
Nobody Saves Me

Jiang Yao, a hothouse girl, baby bump, grew up under the care of everyone around her. Until he was accidentally involved in a different-dimensional death game. She is a tool person, a stepping stone, and a scapegoat. After three narrow escapes, Jiang Yao finally understood—this is a worse world. The train that must get off within two minutes after opening the door, the swan song of the thorn bird, the evil god who sold his soul, the body parts sealed for a limited time, the collapsed room... She proved in one copy after another that she can not only survive from adversity , can also stand up and call the shots. The newcomer cried: "I just had a sister in the dungeon, it was so scary, she actually chopped off my hand to lure the monster..." The old man went berserk: "I'm going to Jiang Yangyang, who is a damn dog day!! Lure the monster to Lao Tzu Why don't you fucking die—" A man wearing a mask walked by in Jifeigoujump, and the victims' eyes lit up, and they plopped to their knees. Crying and howling: "Captain Fu, help!!!" Fu Xing: "..." He looked at the girl who was checking the ranking in front of the leaderboard. Jiang Yao quickly looked back, grinning and showing him a big heart. The pink lips opened and closed silently. ——Come and kill me~ ——Love you~ * Guidelines for eating: 1. Three black chemical overlord heroines VS old player moral guard double-standard male protagonists; 2. Age difference of 10, spanning 3.33 generation gaps XD; 3. Survival first, love second;

Ramonovel · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 6 Open the door, please get out of the car (6)

The back of the neck pulls the nerve like a broken neck, and the pain and consciousness return together.

        I don't know what's going on around here, the sound is getting louder and harsher, making people's brains hurt.

        A red light gradually glowed in the pitch-black field of vision, and the thick eyelashes trembled, opening a crack.

        Jiang Yao woke up and found that he was lying on the upright seat, and his neck was bent for an unknown amount of time, and it was sore and painful.

        She held her neck and sat up slowly.

        Li Guang was still at the position next to her, but now he was standing there, looking in one direction with a solemn expression, without even noticing that she had woken up.

        The woman's cry and the man's rebuke finally came into his ears clearly.

        "You let my wife go, I'll go, can't I go?!"

        "Please, my daughter is only five years old, she can't live without a mother!"

        "Are you still human—"

        Jiang Yao suddenly woke up.

        She was conspired by the young man with glasses, she must have been knocked out, and she lost consciousness for such a long time, I don't know what time it is.

        Thinking of this, she couldn't sit still for a moment, and immediately stood up, looking over the people standing or sitting in front of her, and precisely landed on the red timer.

        The carriage was dim, but the numbers on the timer became more and more vivid.


        There are only five minutes until the door opens!

        Looking at the chaos ahead, Tu Sen turned his back to her, and three other men grabbed a boy and a girl from a family of four and an old woman with gray hair respectively. A group of people squeezed into the intersection of the No. 22 and No. 23 cars. , Across the door is a monster with a ferocious face ready to go.

        In the red light, the ax was covered with scabs of blood, and the parts that were not covered were shimmering coldly, and the calves of the people watching were shaking.

        It seems that the bait plan has already begun to be implemented.

        She got up very loudly, Li Guangchu's eyes looked a little guilty, but in an instant they were more determined and unquestionable.

        He firmly grasped Jiang Yao's hand, not giving her a chance to run around. Seeing her red eyes, he exerted a little more force on his hand, and said in a low voice, "Don't talk, the door will open soon. This matter will be over after getting off the car!"

        Jiang Yao didn't want to listen to what he said, she was angry with Tu Sen, Li Guang, and even herself, her mouth smelled of rust.

        "Brother Li Guang, this is killing people up front—"

        Before he could finish speaking, Li Guang covered her mouth tightly in panic.

        "Don't talk, look at what that man has in his hand, he has a gun! That's a real desperado, be obedient, or I won't care about you!" Jiang Yao's mouth was blocked, and he couldn't say anything

        . Just try to break his hand.

