacerbated by his bedridden mother, who suffers from the enigmatic "Eclipsis Disease." This affliction, shrouded in intrigue, has claimed countless lives, including that of a car driver who collides with Damian, an accident that miraculously spares Damian's life. Hospitalized and on the brink of homelessness due to his mother's lack of insurance, Damian's world spirals further into chaos. As he limps back to his apartment on a rainy day, he's haunted by memories of his father's disappearance and the bittersweet promise he made to return. Resentment towards his father grows, echoed by the poignant quote: "He took his love away twice—once as a father, and then as a husband." In the midst of his struggles, Damian's life takes an unexpected turn. Unconscious on his apartment floor, he experiences a surreal encounter—a voice that resonates with familiarity, guiding him to revelations about his true heritage. Damian's father, confessing from beyond the grave, discloses a secret that shatters Damian's perception of reality: his father was a vampire from another world who escaped to forge a new life with Damian's mother. The message continues, revealing that Damian's own powers are awakening—hinting at the emergence of his vampiric lineage. A carefully devised system, established by his father, promises to aid Damian as he navigates these newfound abilities. With cryptic hints about evolution and becoming a vampire, Damian's father leaves him with a singular directive: absolute secrecy, even from his own mother. As Damian awakens, lying on the floor, he utters a bewildered "wtf?" His journey unfolds in a captivating way, intertwining themes of loss, self-discovery, and the intricate layers of a post-apocalyptic world. As Damian grapples with his past, unravels his father's secrets, and learns to wield his nascent powers, he becomes a symbol of resilience in a world on the brink of transformation. The tale invites readers to join Damian as he confronts his destiny and uncovers the truth that can shape the fate of humanity itself.

Joe_6676 · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: Whispers of Rain

Raindrops danced on the cracked pavement, the rhythm of their gentle patter a stark contrast to the turmoil that had swept across the world. In the heart of this storm-ravaged city, Damian Noctis hobbled along the dimly lit street, his body weary from the day's hardships and just having finished a grueling day at school.

Sixteen-year-old Damian had grown up amidst the relentless struggle for survival that defined this era of humanity's decline. The war that had engulfed nations, fueled by the scarcity of resources, had culled the human population from its once-bountiful billions to a mere 2.8 million. The dwindling numbers were broadcasted in stark digits on a live billboard above him, a reminder of the world's stark reality.

Damian's life took a devastating turn when his father vanished without a trace, leaving behind a void that was further exacerbated by his bedridden mother, who suffered from the enigmatic "Eclipsis Disease."

His father's absence still gnawed at his heart. The memory of their last meeting replayed in his mind, the words etched deep within his memory. "Son, I have to go, but I'll be back. I promise you. Tell your mother I love her." At five, he had not comprehended the weight of those words. Now, at sixteen, he felt the weight of their unanswered promises.

And then there was his mother, bedridden and consumed by the very disease that had gripped the world. Eclipsis, they called it—a name that held both fear and despair. It had robbed countless families of their loved ones, taken mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters, leaving behind a trail of pain and unanswered questions.

Damian's thoughts were interrupted as a sharp horn blared, and the screeching of tires filled the air. A car careened towards him, its driver's seat ominously empty. Time seemed to slow as the vehicle collided with Damian's fragile form, his body thrown aside like a ragdoll.

Blackness embraced him, his consciousness slipping away like sand through his fingers.

Distant voices murmured, merging with the soft beeping of machines. Slowly, Damian's eyes fluttered open, the sterile whiteness of the hospital room blinding against his senses. He attempted to move, a sharp pain jolting through his body, a grim reminder of the accident.

"You're awake!" a voice exclaimed, a doctor hurrying to his bedside. "You've been through quite an ordeal. We were honestly amazed you survived that crash."

The doctor's words washed over him as Damian tried to make sense of his surroundings. He caught fragments of conversation—talk of organ shortages, desperate patients, and the cold reality of a world that had forsaken empathy for survival.

Damian's heart sank as he realized the impending doom that awaited him. His mother's lack of insurance had sealed his fate. The doctor's expression hardened, and Damian knew he was about to be thrust into the rain again, his injuries and his grief pitted against the cold harshness of the world outside.

As he limped out of the hospital, the rain continued its gentle assault, a symphony of drops that seemed to mimic his own internal turmoil. His mother's illness, his father's abandonment, the car crash—all swirling together in a maelstrom of despair.

Collapsing onto his apartment floor, his breath ragged and his body battered, Damian felt the abyss of his existence looming. It was then that a memory stirred—a fragment of his past, a father's voice that had haunted his dreams for years.

"Son, I have to go, but I'll be back. I promise you."

He had believed that promise had been broken, but as darkness threatened to engulf him once more, another voice emerged, a whisper that carried the weight of secrets yet to be unveiled.

And in the midst of his unconsciousness, a voice murmured, "...This message is will be over quickly so pay attention. When you wake up, don't tell anyone that you heard my voice. This must be kept a secret. Not even your mother must know this."

Confusion mingled within Damian and he uttered a single word that echoed throughout his mind, a sentiment that encapsulated his disbelief and newfound intrigue.

"What the fuck?"

Damian nonetheless continued listening to the voice speaking sounded familiar.