        Li Guang took a breath, he didn't expect Jiang Yao's hands to be so strong, he almost let her break free, and he was afraid that Tu Sen would take the knife regardless of seeing this scene, and after narrowly stabilizing him, he quickly greeted come to help.

        Jiang Yao was imprisoned by two people, and soon stopped struggling, and subdued with big red eyes, signaling that they had something to say.

        But how could Li Guang and the others dare to relax? Although they had never met before and they only spent a few hours together, Jiang Yao really contributed a lot to their survival without any danger.

        People's hearts are not made of stone, if they can keep this little girl, they must do their best.

        Li Guang didn't let go, but coaxed her in her ear: "Listen to me, that monster can't be killed. Just when the monster first appeared this time, Tu Sen had already tried it, and even a gun couldn't kill him, so This road won't work."

        The gun couldn't kill him...

        Jiang Yao, who was struggling , was stunned. Can't you kill me?

        Seeing her softening, Li Guang took advantage of the victory and pursued: "There is no way out. Someone has to sacrifice. What can you do now? And what does this have to do with us? We didn't do anything! Look again Others, everyone didn't move, what's the point of you being a girl?"

        The carriage was full of people, except for the few people who were selected, everyone else sat obediently, and they really didn't express any opinions.

        Just as Li Guang said, everyone thinks the same way, it's not me who did the evil, and I have a chance to survive, so why bother with me?

        But at this moment, Jiang Yao broke away vigorously, with a thin voice full of dissatisfaction: "Pushing people out as bait is not a sacrifice, it is violent coercion and intentional killing!" She is weak and incompetent, but she doesn't want to carry her life on her back Effortlessly survive!

        "Obviously I can think of a way, if I'm awake, I can definitely think of a way—"

        Her voice was hoarse, but she thought of something in the next second, and grabbed Li Guang's clothes tightly.

        "It's still too late, we don't want to get out of the car when we open the door, okay?!"

        She kept tightening her fingers, and even pulled out two holes in Li Guang's clothes.

        "This carriage can still protect us for more than three hours. Brother Li Guang, you believe me, I can figure out a solution during this time. Can you tell Brother Glasses not to do this?!" Li Guang looked at her beggingly

        . It made his nose feel astringent, but now he has the final say on where the arrow is coming from, not to mention he can't afford to take the risk...

        In the end he shook his head firmly and covered Jiang Yao's mouth tightly.

        "I regard you as my own sister, so this time, you must listen to me." "

        Think about the mother who packs you snacks every day, she must hope that you will not mind your own business and get off the bus safely."

        The last sixty minutes before arriving at the station Second.

        Jiang Yao watched helplessly as a mother took one last look at her controlled child, and rushed out of the car with another man pointed at a gun, one head at a time.

        Tu Sen's accomplices barely closed the door, and one of the glass doors was immediately sprayed with blood, but there was no scream outside the door.

        And when the monster on this side jumped over the No. 22 car to go to the other side, the third "victim" was pushed out of the door again, and ran wildly just to last a while.

        The little girl who witnessed her mother's death cried out in horror. A few seconds later, her father was also pushed out the door before he could coax her one last time.

        When the last victim ran to the No. 16 car alive, the music finally sounded.

        "Ding ding ding ding~~"

        "Ping An Town in another dimension has arrived, and the door has been opened. Passengers who arrive at the station, please get off in time." A

        dazzling green light was lit outside the door on one side, and everyone held their breath and looked intently , about in the No. 27 carriage.

        Everyone was overjoyed, it happened to be the opposite direction!

        The inner door leading to the No. 27 carriage opened, and Tu Sen said good luck in his heart, and rushed out the door first.

        The people who had already prepared rushed forward like a tide.

        The deal is done.

        Li Guang and Datou finally let her go and pushed her, "Quick! Run!"

        Jiang Yao numbly pushed forward along the flow of people.

        It wasn't until the little girl's heart-piercing cry changed that she woke up from the torrent of confusion.

        The scene that Tu Sen had expected appeared, the crowd was crowded and anxious, and the stampede happened as scheduled.

        The little girl who had no strength fell down first, and then she stumbled one by one, and those who had already fallen could no longer stand up.

        Jiang Yao tried to pull the little girl up, but the people behind her couldn't allow her to stop , seeing her slow down, she even directly grabbed her clothes and pulled her back.

        "Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Don't get in the way!"

        The time to get out of the car is only two minutes, and any second of delay may lead to irreversible results.

        Everyone rushed forward like crazy, completely ignoring whether they were stepping on their former compatriots.

        When Li Guang and the others found out that Jiang Yao was behind, there were already three or five people staggered between them.

        "Sister! Reach out!"

        Li Guang roared, wanting to turn around and grab someone, but before he could reach out, he saw a huge ax being swung by the end of the team, and the stumps flew around in an instant.

        The monster that was supposed to be in carriage 16 teleported to carriage 23!

        He shrank his fingers, and seeing the people behind rushing forward frantically, pushing the unbalanced Jiang Yao further away, his heart also shrank.

        That's too late.

        He turned his face away with red eyes, and plunged into the team in front of him.

        It's not that he doesn't want to save him, it's that it's really too late.

        When Jiang Yao fell, the huge ax barely brushed past her ear, cutting off the man who just pulled her down and tried to squeeze forward.

        Blood gushed out like a fountain, spilling all over her head and face.

        In the nick of time, the desire to survive made her explode with unprecedented strength. Instead of standing up, she grabbed the monster's feet on the spot, and tried her best to slip backwards through the monster's groin.

        The monster missed with an axe, stepped back and was about to give the unremarkable ant another fatal blow, but Jiang Yao, who had already circled behind the monster, fled without turning around.

        She didn't dare to open the distance, and knew that the distance she opened was not enough to survive, so she narrowed her distance with the monster again, clung to its back, and stuck to it firmly.

        Since she has learned rock climbing for three years and is still a hobby now, her hand strength is not bad, and her toes are also skillfully borrowed from the monster's legs, and the monster can't shake her off for a while.

        hold onto!

        Jiang Yao bit the tip of his tongue and continued to exert force, the blood on the eyelids wet the eyelashes, and almost rolled into the eyeballs.

        Her eyes were blood red, and there were heart-piercing cries and screams all around her.

        The monster gave up shaking off the bedbug on its back, and chased all the way to the No. 27 car, brandishing an axe.

        The mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, the stench soared to the sky.

        The way of life is so close to her, yet so far away, the door closes little by little before Jiang Yao's eyes, and finally it fits perfectly.

        After four seconds, the red light faded and the monster disappeared.

        Jiang Yao was exhausted and fell straight to the ground.

        There was a ding-dong sound in the ear, and the broadcast heard when entering the venue was played repeatedly.

        "Dear passengers, welcome to take this train."

        "This train is 1,729 kilometers one-way, and travels round-trip at a speed of 196 kilometers per hour." "

        Every time you stop at a station for two minutes, a door will be opened randomly at each stop." Passengers getting off, please get ready."

        Jiang Yao propped up her body in a pool of blood, and a drop of blood that hadn't condensed rolled down from her eyelids.

        The dead and silent carriage was full of devastation.

        She stayed there for a while, then staggered to her feet, shaking her hands to turn over the closest middle-aged woman who was in good health.

        "Auntie, auntie, are you still alive?"

        The other party was silent.

        "Sister, sister, wake up."

        "Uncle, can you get up..."

        She rolled over one by one, and when she came across the frozen corpses in carriage 21, her footsteps stopped suddenly, and she was limp. ground, sobbing.

        "Don't do this..."

        "I'm so scared..."